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The scene takes place in the Goat's house, while the Mother is out looking for


Goat 1: (looking out the window) What time is it?

Goat 5: It's late, I'm a little worried about her.

Goat 1: I'm worried about her too, she should be here already, Mom, I'm scared to
be home alone.

Goat 2: Don't worry, she always comes back soon, why don't we play for a while to
have fun?

Goat 3: Good idea, but we should wait for the others to start.

Goat 5: Let's play with each other, maybe the others will also be late like Mom.

Goat 4: (coming through the door) I'm home! What are you doing?

Goat1: Playing, do you want to join in?

Goat 4: Yeah, that sounds like fun (pause) Hey, where are the others?

Goat 2: I don't know, I thought they came with you.

Goat 3: Mom would kill us if we lost them! I'm going to go look for them.

The goat leaves the house to look for his missing brothers. In the meantime, the
wolf appears near the hut.

After a long time

Goat 1: Where are the other 2?

Goat 2: I don't know, but they should be here soon.

Goat 3: (running in) Look out! The wolf is near!

Goat 4: What? We can't let the wolf catch us!

(The Goats start running around the house, trying to hide)

Goat 5: What do we do now?

Goat 2: (whispering) Hide under the bed.

Goat 4: (whispering) I'll hide behind the curtain.

Goat 3: (whispering) And I'll hide in the closet.

(Wolf enters the house)

Wolf: (growling) Where are those kids?

Goat 1: (trembling) We're not here.

Wolf: (sniffing) Sure we are. I can smell them.

Goat 2: (from under the bed) There's nobody here.

Wolf: (roaring) Come out of hiding!

Goat 4: (from behind the curtain) You won't catch us!

Wolf: (smiling) We'll see.

(The wolf approaches the curtain and quickly pulls it aside, grabbing Kid 4.)

Goat 4: (shouting) Help!

Goat 1: (desperate) We have to do something.

Goat 3: (from the closet) Let's run outside!

Goat 5: Everybody out quickly!

Wolf: Where are they going!!! (grabs Goat 4 and 5)

Goat 2: Hey I'm here, ¡Catch me!

Wolf: (chasing him) You will not escape!

(Goat 2 starts to run to distract the wolf, which finally catches him)

(The remaining goat runs out the door)

(Goat 3 manages to get out of the house after hearing how the wolf eats his goat
brothers and runs to his mother)

Goat 3: (crying and screaming) Mommy, Mommy! The wolf has come and eaten my

Mother goat: (frightened) What? How could you let this happen?

Goat 3: I'm so sorry, Mom, but I couldn't do anything. The wolf was too strong.

Mother goat: (making a decision) Well, we have to do something to make sure this
doesn't happen again.

Goat 3: What do you suggest?

Momma goat: Let's cut open the wolf's stomach and get your brothers out.

Goat 3: How are we going to do that?

Mommy Goat: I'll explain (Mommy Goat and Kid 3 go to the place where the wolf is

Momma goat: (whispering) We have to do this without waking him up, so be very

Goat 3: (whispering) Okay, and how do we open it?

Mother goat: (whispering) With these stones (showing sharp stones).

Goat 3: (whispering) I understand, and how do we get my brothers out?

Mother goat: (whispering) We'll take them out one by one. You have to be very
careful and quiet so as not to wake the wolf.

(Carefully, the mother goat and kid 3 open the wolf's stomach with the sharp
stones, pulling out the kids one by one and placing them safely out of the wolf's

Mother goat: (whispering) We're almost done. Now, let's push the wolf into the

Goat 3: (whispering) Okay, but how are we going to do it?

Mother goat: (whispering) We're going to put these rocks in it to smear it. (shows
large rocks)

(Carefully, mama goat and Goat 3 push the wolf into the river with the stones,
making sure he doesn't wake up)

Wolf: (waking up) What's wrong, I feel heavier than before?

Mother goat: (sighing with relief) We made it, your siblings are safe and the wolf
will no longer be a threat to us.

Goat 3: (grateful) Thank you, Mom. I don't know what I would do without you.

Momma goat: (smiling) You don't have to worry about that, I will always be here to
protect you and take care of you.

(Momma Goat and Goat 3 join the other kids safely and together, they celebrate the
success of their brave and cunning plan to get rid of the dangerous wolf).

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