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Modular Arithmetic
Special type of arithmetic which involves only integer (Z) is what
we called “modular arithmetic”. Usually, this topic is being
discussed in number theory studying the integers and its
properties and it is very essential for students like you who are
taking up science and technology as their program to learn the
concept of modular arithmetic since one the applications of this
topic is on how to code and decode or encrypt and decrypt secret
message for privacy and security purposes. Basically, the
modular arithmetic emphasized the concept of remainder
theorem when solving problems.

Example1: Perform the + or - operator.

a) 8 + 3 = 11 d) 8 + 9 = 5
b) 8 - 5 = 3 e) 8 - 10 = 10
c) 8 + 16 = 0 f) 8 - 12 = 8
Example 2. If it is 11 o'clock and you have to finish your math
homework in 18 hours, what hour will it be at that time?
Answer: 11 + 18 = 5. Hence the time that the homework could it
be finished is 5 o’clock.
Definition: Two integers a and b are said to be congruent modulo
n, where ne N, if 𝑎−𝑏𝑛 is an integer. In this case, we write a = b
(mod n). The number n is called the modulus. The statement a =
b (mod n) is called a congruence.

Operations on Modular Arithmetic

Arithmetic modulo n (where n is a natural number) requires us
to evaluate a modular expression after using the standard rules
of arithmetic. Thus, we perform the arithmetic operation and
then divide by the modulus. The answer is the remainder. The
result of an arithmetic operation mod n is always whole number
less than n.

A. Addition Modulo n
To do the addition modulo n, let us have some example. Evaluate
(23 + 38) mod 12.
Solution:Add 23 + 38 to produce 61. To evaluate 61 mod 12,
divide 61 by modulus, 12. The answer is the remainder.
In modular arithmetic, adding the modulus to a number does not
change the equivalent value of the number.

B. Subtraction Modulo n
The following examples give you on how be able to perform
Evaluate (33 – 16)mod 6.
Here, subtracting 16 from 33, we will be able to get a positive
result, i.e. 17. Divide the difference by the modulus, 6 we get.

C.Multiplication Modulo n
Like in addition and subtraction, let us evaluate given example
under multiplication modulo n to perform the operation

Evaluate (15.23)mod 11.

We need to find the product of 15 and 23. The product is 345.

This product
must be divided by the modulus, 11 to be able to find its
D. Additive and Multiplicative Inverses in Modular Arithmetic
a. Recall that if the sum of two numbers is zero (0),i.e. a + (-a) =
0, then the numbers are additive inverses of each other. For
instance, 5 + (-5) = 0. So 5 is the additive invers of -5 and -5 is the
additive inverse of 5.

Applications of Modular Arithmetic

All of us are familiar with the number of hours in a day, number
of days in a week, number of months in a year, etc. But what have
you observed? Say, in a 12-hour clock. It goes on and on and on
and after reaching in a 12 o’clock, it starts again to 1 o’clock and
running all over again. This is the concept of modular arithmetic
where numbers “wrap around” as what as stated previously. The
concept of modular arithmetic has an important role in different
industry and some of these industries are banking and finance,
information and technology, medicine and health, trade and
industry, and in education sector. Perhaps you may be wondering
why this modular arithmetic is so important. When we speak the
determination of validity and invalidity of credit card, on how be
able to manage book catalogue, how to have correct serial
number of a particular product that the consumer could be
bought, how to create an art and how to make a security code
most especially in the banking sector, these are just some
applications of a modular arithmetic.
Remember in our previous lesson, in modular arithmetic, we
select an integer, n, to be our “modulus". Then our system of
numbers only includes the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., n-1. In order to
have arithmetic make sense, we have the numbers “wrap
around" once they reach n.

A. International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

One of the applications of modular arithmetic is on how to check
or how to determine whether the ISBN (International Standard
Book Number) is valid or not. Every book that is catalogued in the
Library of Congress must have an ISBN. The ISBN consists of 13
digits and this was created to help to ensure that orders for books
are filled accurately and that books are catalogued correctly.
The first digits of an ISBN are 978 (or 979), followed by 9 digits
that are divided into three groups of various lengths. These
indicate the country or region, the publisher, and the title of the
book. The last digit (13th digit) is called a check digit.

B. Universal Product Code (UPC) and Credit Card

Another coding scheme that is closely related to the ISBN is the
UPC (Universal Product Code). This number is placed on many
items and is particularly useful in grocery stores. A check-out
clerk passes the product by a scanner, which reads the number
from a bar code and records the price on the cash register. If the
price of an item changes for a promotional sale, the price is
updated in the computer, thereby relieving a clerk of having to
reprice each item. In addition to pricing items, the UPC gives the
store manager accurate information about inventory and the
buying habits of the store’s customers.

C. Cryptology and Cryptography

Another usage of modular arithmetic is cryptography. But what
is the difference between cryptology and cryptography? Based
on, cryptology is the study of codes while
cryptography is the art of writing and solving them.

D. Modulo Operation in Designing Modulo Art

We could not deny the fact that all of us love to see the beauty
of our nature and environment. But have you observed that all
things that you can see with your naked eyes formed patterns?
Straight, curve and circular patterns are just some design that
you might see on the things that you will observe and
mathematics has an important role to play on this.
According to Mr. Livin G. Rejuso, based on his slide share
presentation that Mathematics can be considered as study of
patterns. One of the ways in which we use number patterns is in
the creation of unique and artistically pleasing design. This
design is from number pattern in Modular Arithmetic formed
modulo art.

Group Theory
Another important topics in the field of mathematics is what we
called a group theory and of course, this could be important and
very useful tool in teaching some topics in mathematics. Based
on “The Evolution of Group Theory: A Brief”, that the four major
sources in the evolution of group theory together with the name
of the creators and the date are as follows: a) Classical Algebra
by J.L. Lagrange ( 1770), b) Number Theory by C.F. Gauss (1801),
c) Geometry by F. Klein (1874) and d) Analysis by S. Lie (1874) and
by H. Poincare and F. Klein ( 1876).

A. Introduction to Group
Definition : Group
A group is a set of elements, with one operation and it must
satisfy the following four Properties.

B. Cayley Tables of Groups

In our previous lesson, we discuss about “Cayley’s Table”. Here,
we are going to define first the meaning of an order of the group.
Definition: Order of the group is just the number of element in a
group and it is denoted by |G|.

C. Symmetry of Groups
The concept of group is very general. The elements that make up
a group do not have to be numbers, and the operation does not
have to be addition or multiplication. Symmetry group is another
type of group and it is based on regular polygon (polygon whose
sides are on the same length and with the same angle measure).

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