1 - A3 CMC Assignment-2

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A3 Thinking

Stefano Frecassetti

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

What you are talking about.
Background Recommendations/
Why are you talking about it? Countermeasures

What is your proposed

Problem breakdown - Current
Where do we stand?
Check/ Confirmation of effect
→What’s the problem?
Goal Where we need to be? What activities will be required for
implementation and who will be
What is the specific change you want responsible for what and when?
to accomplish now?

Root Cause Analysis

- What is the root cause(s) of the Follow – up actions
How we will know if the actions have
the impact needed? What remaining
issues can be anticipated?

It’s your turn!
Community Medical Case

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox
Background and
Breakdown – Current situation

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Breakdown – Current situation

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Background and Breakdown

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox
Goal Statement

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox
Root Cause Analysis

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox
Implementation Plan

STOP: draw an implementation plan, detailing

timing and responsibilities

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox
Monitor results and process

STOP: daw a description of results achieved and

compare them to the target.

Draw also a description of how the new process is

going, and how the improvement process is going
(change management)

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox
Standardise and share

STOP: draw a description of how to arrive to the

last achieved results.

Draw also a description of additional actions to

improve what still does not meet target

Improvement and Innovation Toolbox

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