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Ibrahim Hazar Aytulun (230AMB006)

In this report we are going to talk about separate ways to flow measurement.
Flow measurement refers to determining how
much liquid flows through a channel or pipe
within a given duration. It is an important process
in numerous fields such as chemical processing,
oil and gas transportation, food production, etc.
Precise measurement of liquid flow allows for
efficient operations that translate to cost savings.
Flow measuring devices are chosen depending on
both application requirements and fluid
A primitive (but fairly accurate)
We limit our consideration to incompressible flow. way of measuring the flow rate of
Some flowmeters measure the flow rate directly by water through a garden hose
involves collecting water in a
discharging and recharging a measuring chamber bucket and recording the collection of
known volume continuously and keeping track of time. the
number of discharges per unit time. But most
flowmeters measure the flow rate indirectly—they
measure the average velocity V or a quantity that is related to average velocity such as
pressure and drag, and determine the volume flow rate V from
V̇ = V Ac
where Ac is the cross-sectional area of flow. Therefore, measuring the flowrate is
usually done by measuring flow velocity, and most flowmeters are simply velocimeters
used for the purpose of metering flow. The velocity in a pipe varies from zero at the
wall to a maximum at the centre, and it is important to keep this in mind when
taking velocity measurements. For laminar flow, for example, the average velocity is
half the centreline velocity. But this is not the case in turbulent flow, and it may be
necessary to take the weighted average of several local velocity measurements to
determine the average velocity.

Types of Liquid Flow Measurement Techniques

There are several techniques for measuring liquid flow, including differential pressure
flow measurement, velocity flow measurement, positive displacement flow
measurement, and mass flow measurement. These techniques include:
 Pitot and Pitot-Static Probes
 Obstruction Flowmeters: Orifice, Venturi, and Nozzle Meters
 Positive Displacement Flowmeters
 Turbine Flowmeters
 Variable-Area Flowmeters (Rotameters)
 Ultrasonic Flowmeters
 Electromagnetic Flowmeters
 Vortex Flowmeters
 Thermal (Hot-Wire and Hot-Film) Anemometers
 Laser Doppler Velocimetry
 Particle Image Velocimetry
1. Pitot and Pitot-Static Probes
A Pitot probe is just a tube with a pressure tap at the stagnation point that measures
stagnation pressure, while a Pitot-static probe has both a stagnation pressure taps, and
several circumferential static pressures taps, and it measures both stagnation and static
The Pitot-static probe measures local velocity by measuring the pressure difference in
conjunction with the Bernoulli equation. It consists of a slender double tube aligned
with the flow and connected to a differential pressure meter. The inner tube is fully
open to flow at the nose, and thus it measures the stagnation pressure at that location
(point 1). The outer tube is sealed at the nose, but it has holes on the side of the outer
wall (point 2) and thus it measures the static pressure. For incompressible flow with
sufficiently high velocities (so that the frictional effects between points 1 and 2 are

(a) A Pitot probe

measures stagnation
pressure at the nose of
the probe, while (b) a
Pitot-static probe
measures both stagnation
pressure and static
pressure, from which
the flow speed can
be calculated.

The Pitot-static probe is a simple, inexpensive, and exceptionally reliable device since it
has no moving parts. It also causes very small pressure drop and usually does not
disturb the flow appreciably.

2. Obstruction Flowmeters: Orifice, Venturi, and Nozzle Meters

Obstruction flowmeters, such as orifice, venturi, and nozzle meters, are devices used to
measure the rate of fluid flow in pipes. They work on the principle of creating a
constriction in the flow path, which causes a pressure drop across the obstruction. By
measuring this pressure drop, the flow rate can be determined.

Flowmeters based on this principle are called

obstruction flowmeters and are widely used to
measure flow rates of gases and liquids.

Flow through a constriction in a pipe.

