MMEL Policy Letter 87r10 FDR

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Federal Aviation


MMEL Policy Letter 87 Revision 10

Date: Aug 10, 2010

To: All Region Flight Standards Division Managers

All Aircraft Evaluation Group Managers

From: Manager, Air Transportation Division, AFS-200

Reply to Attn of: Manager, Technical Programs Branch, AFS-260

SUBJECT: Flight Data Recorder (FDR)


PL-87, Revision 9, dated March 8, 2010
PL-87, Revision 8, dated October 7, 2005
PL-87, Revision 7, dated September 15, 2004
PL-87, Revision 6, dated November 25, 2002
PL-87, Revision 5, dated July 23, 2001
PL-87, Revision 4, dated October 05, 2000
PL-87, Revision 3, dated November 20, 1999
PL-87, Revision 2, dated September 23, 1998
PL-87, Revision 1, dated February 15, 1997
PL-87, Original, dated January 27, 1997
PL-29, Revision 1, dated March 29, 1991

The purpose of this policy letter is to provide standardized Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
requirements for the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) on air carrier aircraft.

Revision 10: Expands and clarifies the sub category for air carrier and commercial certificate

Revision 9: Revised relief for required FDR parameters by allowing only up to three parameters to be

Revision 8: Revised PL 87 is to clarify MMEL relief for those air carriers who have a Flight Recorder
System installed and when not required by FAR. The number required is changed from “1” to “-” for the C
category MMEL item.

Revision 7: Revised PL 87 to provide additional MMEL relief for operators other than holders of an air
carrier or commercial operator certificate.

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Revision 6: Clarifies relief provisions existing for systems when modified with an installed Combined
Voice and Flight Data Recorder (CVFDR).

Revision 5: Revises policy letter provisos to include the intent of the policy letter narrative concerning
FDR failure after pushback or repair attempt.

Revision 4 contains inoperative parameters to be repaired under a hard time requirement. It also clarified
the term "designated airport" and “FDR inoperative dispatch”.

Revision 3 clarifies the intent of the policy stated in Revision 2 by adding an item for FAR required
parameters similar to the existing item for parameters not required by Title 14 Code of Federal
Regulations (14 CFR).

Revision 2 clarifies the intent of policy letter 87, revision 1, and provides for continued use of an FDR with
missing required parameters.

Revision 1 reformats policy letter 87 with no change to policy.

This policy letter was revised in March 1991 as a result of National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
Safety Recommendation A-90-74, which requested the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to require
more stringent repair interval criteria for inoperative Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and FDR systems.
Each system was assigned a category A repair interval, and the related proviso specified repairs be
made within three flight days. The policy granting MMEL relief for the FDR provided the CVR remained
operational remained in effect.

NTSB Safety Recommendation A-96-46 subsequently requested the FAA to further reexamine this policy
to ensure that flight with an inoperative FDR is permitted only until the aircraft's first arrival at a suitable
repair facility, but not to exceed three days.

Recent 14 CFR changes and requirements have placed greater emphasis on FDR functionality and
access to additional parameters. However, the loss of parameters (failures), both those required by 14
CFR and those not required by 14 CFR, is not apparent to the flight crew due to the lack of a visible flight
deck indication. The operational status of these parameters is identified by maintenance program
procedures. Therefore, relief for these parameters is now specified as Category A and must be repaired
within the intervals specified by the MMEL.

In order to maintain maximum FDR capability, if it is determined that a parameter is missing, every effort
should be made to continue to record all available parameters rather than considering the complete flight
data recorder inoperative per MMEL.

The following separate policy has been established for the FDR so that flight with an inoperative recorder
is minimized. The FDR system continues to be assigned a Category A repair interval and repairs remain
required to be made within three flight days.

It is the intent of this policy to ensure that flight with an inoperative FDR is permitted only until the aircraft
arrives at a designated airport. The operator will designate airport(s) which have FDR repair capabilities
in their respective Minimum Equipment List (MEL). These airport(s) may differ from normal maintenance

In cases where FDR failure occurs after pushback but prior to takeoff at a designated airport, continued
operation of the aircraft is allowed to the next designated airport.

In cases where repair is attempted but not successful, the aircraft may be dispatched on a flight or series
of flights to the next designated airport. When a repair attempt is not successful, repair must be
accomplished at the next designated airport.

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On aircraft that have been modified with a CVFDR, where CVFDR replaces the stand alone CVR and
adds redundant FDR functionality, failure of either the Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR), or FDR
function of CVFDR, does not invoke the need to make stops for repairs at designated airports and can be
deferred at the "C" category. Only when all recording is lost, dual FDR failure occurs, or failure of the
digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit, does the "A" category relief need be imposed.

The following standard MMEL proviso and repair category is adopted to provide standardization among
all MMELs.

31 INDICATING / Repair Number Number Remarks or Exceptions

RECORDING SYSTEMS Interval Installed Required
XX-X Flight Data Recorder C - - Any in excess of those required by FAR
(FDR) System may be inoperative.

Includes FDR function

A - 0 May be inoperative provided:
of Combined Voice and
Flight Data Recorder a) Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)
(CVFDR) operates normally,
b) Airplane is not dispatched from a
designated airport as listed in the
operator’s MEL unless:
1. The FDR failure occurs after
pushback but prior to takeoff, or
2. The FDR repair was attempted
but not successful.
c) In those cases where repair is
attempted but not successful, the
aircraft may be dispatched on a
flight or series of flights until the
next designated airport where
repair must be accomplished
prior to dispatch, and
d) Repairs are made within three
flight days.
FDR Recording Parameters A - - Up to three (3) recording parameters may
required by FAR be inoperative provided:
a) Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)
operates normally, and
b) Repairs are made within 20
calendar days.
FDR Recording Parameters A - - May be inoperative provided repairs are
not required by FAR made prior to the completion of the next
heavy maintenance visit.

XX-X Flight Data Recorder C - 1 Any in excess of those required by FAR
(FDR) System may be inoperative.
A - 0 May be inoperative provided repairs are
made in accordance with applicable

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Each Flight Operations Evaluation Board (FOEB) Chairman should apply this Policy to affected MMELs
through the normal FOEB process.

John Duncan Manager,

Air Transportation Division, AFS-200

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