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Is there a difference in the

Grade Point Average Between

girls and boys?
According to penclivaya state univeristy girls on avreage have a
higer GPA than Boys.
To test this we did a data collection suvey at animas with a smaple
size of 117 students.

Null: there is no difference
between the GPA of Girls and

Alternative: there is a difference

between the GPA of girls and

Data Anylisis
Out of all the 117 students that were surveyed 59
were female and 50 were male and there were 8
others ..

Figure 1 shows the average GPA between males females

and others

Figure 2 shows the expected values for the average GPA

for males and feamals .

Figure 3 shows the Chi-squared of GPA for each of

the categories.
Figure 4 shows the Final Chi-squared, Degree of
freedom, critical value, and P-value for the average
GPA for females, males, and others.

Sese there were 3 diffrent collms of information my degree of freedom is 2.To

be able to regect the null hypothisis and go with the alternitve hypothsis then
the Chi-squared should be 5.991. The Chi-sqaured in this situation is
6.240739295 wich is enough to go agenst the null hipothisis. So what that
means is that there is a diffrance bewtween Malesn GPA's and Femals GPA's.

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