Assignments Chapter 6 .

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Assignment 6

Student’s name :……………………………..

1. Q: The mathematical relation to compute the energy stored………..

A. E=1/2 CV2
B. E = VC2 /2q
C. E=1/2 μ C2 V
D. E=1/2 C2V
2. Q: --------------is the rate of flow of charge through some region of space.
A. Electric Energy
B. Electric current
C. Electric field
D. Electric Power

3. Q: An ……….. Surrounds any electric charge.

A. Magnetic Poles
B. Magnetic field
C. Electric field
D. Magnetism

Q: Calculate the energy stored in a 27 uF capacitor when it is charged to a

potential of 74 V....

Solution U=1/2CV2 =1/2 x27 x10-6 x(74)2 = 0.074 J =74 mJ

A. 74 mJ
B. 47 mJ
C. 27 J
D. 27 mJ
4. Q: (Electrical Power x time) is equal to………
A. potential difference
B. flow of light
C. flow of heat
D. electric energy

5. Q: Which among the following is a unit for electrical energy?

A. V(volt)
B. KWh(kilowatt-hour)
C. Ohm
D. C(coloumb)
6. Q: The correct definition (mathematical equations) of electric energy ΔU ?
A. ΔU = σL / RA
C. ΔU = I2Vσ
D. ΔU = σA.E

7. Q: Potential difference in electrical terminology is known as………….

a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Resistance
d) Conductance

8. Q: The circuit in which current has a complete path to flow is called ………
a) short
b) open
c) closed
d) open loop

9. Q: -------------- are materials that conduct electrical currents in a very large

percentage, as they are materials with very little resistance, almost non-
existent, and their magnetic field is very large.
A. Semiconductors
B. Superconductors
C. Conductors.
D. Dielectrics.

10.Q: It is difficult for electrical current to pass through the conductor called--
A. Diamagnetic in nature
B. Resistivity(ρ)
C. Current density(J)
D. Conductivity(σ)
11.Q: The direction of current flow is opposite the direction of the flow of ------
A. Electrons
B. Protons
C. Neutrons
D. holes

12.Q: -------- is the total number of charge carriers.

A. Q=nAΔx
B. Q= vA2 x
C. Q= μ A2 v
D. Q=v x2A
13.Q: Current density ----------- is the amount of electrical current passing
through the conductor of a section section (A) .
A. J = nqν
B. J = σE
C. J = qtE
D. Both A and B
14.Q: The ease with which an electrical current passes through a conductor----
A. Diamagnetic in nature
B. Resistivity(ρ)
C. Current density(J)
D. Conductivity(σ)
15.Q: Two different forms (Mathematical equation) of Ohm’s Law ---------.
A. J= nqν, U=∆q∆v
B. J = σE, V=IR
C. J = qtE, V=ItR
D. Both B and C
16.Q:--------------- it is the rate of change of electrical voltage multiplied by the
rate of change of electric charges.
A. Electric Energy (ΔU)
B. Resistivity(ρ)
C. Current density(J)
D. Conductivity(σ)

17.Q:--------------- it is the Electric Energy (ΔU) divided by the changes on the

time of electric charges moves.
a. Electrical Power (ΔP)
b. Resistivity(ρ)
c. Current density(J)
d. Conductivity(σ)

18.Q: Electric field E and current density J are related by J = σ E . What are
the units of conductivity σ?
A. Siemens/m.
B. Siemens.
C. Ohms/m.
D. Ohm.m.

19.Q: Units for electric field strength …………

A. A/cm2
B. mho/meter
C. cm2 /V.s
D. V/cm

20.Q: The correct definition (mathematical equations) of current density?

A. σ = L / RA
C. P= I2V
D. J= σ.E
21.Q: If a light bulb is switched on for 20 s and it consumes 1400 J of electrical
energy then it's power is………
A. 60 W
B. 70 W
C. 80 W
D. 90 W

22.Q: What voltage is needed to cause a 2A current flow through a 100Ω

A. 5V
B. 0.2V
C. 20V
D. 200V

23.Q: If V=4 V, R= 10 Ω ,I-? Put the answer in SI notation ……..

A. 0.004 A
B. 40 mA
C. 0.4 m A
D. 400 mA
24.Q: SI unit of Drift velocity 'vd' is ……..
A. A/m
B. m/sec
C. m/A
D. A/m3

25.Q:--------------- it is the Electric Energy (ΔU) divided by the changes on the

time of electric charges moves.
A. Electrical Power (ΔP)
B. Resistivity(ρ)
C. Current density(J)
D. Conductivity(σ)

26.Q: The equation Jn=qnvd (A/cm2) represents……..

A. Drift current
B. Drift current density
C. Diffusion current
D. Diffusion current density
27.Q: Electric field and current density are related by E = ρJ . What are the
units of resistivity?
A. Siemens/m.
B. Siemens-m.
C. Ohms/m.
D. Ohm.m.

28.Q: Watt is equal to ……

A. one joule per second
B. one meter per second
C. one ampere per second
D. one farad per second

29.Q: Which among the following is a unit for electrical energy?

A. V(volt)
B. kWh(kilowatt-hour)
C. Ohm
D. C(coloumb)

30.Q: Out of the following, which one is not a source of electrical energy?
A. Solar cell
B. Battery
C. Potentiometer
D. Generator
31.Q: Calculate the energy dissipated by the circuit in 50 seconds.

A. 50J
B. 50KJ
C. 100j
D. 100kJ
Here V = 100 and R = 10. Power in the circuit= V2/R = 1002/10 = 1000W.
Energy= Pt= 1000*50 = 50000J = 50kJ.

32.Q: Which among the following is an expression for energy?

A. V2It
B. V2Rt
C. V2t/R
D. V2t2/R

hence E=Pt = V2t/R

33.Q: Calculate the energy stored in a 10 F capacitor when it is charged to 100

34.Q1:Calculate the energy stored in a 10 F capacitor when it is charged to 100 V.
E=1/2 CV2=50 mJ

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