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Submitted by:
BIBEK SINGH (190308)




Submitted to:

The Department of IT and Computer Engineering

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer


(Affiliated to Pokhara University)

Tutepani, Lalitpur, Nepal

Date of Submisssion:


The warm response received by this project, both from teacher and students, has encouraged
the learning group to present this project. Every topic of the project has been written in
simple and lucid language so that anyone going through it will be clearly able to understand
the subject. Similarly, the context has been revised thoroughly to make it more exhaustive.

The group has spared no effort to make this project increasingly useful to anyone willing
to learn basic concepts of C in programming. We are highly grateful to all the members of
teaching faculty and fellow colleagues, who gave valuable feedbacks and suggestions for the
improvement of the subject matter of this project. We are highly thankful to the entire team
of Cosmos College of Management and Technology, for granting us this valuable opportunity
and helping us accomplish this project successfully. Constructive criticism, suggestions and
feedbacks for the improvement of this project would be highly appreciated.


Student Management system is a software which is helpful for students as well as the school
authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. Its time saving and
scalable. Our student management system deals with the various activities related to the

In the software we can register as a user and user has two types of students and
administrator. Administrator has the power to add new user and can edit the students’ details
entered. A admin can add students record, attendance status with department wise. All
students can search his/her basics details attendance status with their respective roll numbers.
Our system will also add teachers to contribute like giving direction to weak students and
lead them or help them as giving better ideas or solution for the study materials (by providing
online classes and easily interact with Students).

This project is aimed for developing a student management system framework which
will help students to get to know about their academic activities and also help them with
any sort of problems related to any field. In between pursuing career, studies and
maintaining a social life, students have to go through a busy schedule. So, this
framework helps to build the interconnection between them and their academic
achievements as well any queries and complaints they may have. This system is aimed to
facilitate the students with the course development and to know about their performance
in overall as well as including the knowledge about their fee structure along with their
scholarships program, college notices, to file complaints related any problem, to help
them with any queries, to focus on each individual students overall performance for the
administration of the college. This system helps the administration to keep record of the
student and provide them with the necessities. This system is a web-based application
that helps both students, guardians and college administration to go through the
performance of each student.

Student management system is basically a web-based application and an online platform
to know about the academic history of the students and their fee structure for the school
administrator as well as students and parents/guardians.
Also, it is the computerized application and program which helps in effective and
controlled running of the school. It helps in mining and controlling of all the activities
and operations being carried out in school.
It also maintains the record of the data of the entire educational institute from a student
to the principal. It is a highly integrated, user friendly and elastic system which helps in
providing various effective tools that can be used in the administrative department. This
system is designed to meet all the needs and wants of all the departments of the school.
Different kinds of functions done by this system are handling the admission process,
timetable, examination, inventory and attendance of the student along with the grade
sheets, online classes etc.

The basic components of the student management system that provides immaculate help
to the students and teacher are as follows:
● Student’s login page
● Homepage of the institute consisting of the complaint box, students’ information and
search engine
● Examination schedule
● Grade Sheet of the student
● Overall evaluation of the student and feedback.
● Online extra classes for weak students.

This projects expects to relieve the following problems
● The time consumption during the visit of school
● Physical space is more acquired to do the files and records of the student.
● Difficulty to meet the administrations and principal due to the long queue.
● Difficult to get to know about academic performance.
● Difficult to get proper guidance to the weak students.

Some important objectives of the student management system are as follows:
I. Main Objective
● To know about the progress of entire students and departments.
● To know about the academic performance of a student and administration from
anywhere and anytime.
● To know the difficulties that they would face in subjects by creating a comment box.

II. Specific Objective

● To minimize the workload of the students and staffs.
● To aid in the performance of all the departments of the institutions.

4. Literature Review
Student management system is a web-based application which provides a platform for
the student and teacher to look up for the student’s and school management’s
performance. It is using MySQL as a database following the atlas server. We carried out
various research related to our student management system. We specially focused on the
employee management system and patient management systems of hospitals. The system
is a web-based application used to serve students, guardians and college faculty to look
up to the progress of a student and college management significantly.
● This is a web-based application made to know about the overall performance of the
students as well as the management team of the school.
● Students can type in their mail and password to know about their academic performances
and fee billing without going to college.
● Students can see their rankings and grading given by the college based on their studies
and social behaviors.
● Students can access the website through their email id and password.
● This system is developed keeping the view of the multitask working pattern.
Many windows can be opened at a time to perform specific tasks.

