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The house believes that patriotism is destructive to international relations.

Speaker 1

Thank you, Honourable judges, members of the government team, members of the opposing
team. I greet you today with full respect of your ideas and rationalities. Before we start with
our notion today, let us establish a common ground.

From Oxford English Dictionary, Patriotism is defined as

the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country. So
in this regard, whenever we talk about patriotism, we are talking about the spirit and
the devotion of people in supporting one’s own country.

For the context of todays’ debate, we would like to focus the meaning of patriotism to
“excessive patriotism”.

The second word that I would like to define is the word destructive.

From the Oxford English Dictionary, Destructive is an adjective, meaning

“causing great and irreparable damage”

So here, destructive is defined when something is broken and it is beyond repair.

Ladies and gentlemen, Lets go through with my materials. The first point is under the

Fanaticism. Excessive patriotism will make people fanatic and this will definitely
prove destructive to international relations. We see this happening around the world,
whenever there is a rise of patriotism in a country, The followers or devotees would
be fanatic and would believe an idea to be one sided.

Currently in the US we could see the rise of excessive patriotism during and after the
election of US President Donald Trump. With the slogan of make America Great
Again (MAGA), there has been a rise of patriotism among the whites. This is a
problem for multi-ethnic country such as the US. Because it may lead to other
problems such as police violence against the blacks and other ethnics.

So again we would like to state our stand that patriotism is destructive to

international relations.

The second second point is under the keyword:

Disregard of other country’s value. We are all living in the same globe, we are all
the same yet we are also different. We may think that we are all different but we are
more alike than we think.

However, there is an imaginary line that separate us as human. A human created

border that we call country. There is nothing wrong with this concept geographically.
But imagine what it is like to be at the border of a country, just because we live
behind this imaginary line that we call country, we are bound to a certain rules that is
different from those living behind another border that could be 5 KM away from us.
With the rise of excessive patriotism, it will indirectly make the people of a country to
be insensitive about other people’s culture from other country.

So again we would like to state our stand that patriotism is destructive to

international relations.

Speaker 2

Thank you judges, members of the floor and the opposition team. Before I go on with our
points regarding this matter, I would like to pick a few points from given by our friends from
the opposition team.

1) The first speaker had said about __________________________________________

- The problem with this statement is ________________________________________

2) The first speaker had said about __________________________________________

- The problem with this statement is ________________________________________

My dear friends, let me highlight on our next point. The next point is under the keyword:
No Unity among neighboring countries. The rise of excessive patriotism in any country
will affect the relations with other countries.

Let me give a very close example. For example, we are facing a global crisis of Covid -19
and Wuhan Virus. This virus cannot be handled by a single country. A country with
excessive patriotism will not work with neighboring countries in handling this problem. I
would like to highlight how destructive having excessive patriotism for international relation.

Virus is only an example. There are many issues that require a good international relation
among countries. Economy, border safety, health issues and even environment. I would
like everyone to come and agree with me that a destructive thing such as WAR is created by
excessive or overpatriotism. (quote something)

Ladies and gentlemen, honourable judges and my fellow countryman from the opposing
team. I would like to take this opportunity to state our strong stand on supporting the motion
that patriotism is and always had been destructive to international relations. Our fifth point is
under the keyword ethnic cleansing and propaganda.

Most people think that brainwash is the thing of the past, But no, brainwashing is still alive
and well today through media and other platform. As we know, the most effective ways of
controlling a mob is through patriotism. Although a country could control the people through
I quote “ education” and economy, the best way to control a big mob of people is through
what we call excessive patriotism.

Look at countries such as North Korea and China, how they have controlled the people.
Imagine to live in such a developed country, you would imagine to have freedom. But no, all
you have is 24 hour surveillance from I quote “big brother”. Not even the apps whatsapp is
allowed in those country.
Speaker 3

Thank you judges, members of the floor and the opposition team. Before I go on with our
points regarding this matter, I would like to pick a few points from given by our friends from
the opposition team.

1) The first speaker had said about __________________________________________

The problem with this statement is ________________________________________

Speaker 3. Summarize 5 points

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