3. Positive Displacement Flowmeters
The total amount of mass or volume of a fluid that passes
through a cross section of a pipe over a certain period of
time rather than the instantaneous value of flow rate, and
positive displacement flowmeters are well suited for
such applications. There are numerous types of
displacement meters, and they are based on continuous
filling and discharging of the measuring chamber. They
A positive displacement flowmeter operate by trapping a certain amount of incoming fluid,
with double helical three-lobe displacing it to the discharge side of the meter, and
impeller design. counting the number of such discharge–recharge cycles to
determine the total amount of fluid displaced.
They are ideal for measuring viscous fluids, such as oils, because their accuracy is not
affected by changes in fluid viscosity or density. They are ideal for measuring viscous
fluids, such as oils, because their accuracy is not affected by changes in fluid viscosity
or density.

4. Turbine flowmeters
Turbine flowmeters are devices used to measure the flow
rate of liquids or gases in a pipe. They work by using a
rotor with turbine blades that are positioned perpendicular
to the flow. As the fluid passes through the meter, it
rotates the blades, which in turn rotate a shaft connected to
a sensor that measures the speed of rotation. The rate of
rotation is directly proportional to the velocity of the fluid,
and the meter can then calculate the flow rate based on
A close-up view of the turbine this velocity measurement.
blades inside the flowmeter, They are sensitive to changes in fluid viscosity and
looking down the axis with
flow into the page. density, which can affect their accuracy.

5. Variable-Area Flowmeters (Rotameters)

Variable-Area Flowmeters, commonly known as Rotameters, are
mechanical flow meters used to measure the flow rate of fluids or gases
in pipes. They consist of a tapered tube with a float inside that rises as
the fluid or gas flows upward. The height of the float is directly
proportional to the flow rate, and a scale on the outside of the tube is
used to read the flow rate. Rotameters are simple, dependable, and low-
cost, but have limited accuracy at low flow rates and are susceptible to
damage from high-pressure and high-temperature fluids.

6. Ultrasonic Flowmeters (a) an ordinary gravity-

based meter and (b) a
Ultrasonic flowmeters operate on this principle, using sound waves spring-opposed meter
in the ultrasonic range (typically at a frequency of 1 MHz).
Ultrasonic (or acoustic) flowmeters operate by generating sound waves with a
transducer and measuring the propagation of those waves through a flowing fluid.
There are two basic kinds of ultrasonic flowmeters: transit time and Doppler -effect (or
frequency shift) flowmeters.
The transit time flowmeter transmits sound
waves in the upstream and downstream
directions and measures the difference in travel

The operation of a transit time ultrasonic

flowmeter equipped with two transducers.

Doppler-Effect Ultrasonic Flowmeters
Doppler-effect ultrasonic flowmeters measure
the average flow velocity along the sonic
path. This is done by clamping a piezoelectric
transducer on the outside surface of a pipe (or
pressing the transducer against the pipe for
handheld units). The transducer transmits a
sound wave at a fixed frequency through the
pipe wall and into the flowing liquid. The
waves reflected by impurities, such as
The operation of a Doppler-effect ultrasonic suspended solid particles or entrained
flowmeter equipped with a transducer pressed
on the outer surface of a pipe. gas bubbles, are related to a receiving
transducer. The change in the frequency of the
reflected waves is proportional to the flow velocity, and a microprocessor determines
the flow velocity by comparing the frequency shift between the transmitted and
reflected signals. The flow rate and the total amount of flow can also be determined
using the measured velocity by properly configuring the flowmeter for the given pipe
and flow conditions.

7. Electromagnetic Flowmeters
A full-flow electromagnetic flowmeter is a nonintrusive device that con-sists of
a magnetic coil that encircles the pipe, and two electrodes drilled into the pipe along a
diameter flush with the inner surface of the pipe so that the electrodes are in contact
with the fluid but do not interfere with the flow and thus do not cause any head
loss. The coils generate a magnetic field when subjected to electric current,
and the voltmeter measures the electric potential difference between the electrodes. This
potential difference is proportional to the flow velocity of the conducting fluid, and thus
the flow velocity can be calculated by relating it to the voltage generated.

Insertion electromagnetic flowmeters operate similarly, but the magnetic field is

confined within a flow channel at the tip of a rod inserted into the flow.
(a) Full-flow and (b) insertion
electromagnetic flowmeters

8. Vortex Flowmeters
This suggests that the flow rate can be determined by generating vortices in the flow by
placing an obstruction along the flow and measuring the shedding frequency. The flow
measurement devices that work on this principle are called vortex flowmeters.
The Strouhal number, defined as St = fd/V, where f is the vortex shed-ding frequency, d
is the characteristic diameter or width of the obstruction, and V  is the velocity of the
flow impinging on the obstruction, also remains constant in this case, provided that
the flow velocity is high enough.