I. Requirement gathering and analysis
The goal of the requirement gathering activity is to collect all the relevant information
from the institutions administration regarding the system to develop with the view to
clearly understand the requirement of the institutions and carry out the incompleteness
and inconsistencies in the system’s requirement. Requirement analysis activity is begun
by collecting all relevant data regarding the product to be developed from the user of the
product and from the customer through meetings and research.
II. Requirement Specifications
The administration requirements identified during the requirement gathering and analysis
activity are organized into a software requirements specifications (SRS) document. The
important components of the document are the functional requirements, the non-

functional requirements and the goal of the implementation. Documenting the functional
requirements involves the identification of the function to be supported by the system.
I. Functional requirements
Functional requirements define the fundamental actions the system must perform:
● Login page.
● View students' details.
● The system shall enable student/guardian/administration to look for academic
performance of specific student.
● The system shall contain a search function. Any user needs to be access their own data
II.Non-functional requirements
Nonfunctional requirements specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of
the system rather than the specific behaviors:
● Performance
● Reliability
● Recoverability
● Maintainability
● Serviceability
● Security
● Manageability
● Regulatory
Feasible Study
The main aim of the feasibility study activity is to determine whether it would be
financially and technically feasible to develop the product. The feasibility study activity
involves the analysis of the problem and collection of all relevant information related to
the product such as different data items which would be the input to the system, the
output data required to be produced by the system as well as the various constraints on
the behavior of the system.

6. Tools and Technology
HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML) is used to design the page layout and
the front page of the system.
CSS- Cascaded style sheet is used to style the presentation of the HTML document to
make the page more attractive.
Node.js- It is used to manipulate databases. It is used to retrieve data from desktop to
database. Data are inserted into the database using MySQL.
JS- Java script is used to make the webpage more interactive. It is a port for
manipulation and validation of data.
MySQL- It is an open source relational database management system that runs on a
server. It is used to store data in tables.

Software Process Model

Software process model is an abstraction of software development process. The model
specifies the stages and order of the process. So, it is the representation of the order of
the activities of the process and the sequence in which they are performed.
In this case we use waterfall model for the application:-






figure :- waterfall model of the system

● Requirements - In this phase all the requirements of the software are collected.

● Design - In this phase we start designing the actual software according to the
requirements collected.
● Implementation- In this phase we start coding software with the help of design
● Testing - In this phase we deploy the code to the production environment to test the
software whether it is working or not.
● Maintenance - In this phase we solve the problems occurring in the software from time
and again.

Block diagram
It generally consists of the workflow of the system.

User router Computer


Fig- block diagram of student management system

Algorithm/ Working Principle
● Start
● Login page for the admin/student/Teacher
● Query search page
● Student information
➔ Student’s grade sheet
➔ Student’s extra-curricular activities
➔ Student’s fee structure
➔ Institutions notice for students
➔ Student’s complaint box
 Teacher work
➔ Mark attendance
➔ Check paper
➔ Prepare report card
➔ Declare result

 Stop browsing the module

Fig- flowchart of the school management system

We expect our project to provide following output:
● Enable the user of the institute to access the needed info without the physical
involvement of one individual.
● Make improvements in the academic and functioning performance of the student and
college administration.
● Moreover help to decrease the workload of the school staff.
● To access any notice printed by the school.

● To give feedback on students about their career.
● To conduct a safe and easy access environment for the student.
● To help the students with their queries and complaints.

➔ For the study of HTML, CSS,JS and MySQL
● Fundamentals of software engineering
➔ To support in requirement analysis and feasibility study

● Google
➔ For the flowchart
➔ For the waterfall model

 Research journal of engineering and technology. 12 since august 2021,

ISSN 2321-581X(online), DOI: 10.52711/2321-581X.2021.00019, volume 12 |issue-04

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