E1 WK 10 Class 5

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Week: 10 Developed by: HumaSher


Day 1 Taught by: HumaSher, RafiaNazir, Asim Khan

Subject: English Language Class: V- A, B (B) & A(G)

Period: 40 minutes Topic: Extreme weather
SLO(s): Students will be able to:
 read keys & legends tointerpretmaps,tables&texts
 classify & categorizenaming, action &describingwords&extendedenvironment
Skills focused on: Listening, Responding, Practicing, Reading
Resources: Ref. LB pg130-131, SOW pg 11-15, CambridgeGlobalEnglishTeacher’sResource5,
Methodology : Brainstorming, Discussion, Explanation
 Previous knowledge of the students will be checked through asking questions
like:Whatarethestrongestforcesofnature?Can mankind stop the forces of nature?
How muchdestruction can they cause?
 After getting the responses of the students teacher will introduce the topic and share the
SLOs with students.
 Students will be askedtogivesomeexamplesofweather-relateddisastersfromaround the
 Discussion will be done abouttherecentspikeinnaturaldisasterssuchastornadoes, forest
fires, flooding and landslidesthroughoutthe world.
C.W:Activities1-6 as instructed.Teacher will guideandexplaintheworktothelearners and
instruct them tolistencarefullytotherecording.Circulatewhilethey are
 ForActivity2:Students will be askedtoobservethemcarefully and to
listenforkeywordssothey are abletoanswertheQs. easily.
 ForActivity6:ReadthePresentit!Boxandfollowtheinstructions. Teacher will guide the
students on how to complete it.Make2/3groupssostudentsmayworkincollaboration.
Suitable time duration will be given to complete thepresentation.
 Success criteria will be shared with the students.
 Marginalized learners will be given special attention.
 Class Discussion, Board Work, Group Work
Success Criteria: Remember to:
 select & useappropriatestrategiesto gather & organizeideas forownwriting
 learntocareforourenvironment
Assessment Plan:
 Through listen to the audio script and match the speakers with the pictures.
C.W: Activities1-6 of LB pg130-131
H.W: None
Online Assignment: None

Sign: Subject Coordinator: ________

Week: 10 Developed by: HumaSher


Day 2 Taught by: HumaSher, RafiaNazir, Asim Khan

Subject: English Language Class: V- A, B (B) & A(G)

Period: 40 minutes Topic: Extremeweather
SLO(s): Students will be able to:
 read keys & legends tointerpretmaps,tables&texts
 classify & categorizenaming, action &describing&extendedenvironment
Skills focused on: Listening, Responding, Practicing, Reading
Resources: Ref. AB pg92-93, SOW pg 11-15, CambridgeGlobalEnglishTeacher’sResource5,
Methodology : Brainstorming, Discussion, Explanation
 Previous knowledge of the students will be checked through asking questions
about the extreme weather.
 After getting the responses of the students teacher will introduce the topic and share the
SLOs with students.
 C.W:Activities1&3–5.
 H.W:Activity2,teacherwill explainthetaskandassignitforOnlinework.
 Success criteria will be shared with the students.
 Marginalized learners will be given special attention.

 Class Discussion, Board Work

Success Criteria: Remember to:
 select & useappropriatestrategiesto gather & organizeideasforownwriting
 learntocareforourenvironment
Assessment Plan:
 Through AB pg 92-93
C.W: Activities1&3–5of AB pg92-93
H.W: None
Online Assignment: Activity 2 of AB pg 92

Sign: Subject Coordinator: ________

Week: 10 Developed by: HumaSher


Day 3 Taught by: HumaSher, RafiaNazir, Asim Khan

Subject: English Language Class: V- A, B (B) & A(G)

Period: 40 minutes Topic: Rainforestanimals
SLO(s): Students will be able to:
 use appropriatevocabulary & tense towrite physical
 classify & categorizenaming, action &describing&extendedenvironment
Skills focused on: Listening, Responding, Practicing, Reading
Resources: Ref. LB pg 132-133, SOW pg 11-15,
CambridgeGlobalEnglishTeacher’sResource5, Dictionaries
Methodology : Brainstorming, Discussion, Explanation
 Previous knowledge of the students will be checked through asking questions
about the extreme weather and rainforests.
 After getting the responses of the students teacher will introduce the topic and share the
SLOs with students.
 Teacher willask the learners that what they know about
 C.W:Activity1-2&4
 H.W:Activity3,teacher will explainthetaskbeforeassigningit for Learner’sBookwork.
 Success criteria will be shared with the students.
 Marginalized learners will be given special attention.

 Class Discussion, Board Work

Success Criteria: Remember to:
 select & useappropriatestrategiesto gather & organizeideasforownwriting
 learntocareforourenvironment
Assessment Plan:
 Through 1-2&4
C.W: Activities1-2&4
H.W: Activity 3, LB pg 132
Online Assignment: None

Sign: Subject Coordinator: ________

Week: 10 Developed by: HumaSher


Day 4 Taught by: HumaSher, RafiaNazir, Asim Khan

Subject: English Language Class: V- A, B (B) & A(G)

Period: 40 minutes Topic: Rainforestanimals
SLO(s): Students will be able to:
 use appropriatevocabulary & tense towrite physical &character
 classify & categorizenaming, action
Skills focused on: Listening, Responding, Practicing, Reading
Resources: Ref. AB pg94-95, SOW pg 11-15, CambridgeGlobalEnglishTeacher’sResource5,
Methodology : Brainstorming, Discussion, Explanation
 Previous knowledge of the students will be checked through asking questions
about the extreme weather and rainforests.
 After getting the responses of the students teacher will introduce the topic and share the
SLOs with students.
 C.W:Activity1-2&4
 H.W:Activity3,teacher will explaintheworkandassignasActivitybooktask.
 Success criteria will be shared with the students.
 Marginalized learners will be given special attention.

 Class Discussion, Board Work

Success Criteria: Remember to:
 select & useappropriatestrategiesto gather & organizeideasforownwriting
 learntocareforourenvironment
Assessment Plan:
 Through AB pg94-95
C.W: Activity1-2& 4
H.W: Activity 3 of AB pg 95
Online Assignment: None

Sign: Subject Coordinator: ________

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