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Cookies Final Project Outline

Objective: Create your own cookie problem using real world data and constraints.

Project Components (All of this will be posted on your DP)

1. Written paragraph introducing the problem and all of the constraints
2. Step by step solution including graphs, tables, spreadsheets, ect.
3. Written reflection for the unit project

About your problem:

1. Assume you will sell out of your products that you make
2. You will need a combination of at least two products
3. You will need to determine the cost of making your product using real world data
4. You will need at least 3 different constraints for the problem
● Bake time
● Oven space (Full sized convection ovens can fit 9-12 bake trays)
● Size of the item (Bake trays usually are 18” x 26”)
● Total materials/Ingredients
● Budget for buying materials
● Cost of Labor (Min Wage in CO is $13.75/hr)
5. You are aiming to have a 300% profit markup for each of your products.
a. Profit Margin = (Profit/Sell Price)
b. Profit Markup = (Profit/Cost)
c. Sell Price = Cost+(Markup*Cost)

● Calculations Instructions
● Ande’s Bakery Calculations
● Cookies Calculations Template

● Exemplar 1
● Exemplar 2
● Exemplar 3
Project Description: Write a paragraph introducing your cookie problem.
Girdith really loves snickerdoodles and blondies and decides to open a bakery that specializes
in baking snickerdoodles and blondies! Girdith sells snickerdoodles for $0.43 cents and it cost
her $.11 cents to make. For her blondies, she's selling them for $1.32 and it costs her $.16
cents. To make sure she makes the most money she decides to look at her constraints to be
able to make the most amount of money possible! Look below

● Minimum Profit - To make sure her bakery makes enough money to stay in business
Gidith will need to make at least 250 dollars off baked items.
○ A Single (12 In Batch) Snickerdoodles Profit is 0.43
○ A Single (12 In A Batch) Blondies Profit: $1.32

● Materials - One of the limiting factors for the bakery is the number of eggs the bakery
has, the bakery has 12 Dozen eggs.
○ The snickerdoodles use 2 each batch
○ The Blondies also use 2 eggs to make each batch.

● Time - The shop owner goes in the day before to make his pastries giving him 24 hours
to make the goods.
○ Snickerdoodles take 50 minutes to prep and bake each batch
○ The Blodies takes 40 minutes to prep and bake each batch

Constraints (a)snickerdoodles (b) blondies Total

Eggs(materials) 1 batch of 1 batch of blondies 144 eggs

Snickerdoodles uses uses 2 eggs
2 eggs

Time It takes 50 minutes to It takes 40 minutes to one day

prep and bach each prep and bake 1
batch of batch of blondies.

Minimum profit Girdth sells each Girdith sells each It needs to sell at
Snickerdoodle for blondie for $.132 least $250.

a2+b2<=144 50a+40b<=3,000 a0.4+b1.32<=250
╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Profit equation
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

The solutions Ive found are are i can make 60,12 or 0 snicker doodles and
0,60, and 75 blondies.

snikerdoodles Blondies profit

60 0 .32(60)+.48(0)= 19.2

12 60 .32(12)+.48(60)=

0 75 .32(0)+.48(75)= 36
Project Reflection: Write one full paragraph answering one of the following questions. For your
response, you must provide evidence and adequate analysis of your proof.
● How do you think you have grown in your ability to tackle real-world problems?
How I feel I have grown in my ability to tackle real-world problems is I feel like I can
understand things on a deeper level and im better at finding things on my own and asking fro
help when I don't understand something. I also learned how to use other resources to help me
get the outcome that I want.

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