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ORS QUARTERLY UPDATES FROM SAFE LANES SAFE LANES ‘April 2023 J issue 04 Ace Lhe LL SIMPLY DIGITAL OR DIGITALLY SIMPLER? “Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, ‘manufacturing, layout, processes and procedures.” Tom Peters ‘As humans, we are hardwired to impress others. Over the years, complexity has been associated with intelligence and simplicity has been thrown out for its, well, simplicity! Our seamless endeavours to be perceived as better than others have landed usin a place of extreme confusion and chaos, where we find our own thoughts to be difficult and incomprehensible But is that true? Is complexity the real marker of intelligence? Or is simplification the true indication of it? From where we are at, what is tougher and more challenging is in fact simplification. Although crucial for flawless execution of meticulously drafted procedures, it is the most difficult to achieve, Wondering why it works despite the effortrequired? Easy. Simplification is inclusive. It offers a broader range of understanding and facilitates enhanced understanding, superior execution. Simplification aims at Let’s look at the something relevant, say digitalisation. For past several years, maritime industry has been slowly and steadily undergoing a digital make-over. However, this change is not limited to the mere introduction of technological wonders. For the efforts of digitalization to truly bear fruits, we must come together as an industry and incorporate the principle of simplification in our everyday process. The simpler the processes, the better would be the results! BECO ncaa re Carbon Emission is a serious concern engulfing the maritime industry. For years, there have been efforts on technological fronts to control it. What can be considered a Positive step in this direction, Eastern Pacific Shipping reports to have completed the installation of a filtering and carbon capture technology developed by Dutch start-up Value Marine. Ce tT Although biofuels have the potential to be an economically viable fuel for the maritime industry, the cost involved in the assessment of technical compatibility as well as availability remain to be the primary barriers to biofuel adoption, says Michael D. Kass, PhD, of the Energy Science & Technology Directorate. FSRU Faces Obstruction Greenpeace, a global campaigning network has stepped in to support the City of Piombino, Italy and the World Wildlife Federation in their efforts to block the installation of a FSRU at the Piombino's seaport citing the potential harm to the marine ecosystem. COeet ee India, 5G Enabled Ports and Its Effect. Keeping not that simple! It Simple, _|Digitization, Marching towards Digitalization & Maritime| Gender Equality Around The Globe INDIA, 5G ENABLED PORTS AND ITS EFFECTS An in-depth look at the changing tide by Mr Rajiv Puri, Chief Administrative Officer and Executive Director (IT) (Retd.), IPA SCRUM Pee eeu ee aca uC RS pattern is expected to hold in the Seen na can ee RO eae net emcee can tohandle this increase in traffic. eg ee RT eT Caceres reece aC ee Peet CCE) UEC ere operations, including efficiency, cost- Crea aur Seeger) Cite ee Cc emer Cree eae Ree eset REE oe Ceara Peete aS Deen emer of handling the Dau ee device density, ERE uns) eos ee eae EOC eats Crees GReeRucerty Pet ocoec Og Cera Pn eae smog soa Rte et Conn as eee ELIE eee a ee Communi Seamless Cellular 40% Reduction in The Cost Of Monitoring 7% Decrease in Insurance Premiums 83% Reduced Cost for Security Labour pelt e ee eae ees Boe ee aon latency, and high-security port Cee Ec ce Sen enon one eens om RTE cd rea Ne Rute else Coats eT Sas COT ices a a sensors to small tools to large machinery, helping to deliver eet gen R: CIC PEs Seeder 2e eS TC ae he ee DCCC Re CECE) CE te aT impacting the D PaaS and 5G technology PERS ee to control and Eis aC ToT tat aac ier) CoC ae eT PL Meee MM tat 707 Co onc Rae Ic) Rr Sn ee aCe + 37% increased revenue from decreased downtime; 35% improved productivity 73% reduced cost of operator labour; 22% improved productivity 53% reduction in maintenance labour TELM CLC Le CR ema Coen Rear -a 5G technology is the key tool needed to create a smart port EAU tur Canad loT in port operations EMP MM cleat eT suresh Ca MACE a TCU arm) data security, and the ability to EM) leah Ta ttl) Crusis Re esc Kandla Port (DeenDayal Port Authority) in Gujarat becomes AR a eae CR ec} Deo eS en PO EE Bre emmy Tuer eee cd See ee ee MOBILIZING NETWORKS FOR GENDER EQUALITY Inclusion of women in the mainstream maritime sector stil hold s certain degree of novelty along with some resistance. Tackling this issue has to be a combined effort. This year, on the International Day of Women in Maritime, celebrated on the 18” May since 2019, focuses on promoting and encouraging the recruitment, retention and sustained employment of women in the maritime sector, raise the profile of women in maritime, strengthen IMO's commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality) and support work to address the current genderimbalancein maritime, Topic In Focus: DIGITIZATION, DIGITALIZATION & MARITIME Have you ever found yourself unconsciously using digitalization in place of digitization and vice versa? Well, you are not alone. Before we head to the topic of how digitalization impacts operations in the modern day maritime industry, let's first familiarize ourselves with the difference between these two terms. Digitization refers to the act of making analog information digital, digitalization