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Radiative Processes: Assignment 3 –

Line processes
Michiel Hogerheijde, Leiden Observatory

Due date: May 21, 2023 (23:59)

Submit only via Brightspace!

1 A quasar absorption spectrum

Quasars are active centers of galaxies that emit extremely bright optical
emission. Their large brightness allows them to be observe at large distances.
In this problem we look at the spectrum observed toward one of these quasars.
This spectrum is shown in Fig. 1. We see a continuum and a number of
emission and absorption lines.

a. The bright emission line marked ’A’ probably orginates from neutral
hydrogen, and its transition between the ground state and the n = 2
level in particular. What is this line called, and what is the wavelength
of this line as measured in the laboratory? (Hint: you can use google
to look up the information you need for this.

b. Hot neutral hydrogen gas emits brightly in the transition referred to

above, while regions with cold neutral hydrogen gas would show an
absorption line. The absorption lines marked ’B’, ’C’, ’D’, and ’E’
originate in sich cold clouds of hydrogen gas that are found along the
line of sight between the quasar and the observer. Calculate the redshift
of these clouds and the redshift of the quasar. (Redshift z is defined as
λ0 = λ(1 + z), where λ is the wavelength of the line at rest and λ0 the
observed wavelength.)

c. Calculate the optical depth of lines ’B’, ’C’, ’D’, and ’E’. Hint: neglect
any contributions of emission of the hydrogen gas to these lines.)

intensity (arbitrary units)



625 650 675 700 725 750 775

wavelength (nm)

Figure 1: Observed spectrum toward the quasar.

d. Calculate the column of hydrogen in each of the clouds that are reson-
sible for the absorption lines ’B’, ’C’, ’D’, and ’E’. This column N
corresponds Rto the integral of the hydrogen density along the line of
sight, N = nds. For this calculation use an Einstein A coefficient
for the spectral line of 6 × 108 s−1 , and approximate the line profile
function as a delta-function.
e. Why are there no absorption lines at a redshift larger than that of the
quasar? And why are there no deep absorption lines with a redshift
very close to that of the quasar?

2 Identifying a molecular line

In this problem we look at a molecular line that is observed at a wavelength
of a few millimeter in the direction of a cold interstellar cloud in the Milky
Way. The line is observed at a frequency of approximately 89.19 GHz and
has a maximum brightness temperature (intensity!) of 0.3 K.
a. Explain why this line is likely to be a rotational transition.
b. We have the following likely candidates for the line (each listed with
their respective rotational constant B, in units of cm−1 ): CO (B=1.9255),

HCO+ (B=1.4875), CS (B=0.8171), and HCN (B=1.4782). Identify
the molecule that is most likely to be responsible for the observed

c. Assume that the excitation of the molecule is in thermodynamic equi-

librium at a temperature of 40 K. Also assume that the line is optically
thin. Calculate the optical depth of the line, if the emitting material
fills the 1000 diameter resolution element (‘beam’) of the telescope.

d. If you make the same assumptions as under part (c), but now assume
that the line is optically thick, calculate the size of the emitting region
relative to the size of the telescope beam.

3 The line profile of an emission line

In this problem we analyse the line profile shape of an emission line that is
observed from a gas shell around a star. The observed profile is shown in
Fig. 2.

a. Astronomers come up with three different scenarios for the geometry

and velocities of the gas shell around the star. These three scenarios are
sketched in Fig. 3. Which of these three scenarios is the most probable
explanation for the observed line profile shape? Provide the arguments
for your choice.

b. Use the information from the observed spectrum to calculate the max-
imum velocity of the emitting material.

c. Estimate the optical depth at the frequency of the line of the gas ele-
ment outlined and marked with ‘A’ in Fig. 3 for the particular scenario
that you selected in question (a).

intensiteit (willekeurige units)

574.0 574.5 575.0 575.5 576.0

golflengte (nm)
Wavelength (nm)
gas schil

Figure 2: Observed
ster spectral line.
Scenario 1 Aarde

gas schil
velocity vector
ster richting
Scenario 1 Aarde
Scenario12 A
to Earth


gas shell
Scenario 2 A
star richting
ster Aarde
Scenario21 to Earth
Scenario 3 A richting


Scenario33 richting
to Earth
Scenario 2 A

Figure 3: Three possible scenarios to explain the observed line profile.


Scenario 3 4 Aarde

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