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The Cries of a Sealed God

Amias Reyne was born amongst the heavens, with powers foretold to have the ability to destroy
the world. Her cries would lead to thunderstorms, her laugh would lead to strong, blinding
sunlight and so, but to avoid the gods who treated her with resentment and fear, she went to
reside on the surface of mortal Earth disguised as a lowly human…

Only a few millennia had passed since she was sent to earth, and she was when an unearthly
man came to her doorstep. He knocked once, then twice on the wooden door built into the
dilapidated hut. He was skeptical if it was actually Amias’ house because the structure of it was
fit for no god, but when the door opened, he was faced with a pale-faced woman, almost a shade
of blue, eyes a vivid fuschia with jet black hair as smooth as a waterfall framing her face—

He claimed he was Jordreyn, the god of colour, and was sent here by the king; Amias had no
choice but to believe. Jordreyn took the scroll he produced, and dozens of words swam past his
eyes as he read it out— “ Amias, we are waiting for your immediate return. Your stay on the
mortal Earth has extended for far too long, and we expect you to return to Anezchka as soon as
possible to fulfil your godly duties.”

In fear and rage, she glared at Jordreyn. She had to go with him, there was no choice; they
would make her even if she refused. Jordreyn, recognising her fury, held his hand out wordlessly
and as soon as Amias had a firm grasp of his hand, he lifted them up into the air. With a flash of
rainbow colours, the sight of auburn clouds and a contrasting sapphire-painted castle appeared
before them. Jordreyn left Amias when they had arrived, sparing a glance at her before
disappearing into a cloud of bright smoke.

...It had been years since Amias arrived back in Anezchka, the so-called “heaven”, or where
the Gods dwelled. They treated her just like they had before, averting their eyes whenever they
saw her, with lingering remarks about her. Amias desperately missed her humble but cozy home
on Earth, and was planning her descent once again.

Until she met Diane, a deity of flames; ruby hair as bright as an inferno, and luminous eyes that
could cause blazes by just looking at things, and a strange, enticing crimson amulet circled
around her neck— and she was beautiful, as if Aphrodite herself had graced Diane. Diane would
find time to banter with Amias, and she would follow her around in her free time. Amias was
confused, why would someone of her power meddle with her? Didn’t she have other things to
do? But there was no other option but to just bear with it. Though Amias tried to avoid Diane at
first, she found herself warming up to her…
...Time had passed, and they became the best of friends, always together. Slowly, the other gods
saw their blooming friendship and began to warm up to her as well.

She was finally loved, she thought.

But she was wrong.

After a few years, Amias felt bored, and without the restraints of other gods, she tried to use her
powers of the storm on a rainy day to create a whirlpool in Anezchka, all she could produce was
a thin trickle of lightning. Dismayed, she turned to Diane in hopes she might know why, but
Diane only snapped her fingers and all the other gods and deities appeared around them.

Cozen, the king of Anezchka tossed his mythical golden lasso at her and she found herself
trapped…Thrashing around, trying to flee from the lasso, and her eyes were orbs of a weeping
azure. Cozen explained that her powers had been sealed away, in the amulet Diane always wore,
as they feared her powers would ruin the dominion’s statuses.

In the end, Amias was chained up in a prison, in the deepest levels of the citadel, walls painted
red and seemed to remind her of her once best friend, never to be let out again…

And even now, she weeps tears of anger and pain that fall on the Earth as thunder crackles and
even the tallest trees shake in fear. She is waiting for the day the last of her seal falls apart,
slowly but surely, and when it does?

We’re all doomed that even praying to the Gods won’t help us.

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