is all about moving existing processes into digital technologies. In the recent years, maritime sector has been undergoing a significant technological change to increase competitiveness and to achieve higher operational efficiency. However, to reap the benefits ofthis changing trends, having a strong strategy is essential. In this article, we will explore the elements involved in this process. MANAGEMENT, RESOURCES, & CAPABILITIES See nee ae Re aed Seer ene iene gE cer Seca te er e Pe CMe Cr cea! Teas Reece eae ite er eeu ne a CRON CR RE een caer) erate cg) Poeun Tier) May a merken ha Increased network, connectivity and cyber security Automation, remote monitoring and control Pree Dee em gc) lection, -sharing and -analysis ENERGY-EFFICIENT & ENHANCED PERFORMANCE: Gere cua an Mee en eek Cn saa) Be eee Renta TECHNOLOGICAL INTEGRATION: THUS FAR The global pandemic of 2020 forced nearly every sector to undergo a technological evolution, at an unimaginable speed. During these past three years, the maritime industry has seen some technological marvels unfold and this is just the beginning, Let's take a look at a few of these impressive advancements: OPTIMIZED ASSET MANAGEMENT WITH PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE: Traditionally, asset management and maintenance has been known for being time consuming process, with extreme dependency on third party resources. introduction of Digital Twin (a representation of a physical entity or framework in a digital format, it has become easier to keep a track of the vessel's performance, in real time. NAVIGATING THE FUTURE OF UNMANNED ASSETS Technology has taken over all aspects of life. Transportation is no exception. After the successful autonomous navigation of a large ferry in Japan, Suzaka, a 749 Gross ton vessel covered a distance of approximately 500 miles, between Tokyo Bay to Ise Bay earlier in May 2022. ‘An era fuelled by technology most certainly looks promising. PREDICTED AREAS FOR FURTHER TECHNOLOGICAL INTEGRATION: After remote navigation audits, VDR Analysis etc, the sector is looking forward to enjoying the same privilege as of the rest of the world, remote working! These areas are: Remoteinspections Predictive Maintenance Partially, as an industry, we are already there and despite challenges, this is something that brings us ll together as one. Views from the Safe Lanes After two decades into the 21” century, we are standing at the brink of a world that is vastly digitalized. With the globe virtually shrinking everyday, language is bound to play an even more important role in the near future. To facilitate smooth exchange of ideas, simplification of language has become aneed. Capt. Sahil Puri, Director - Quality and Innovation believes that the first marker of assessing whether or not a person has understood the concept of simplification is by assessing the language they use to communicate with their team members. He goes on to further elaborate the need for simplification, the ways to achieve it and how both, an individual and the organization, benefit by inculcating the culture of simplification He says, “in my experience and opinion simplification is harder than What we estimate it to be. Let's take the example of self-help books, why are they so popular? Honestly, they are simple. Easy to understand and implement. The issue with complex WTR/A PHI G DST R/E|S |S W p|rio|c|e|s|s € djl |s|t]RIAlc |T s|e|r/|R|O|R|s \K ST R|/! GiGi ER HA BolT S AV PORE S/S U/R E MoS >K I /L L/S A material is that it is exclusive by design. It disowns the weakest link in the chain Imagine awork-floor where there are numerous procedures and an ancient rule book guiding people through those procedures. The language of the rule book, let's callita manual, is highly theoretical and archaic. Rather than helping, it overwhelms the reader. Wondering what happens when people from various teams refer to it? Difficulty to understand results in multiple interpretations from the same source. This saga of misinterpretation begins, ultimately leading to reduced efficiency, increased errors and overall, a loss-making system.” He believes integration of simplified language with the advantage of digitalization is the ultimate key to increased efficiency, better work environment, happier workforce and most importantly, sustainable procedures. Doyou agree? CHECK HOW WELL VERSED YOU ARE WITH THE BASICS OF THE HUMAN FACTORS. ols =z Can you spot some of the hidden terms related to Human Factors in this grid? Need a hint? Alright, some of these words are the scientific basis of Human Factors. Send your answers to For answer key, check our Linkedin page soon! ala og elon ERROR: ACTIVE & LATENT Role of Human Factor Training Active Error ‘An action or inaction that results in immediate consequence Latent Error ‘An action or inaction that results ‘in consequences that are delayed or create latent conditions SIMPLIFYING CONTEN FACTORS TO REMEMBER Wiest mas cees Remember, they may not have your linguistic proficiency. Peetu net cess ie ene cae ocr Geeneaeels Cees CoRR ACRICas a! CoStar Eee ures Erna heres Cre eo deur erirt not for everyday communication. eee cs ee ae Sacer Pre cLay Headlines, boxes & table are great. Cee aa ECU ume Ce Wena eee Coa Ny} Eee Uae CAUGHT UP IN THE MAZE-OF PROCESSES? CHANGE IT, NOW! aT roly Wao (Col cole ol] Revel] 8 Tee cece SUCCESS ISN'T ACCIDENTAL. IT HAS TO BE 4 EARNED. CLASS CERTIFIED TRAINING COURSES DEVELOPED AND DELIVERED BY INDUSTRY VETERANS. 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