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With an example distinguish the major characteristics of a project program.


As per PMI, Project is defined as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service,
or result.” For example, in a drill bit tool manufacturing company, there could be manufacturing of
different types of drill bits. In such a company the creation of new type of drill bit (with new tool
parameters) could be a new project.

Every project has its unique characteristics which distinguish it from other projects in an organization.
Following are the characteristics of any project:

 Has an established objective.

 Has a defined life span with a beginning and an end.
 Involves several departments and professionals.
 Involves doing something never been sone before.
 Has specific time, cost and performance requirements.


There are always multiple projects running in an organization simultaneously, some with a common goal
and some with same even though they are working independently. To regulate better in their area, some
action is required, that’s where program is crucial.

A program is defined as “ A group of related projects designed to accomplish a common goal over an
extended period of time.”

Let us understand the program by extending our previous example. A program could be set up of new
assembly line of drill machine in which different projects would be included such as drill bit, motor,
shank etc.

Just like a project, program is also temporary. The unique characteristics of program are as following:

 The scope of a program would be extensive.

 Has to be designed with a vision of long-term.
 In contrast to projects which are specific, programs must be general to cover scope of all
 Program intends to target the strategic objectives of organization.

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