2012 - Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation

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Biol. Lett. (2012) 8, 897–899 species.

With 700 million visitors every year worldwide

doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0596 [4], zoos and aquaria are major venues for raising
Published online 25 July 2012 awareness, attention and a sense of urgency among
Conservation biology individuals, communities and governments about bio-
diversity issues. Further, they (collectively) are the
third largest non-governmental body funding in situ
Meeting report conservation programmes: coordinating and support-
ing on-the-ground conservation and restoration, and
Challenges in global gathering and disseminating much-needed knowledge
about species’ breeding and ecology.
biodiversity conservation At the Tiergarten Schönbrunn in Vienna, approxi-
mately 100 participants discussed overarching themes,
and solutions that cross including the systems approach to conservation (fitting
species conservation actions into intertwined social–
sociology, politics, ecological networks); working together with industry
executives and poachers; and using psychology to
economics and ecology foster community involvement, communicate conserva-
Sean Hoban1,* and Cristiano Vernesi2 tion science; and change public policy and individual
behaviour on issues from habitat loss to illegal animal
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Dipartimento di Biologia ed Evoluzione, Università di Ferrara,

Via L Borsari, Ferrara, 44100, Italy
trade. The participants and projects ranged from restor-
Department of Biodiversity and Molecular Ecology, Fondazione Edmund ation in economically stable but nature-poor Europe, to
Mach, S. Michele all’Adige, Trento, 38010, Italy agricultural development, human–wildlife confronta-
*Author for correspondence (shoban@alumni.nd.edu). tions, and critically endangered species in southeast
The study and practice of conservation biology Asia and Africa. Speakers also showcased tools for con-
is inherently interdisciplinary, addresses short flict resolution and local capacity building, education
and long time-scales and occurs within complex and engagement with stakeholders, and quantitative
human–natural interfaces. Zoos and aquaria, measures of conservation success [5].
in partnership with researchers, other non-
government organizations, government, industry
and educators, are combining knowledge of species 2. HUMAN –ANIMAL CONFLICTS TAKE PLACE
and ecosystems with economics, psychology and law WITHIN SYSTEMS
to create solutions for conserving biodiversity. The systems approach, a major meeting theme, was first
From 22 to 25 May, the Conservation Forum of the
demonstrated by talks on human–animal conflicts from
European Association of Zoos and Aquaria was a
venue for discussing conservation research, Alexandra Zimmerman (elephants) and Laurie Marker
education and interventions, from the scale of (cheetahs). The speakers showed that, contrary to
villages to global policy. common public opinion, local people often strongly
care for nature. However, values are overcome by
Keywords: biodiversity conservation; zoos; desperation when agriculture-based livelihoods are
stakeholder engagement; evaluating conservation threatened by crop-raiding or livestock predation.
effectiveness; policy Both speakers showed short- and long-term solutions
that integrate but do not rely solely on biological
knowledge: immediate interventions (low-cost fences,
1. INTRODUCTION: EXPANDING AND EVOLVING deterrents made from local hot chillies); income diversi-
APPROACHES TO TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY fication (micro-loans to finance natural products
CONSERVATION export); education about behaviour and ecology of the
Contemporary conservation faces not only the mount- problematic animals and reforestation. Training local
ing problems of human population increase, global people and creating handbooks allows these ideas to
climate change, pollution and land degradation, but propagate to other villages, achieving self-sustenance.
also the daunting task of working in areas of low In a similar vein, E. J. Milner-Gulland and Simon
income, education and/or political and community Mahood addressed poaching and illegal harvest by
stability, and where exploitation of resources and land re-employing former hunters and egg collectors as
is desired by local and international players. Further, guardians, nest monitors or data collectors (removing
conservation actions (such as protected areas, PAs) harvest pressure while providing a low-cost conserva-
can clash with local interests, creating resentment and tion service), an example of engaging with local
mistrust. Scientific investigations contribute valuable people to address root causes. Several talks mentioned
knowledge of ecology, genetics and behaviour, but to the need for ecological modelling to delimit boundaries
be applicable to conservation this knowledge clearly between extractive and sustainable use, as such knowl-
must be complemented with social and political sciences edge is often absent, especially in marine ecosystems.
[1]. Similarly, biodiversity research and conservation Bill Robichaud tackled the common assertion that
should be considered key elements of food security, ‘poverty is a major driver of biodiversity loss’, and pro-
sustainable development and human well-being [2,3]. vided the sobering reminder that high-value species,
The Conservation Forum of the European Associ- such as those exported for traditional medicine, can
ation of Zoos and Aquaria was a venue for debating fetch enormous prices (4000E for a tiger). In these
how zoos and aquaria educate, take action and cases, while alternative livelihoods and law enforce-
research to address these interdisciplinary challenges, ment will help, the elusive wider solution must
while retaining their vital role as ‘arks’ for threatened address drivers (increasing wealth of consumers,
Received 22 June 2012
Accepted 2 July 2012 897 This journal is q 2012 The Royal Society
898 S. Hoban and C. Vernesi Meeting report. Interdisciplinary conservation efforts

