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How long have you been in business, and what are your primary products or
2. Before I jump into the details, I'd like to learn more about your current sales
process. Can you tell me a bit about how you currently generate leads, how you
nurture them, and how you close deals?
3. What kind of challenges have you encountered in your sales process, and how
have you addressed them so far?
4. One thing I have come to realize is that business owners value freedom a lot, be it
financial freedom or time freedom. Which of these two freedoms will you say you
value most?
5. Lets imagine you are looking at different companies who all meet your criteria
including the price, how would you the decide what to do?
6. You told me that the investment for the program is more than what you have
budgeted, can you perhaps give me an insight into how you arrived at your own
7. John the first part of this call it's pretty basic. it's really basic. it's really more for us
to find out what you do to generate leads now and the quality of those leads and
kind of results you're getting from it compared to the results that you're really after
just to see what that Gap looks like to see if we can help and then towards the end
of the call if you'd like I can go over some different options and if you feel that it
might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible next steps. would that
help you?
8. Do you feel like this step we’d work with you to implement is going to work?
Why though?
9. What would you say are the three biggest challenges of getting this result?

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