Project KickOff

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Project KickOff

Table of contents

Problem statement | What is the Story (The pain)
What is the Value (The treatment)✔
Proposed solution
Define the Blind Spot ⚠
Alternative solutions
Implementation plan
Success Criteria

Problem statement | What is the Story (The pain) ✔

What is the story that lead the client to ask for the solution? What is the problem that
you are trying to solve

What is the Value (The treatment) ✔

The client is in need for the solution to get a value
Minimizing error | Increasing productivity | reducing labor | or creating a new production
For every project there are a certain value that needed to known by kicking off the
project and be delivered by the end of the project

What should be true after this project is implemented?


Project KickOff 1
What is explicitly not in scope and why?

Proposed solution
What changes are required to solve this problem and achieve the project goals?
The System Engineering of the whole Solution
Purchasing overseas
The Electro-Mechanical Components → Design, Manufacturing, Installation
The Software Solution → Architecture, and technologies

Define the Blind Spot ⚠

What is the area that we know a little or don’t know about it ?

We should analyze all of the possible risks from the beginning
The production environment is ready for the solution, Will it help or be against us?
Does the project have any dependencies?

Alternative solutions
What alternatives did you consider? Describe the evaluation criteria for how you chose
the proposed solution.

Implementation plan
What is the expected implementation deadline and method

Success Criteria
How will you validate the solution is working correctly?

Project KickOff 2
Project KickOff 3

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