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Bylaws of the

Central Virginia Browns Backers Ch. 5

Revised: 5-15-2023

Article I: Name
The name of this society shall be “Central Virginia Browns Backers, Chapter #5”.
The abbreviation for this society’s name shall be “CVBB”.

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of CVBB shall be to exist as a not-for-profit organization that will endeavor to
promote fun, fellowship, friendship and good will; and to strive to promote membership on a
local basis through active participation and loyal support of the common interests of the
Browns and the fans of the team.

Article III: Members

Section 1. Definition of Memberships
a) Single Membership
A single membership is reserved for one person, age 18 or over.

b) Family Membership
A family membership is reserved for one or two adults plus their children
residing at one physical address.

Section 2. Rights of a Member

a) General rights shall include but not be limited to attendance at the
designated establishments for viewing of regular season and post season
games; attendance at any special Browns/BBWW endorsed functions as well
as attendance to any scheduled CVBB meetings.

b) Nomination and Voting Rights

i) Only paid members shall be allowed to vote.
ii) Single memberships shall be allowed one vote.
iii) Family memberships shall be allowed one vote per adult.
iv) Only members eligible to vote shall submit nominations verbally, in
writing or by email.

Section 3. Obligations
Members shall exhibit good sportsmanship at all functions and gatherings of
CVBB and shall encourage a family-oriented atmosphere while welcoming
Browns fans of all ages, from all areas and orientations.
Section 4. Dues
a) Common Definitions
i) A membership term begins May 1 st and ends April 30th of the
following year.
ii) All membership dues are non-refundable.
iii) The “Early Bird” discount end date is April 30 th.
iv) The “Mid-Season” discount begins with the 9th game of a
17 game season.

b) Mid-Season Discount
Single and Family memberships paid after the first half of the regular
season shall be one half (1/2) of the regular season rate.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1. Officers and Duties
The officers of CVBB shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a
Treasurer and a Director at Large. The officers shall perform the duties as
prescribed by these bylaws.

a) Duties of the President

The President shall be the executive officer of the CVBB and the official
representative with the Browns Backers Worldwide organization.
The President shall provide to the board copies of all communication with
The Browns organization and any other BBW club. The president shall be
responsible for securing locations for all executive board meetings and game
viewing locations. The President shall schedule and preside
over all executive board meetings. The president shall regularly
communicate with CVBB members (via mail or email)
about Cleveland Browns games and special CVBB sponsored events.

b) Duties of the Vice President

The Vice President shall preside over the executive board in the absence of
the President. If the president is unable to complete his/her term, the Vice
President shall preside until CVBB members nominate and elect a new

c) Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes of all executive board
meetings and shall within three days send a copy of the minutes to the
board members for any additions and/or corrections. Secretary will send
the finalized minutes to the board members within 5 days prior to the
next scheduled meeting. Secretary will make hard copies of minutes
and correspondence with the Browns organization for reference
at board meetings.
d) Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial activity;
Including, but not limited to: making deposits and maintaining
records of income and expenditures. The Treasurer shall provide a
monthly report to the executive board or any member in good standing
requesting such information. The treasurer shall keep financial records
including but not limited to: Tax ID number, monthly bank statements,
annual membership records and attendance files.

e) Duties of the Director at Large

The Director at Large shall assist other CVBB officers as needed.

Section 2. Office-Holding Limitations

No member shall hold more than one office at a time unless approved by a
unanimous consent of those present at a nomination meeting or as a pre-temp
officer until a successor for that office is elected. The President and the
Treasurer shall not be of a spousal relationship.

Section 3. Nomination Procedure and Time of Elections

Open nominations for officers and director(s) shall occur at the nominating
meeting. Written or oral nominations shall be submitted to any member of the
executive board. If a nomination is mailed to an officer, the nomination must
be received prior to the nominating meeting. The ballot shall be distributed to
CVBB members by electronic mail on or before the Sunday prior to
Thanksgiving. Members without an active email option shall have the ballot
mailed to the address specified on their membership application. The election
of officers and director(s) shall be concluded by the December meeting. All
votes must be received on or before this date. The votes cast for officers and
director(s) shall be counted by at least two officers of CVBB, except no
officer may participate in a count for his/her office.

Section 4. Ballot Election, Term of Office

The officer and director(s) shall be elected by ballot to serve for one year or
until their successors are elected. The term of office shall begin March 1 and
end the last day of February the following year.

Article V: Information Technology (IT)

All present and future electronic identities used for CVBB promotion or communication
shall be the sole property of CVBB. This includes, but is not limited to: the CVBB web page,
the CVBB Facebook page, and the CVBB email address (

Article VI: Meetings

General meetings of the CVBB members may be called by the executive board at any time
and for any purpose with one-week notice. This notice must be provided verbally or by
electronic mail.
Article VII: Executive Board
Section 1. Board Composition
The officers and Director at large shall constitute the executive board.
The number of officers must total five (5) persons.

Section 2. Board’s Duties and Powers

The executive board shall have general supervisory powers over
all of the affairs of CVBB and its members.

Section 3. Board Meetings

The executive board shall have monthly meetings, whenever possible.

Article VIII: Standing Committees

Standing committees may be appointed by the executive board. The executive board shall
update these bylaws to define standing committees as they are created.

Article IX: Amendment

These bylaws may be amended at a CVBB membership meeting by a majority of those
voting. Copies of the proposed changes shall be provided at the time of the meeting.

Article X: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised
shall govern CVBB in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not
Inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order CVBB may adopt.
Central Virginia Browns Backers,
Chapter #5
Standing Orders

1. Single membership dues shall be $25.00.

2. Family membership shall be $25.00 for the first member and $10.00 for each additional
family member over 12 years of age.

3. Any membership paid by May 1(individual or family), is eligible for a $10.00 discount.

4. The President shall store and provide: Tiny, the portable speaker system, wristbands and table
decorations for all CVBB functions. The President shall have the use of the second club wagon.

5. The Vice President shall purchase, store and provide: door prizes, raffle items, kids door prizes,
orange “mystery box”, and brown box for all CVBB functions. The Vice President will also maintain
a current inventory of all door prizes and raffle items. The Vice president shall have use of the
orange club wagon for all CVBB events.

6. The Treasurer shall purchase, store and provide: birthday gifts, tickets, ticket containers,
membership cards, business cards, small envelopes, car decals, and viewing location sign
for all CVBB functions.

7. The President shall store and provide: 4 large banners, two banner stands, blinking Fan
Zone sign, and card table for all CVBB functions.

8. Free memberships given as prizes or awards must have board approval in advance.

9. All approved club expense shall be paid for through the club treasury, either by bank card or

Any board member may recommend an update to the standing orders, at any time.
These recommendations shall be put to a vote at the next meeting of the board.

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