Kite Runner Reaction 5

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“This was teetering dangerously on the verge of gossip material, and the best kind of it.

Poison tongues would flap. And she would bear the brunt of that poison, not me--I was

fully aware of the Afghan double standard that favored my gender. Not Did you see him

chatting with her? but Wooooy! Did you see how she wouldn’t let him go? What a


I find this quote from Kite Runner to be a stark reminder of the double standards that

still exist in our society today. It's upsetting to think that even in a seemingly progressive

society, there are still underlying biases and prejudices that favor one gender over

another. It's disheartening to realize that in many situations, it's the woman who bears

the brunt of the gossip and rumors while men are let off the hook. This kind of behavior

perpetuates the idea that women are somehow responsible for the actions of men, and

that they should be held to a higher standard of behavior than men. This quote shows

Amir reacting to an interaction in Afghanistan. I don’t know how this would impact

anybody's relationship in the scheme of the book. However, it may have changed Amir’s

perspective on life a little bit.

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