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Vocabulary-Language Focus

1. Educational Systems: Taken/done/attended/sat/used/

carried/written/ learnt/ given
Revision is done by students at all levels.
School reports are given to students in primary school.
Projects are done in primary schools and highschool.
Lectures ( cursuri la facultate) are attended in university.
Careers counsellings are given in the last year of
Exams are sat ( sit an exam) in university.
Seminars are attended ( a fi prezent la un curs) in
Climbing frame is used at nursery school.
Tutorials ( cursuri particulare) are used/ are attended at
Science experiments are carried at highschool, college,
or secondary school.
A sand pit is used at kindergarden/ nursery school.
A thesis is written at university.
Colouring is done at nursery school./ primary school.
The alphabet is learnt at primary school.
Detention is given at secondary school.
Foreign languages are learnt at all levels.
Modelling clay is used at nursery school.
Toy bricks are used at nursery school.
2. Places in a school A library is used for reading books
3. Types od school
Boarding school,......
4. Fail/ take/pass/sit/resit
Thoroughly= in amanunt
1. Sit/ take an exam
2. Taking a test
With flying colours- with good marks
3. To pass an exam=a trece un examen
4. Fail exam= a pica un examen
5. Te resit= a da din nou un exam
5. GRADE- achieve, get, receive
CLASS – attend, go to, take, hold, dismiss
COURSE- run , offer, do, take, enrol on, pass, fail

7. Phrasal Verbs:
Catch up= a recupera materie ....
Fall behind= a ramane in urma
Go over= a recapitula , a trece in revista
Keep up= a tine pasul
Look up= a cauta un cuvant in dictionar
Put off= a amana
Told off= tell off= a certa, a pedepsi
Work out= a rezolva, a gasi solutia...
8. Idioms
Learn by heart= a invata pe de rost
Make the grade= a trece un examen, a obtine nota de
Teach sb. a lesson= a -i da o lectie
In a class of his own= cel mai bun din clasa
Get his nose in a book= a sta cu nasul in carti
The teacher’s pet= favoritul profesorului
9. Prepositions

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