AA 4-Assignment 5 Page 77

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Assignment 5: The Dangers of Technology

1. What is this data privacy scandal all about?

-The personal data of 87 million people was improperly shared to the
British political consultancy Cambridge Analytica.
2. How does this Facebook privacy scandal relate to Heidegger’s notion of
revealing of modern technology challenging forth?
-The Facebook scandal is linked to Heidegger's notion that it challenges
modern technology because the mis-sharing of personal data by Facebook
by 87 million users gave rise to concerns about Facebook users' privacy and
human rights.
3. How are Facebook users ‘enframed’ in this particular data privacy
-Facebook users were terrified after their personal information was made
public. As a result of this problem, they are more cautious about the
information they provide to the aforementioned platform.
4. How do you think Facebook can be used in a way that is more consistent
with Heidegger’s idea of poiesis or a bringing forth of technology?
-Facebook is a social networking site that allows people to connect with
one another via the internet. It is a simple way of communication, so
sharing important information is less of a hassle now that this technology is
available. Facebook also has a video chat feature that allows users to
communicate with other users. This allows them to communicate face to
face even when they are separated by a long distance.
5. How can the Heideggerian notion of ‘questioning’ guide Facebook users
toward a beneficial use of social media?
-By challenging the technology itself, Facebook users can use the
Heideggerian questioning concept as a guide to the true purpose of social
media. They start to ponder what the true essence of technology is. They
could then assess what the original goal was for their benefits and
drawbacks. With the Heideggerian questioning notion, users can assess
whether or not their use of technology is ethical or for a good cause.

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