The vortex flowmeter has the advantage that

it has no moving parts and thus is inherently
dependable, versatile, and exactly accurate
(usually ±1 percent over a wide range of
flow rates), but it obstructs flow and thus
causes considerable head loss.

The operation of a vortex flowmeter.

9. Thermal (Hot-Wire and Hot-Film) Anemometers

Thermal anemometers involve an electrically heated sensor and utilize a thermal effect
to measure flow velocity.
Thermal anemometers have extremely small sensors, and thus they can be used to
measure the instantaneous velocity at any point in the flow without appreciably
disturbing the flow.
They can measure velocities in liquids and gases accurately over a wide range—from a
few centimetres to over a hundred meters per second.

A thermal anemometer is called a hot-wire

anemometer if the sensing element is a wire, and a
hot-film anemometer if the sensor is a thin metallic
film (less than 0.1 µm thick) mounted usually on a
relatively thick ceramic support having a diameter of
about 50 µm.

The electrically heated sensor and its support

of a hot-wire probe.

10. Laser Doppler Velocimetry

Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), also called laser velocimetry (LV) or laser Doppler
anemometry (LDA), is an optical technique to measure flow velocity at any desired
point without disturbing the flow. Unlike thermal anemometry, LDV involves no probes
or wires inserted into the flow, and thus it is a nonintrusive method. Like thermal
anemometry, it can accurately measure velocity at a very small volume, and thus it can
also be used to study the details of flow at a locality, including turbulent fluctuations,
and it can be traversed through the entire flow field without intrusion.

A dual-beam LDV
system in forward
scatter mode.

In LDV, a laser
beam is
focused on a small volume within the fluid, and the scattered light is collected by a
detector. The frequency shift of the scattered light is proportional to the velocity of the
fluid particles, and by measuring this frequency shift, the velocity of the fluid can be
11. Particle Image Velocimetry
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is a double-pulsed laser technique used to measure the
instantaneous velocity distribution in a plane of flow by photographically determining
the displacement of particles in the plane during a very short time interval. Unlike
methods like hot-wire anemometry and LDV that measure velocity at a point, PIV
provides velocity values simultaneously throughout an entire cross section, and thus it is
a whole-field technique. PIV combines the accuracy of LDV with the capability of flow
visualization and provides instantaneous flow field mapping. The entire instantaneous
velocity profile at a cross section of pipe, for example, can be obtained with a single
PIV measurement. A PIV system can be viewed as a camera that can take a snapshot of
velocity distribution at any desired plane in a flow. Ordinary flow visualization gives a
qualitative picture of the details of flow. PIV also provides an accurate quantitative
description of various flow quantities such as the velocity field, and thus the capability
to analyze the flow numerically using the velocity data provided.

A PIV system to study flame stabilization.

By analysing the images, PIV software can determine the velocity vectors of the
particles and therefore the fluid flow. This allows for visualization of the fluid flow
patterns and measurements of velocity, acceleration, and turbulence.

A three-dimensional PIV system setup to study the

mixing of an air jet with cross duct flow.
Liquid flow measurement is a crucial aspect of industrial processes, allowing industries
to optimize their processes, improve product quality, and reduce waste. In this report,
we have discussed the different methods and devices used for liquid flow measurement,
including their advantages, disadvantages, and applications.
Differential pressure flowmeters, positive displacement flowmeters, turbine flowmeters,
electromagnetic flowmeters, and ultrasonic flowmeters are the most common methods
for liquid flow measurement. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and
the selection of the appropriate method depends on various factors such as the fluid
properties, flow range, accuracy requirements, and cost.
Choosing the right flowmeter is crucial to ensure accurate and reliable flow
measurement. It is essential to understand the different flow measurement techniques
and their suitability for different applications.
Overall, liquid flow measurement is a critical aspect of industrial processes, and
selecting the appropriate flow measurement method can lead to increased efficiency,
productivity, and quality in the production process.

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