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Piano - Initial Centre: Chennai (297)
Candidate name: Jitesh Dhanashekar Candidate ID: 1-4629098529
Fluency & Accuracy Technical Facility Communication Marks
Piece 1: 6 7 & Interpretation 7
7 7 8

Praetorius: Old German Dance from Piano Exam Pieces 2021-2023: Initial Grade
The hands were balanced from the outset, and the music flowed well after a small stumble at the start.
Quavers were even, and the dynamic changes were clear overall.


Piece 2: Fluency & Accuracy

Technical Facility
& Interpretation 6
7 7 8

Reinagle: Allegretto (no. 9 from 24 Short and Easy Pieces, op. 1) from Piano Exam Pieces 2021-2023: Initial
There were some stylistic contrasts, but the tempo was slightly too cautious to fully capture the mood.
Nonetheless, it maintained a firm pulse, and there were only occasional uncoordinated moments.


Piece 3: Fluency & Accuracy

Technical Facility
& Interpretation 6
7 7 8

Gruber: Kindergarten Blues from Piano Exam Pieces 2021-2023: Initial Grade
The bass projected well, and chordal playing was tidy throughout. Dynamics were narrow in scope in places,
but the ending had some impact.


Technical Work:
The scales were accurately played, with even tone and rhythm, and the broken triads were secure. Exercise
1a had good balance and tone, with most articulation observed. The legato was often maintained in Exercise
2a, but the dynamic change was a little unclear.


Performance Delivery and Focus:

The playing was mostly assured, and focus was maintained well. Movement between items was smooth and


Musical Awareness:
The changes in style and mood were captured, and although detail was not always completely clear, a good
level of commitment was evident.


Marks on this Examination report are provisional until the results are confirmed by the issue of a certificate (or otherwise). Total:
Overall attainment bands are as follows: Pass 60, Merit 75, Distinction 87. Sectional pass marks are indicated in brackets. 88

(Order number: 1-4622084901)

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