cultural beliefs) at an international and societal level, arguments of species’ roles in ecosystems. As with dis-
such as tracking trade [6] to show connections between cussions of palm oil, the solution is not simple:
biodiversity threats and consumption, with the goal of subsequent talks introduced the concept of ‘audience
identifying and controlling ‘at-risk commodities’. segmentation’, identifying target audiences and tailoring
messages to audience needs and capacity, a useful tool
for any scientist seeking funding or public approval.
3. BROAD STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND An imperative question was whether education can
DIALOGUE actually change behaviour, and if not, what can?
The benefit of broad partnerships was shown in a Maggie Esson discussed communication and systems
series of talks regarding the conundrum of palm oil, thinking in a talk about how schools were not sufficient
which converts forest land to agriculture and contrib- to teach local villages the value of a new PA. Immersive
utes to climate change. Bryan Carroll showed the educational visits inside the park and lessons in ecology,
other side of the story, palm oil is in half of our pro- especially for respected members of the communities
cessed foods, is highly efficient relative to other oil (termed ‘message multipliers’), and the use of rangers
crops, and brings much wealth to tropical commu- as role models, created a better connection and under-
nities. There was general agreement that scare standing of conservation goals and outcomes.
tactics, boycotts and no-compromise attitudes of envir- Integrating PAs with community goals and needs is an
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onmentalists have not advanced conservation goals emerging conservation trend [10].
[1,7]. Government officials, industry representatives,
researchers and non-government organizations
discussed how the solution to preserving tropical eco- 5. RESTORING AND CONSERVING SPECIES
systems must include a level of conservation-minded While many large conservation organizations are
integration with agriculture [8]. moving away from a single-species focus, this forum
This set the stage for Carl Traeholt, who explained showed why zoos and aquaria remain ‘species cham-
the partnership between Copenhagen Zoo and United pions’. There was discussion of how conservation of
Plantations to provide biological expertise in integrating ‘umbrella species’ provides protection and consider-
plantations with ecosystems, maintaining ecological ation of other species and entire habitats. Further,
processes and services [9]. The partnership used GIS research on umbrella species can result in data on
to choose least-impact locations for planting, plan corri- species connected in the food web. Species may also
dors and refuges for wildlife, establish a native tree be ‘flagships’, emblematic of widespread problems,
nursery staffed by locals, and use ‘integrated pest man- issues or ecosystems, such as tigers or rhinos. As Sara
agement’ (predators instead of chemicals). How does Brook explained, these charismatic faces serve as
the company benefit? In addition to accessing eco- emotional or iconic attachment for the public while
minded markets through certification, the company also providing educational case studies or stories.
establishes a long-term, productive partnership with One focus was the extinction crisis in Asia that faces
community and country. Dato’ Seri called this the the most rapid decline in species of any region world-
‘new economic model’, combining high income, sus- wide. Several examples highlighted the myriad of
tainability and inclusiveness (community consent and threats in this biodiverse region, from the Chinese
living wages). Zoos are valuable advisors and arbiters paddlefish whose migration habits are disrupted by
in this work owing to experience in engagement and dams, to the decline of vultures caused by decline of
marketing as well as biological expertise in reintroduc- large animal carcases, and from the explosion of
tions, relocations and restorations. Zoos can also ‘hobby trade’ in the newly discovered salamander
educate the public about consumer choice in food, (Laotriton laoensis), to the white-bellied heron whose
medicine, tourism and forest products. Researchers decline has no known cause. While long-term solutions
can help design and monitor the intensity of agricultural to these problems concern reducing trade demand and
practice to optimize for ecological benefit, and identify educating young people, presentations emphasized
high conservation value land [8]. For this to succeed, expensive but necessary short-term solutions such as
biologists must stop seeing businesses as solely proble- science-based choice and protection of critical sites.
matic, and untouched PAs as sole solutions [7,10], a Another topic was species reintroduction and restor-
lesson applicable to other human–ecosystem interfaces ation in Europe. Tiit Maran and others summarized
(livestock, logging, fisheries). systems approach lessons including: integrating in situ
and ex situ plans; researching genetics, demography
and behaviour and specifically how these relate to
4. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND population increase; ensuring that prey and suitable
PSYCHOLOGY habitat are available; involving communities (especially
In addition to engaging with stakeholders from bankers families) in local actions (rescue, reintroduction, moni-
to politicians, the forum focused on effective communi- toring) to build appreciation. Richard Zink added that
cation with the public and the psychology of zoo visits ‘active reintroduction’ (trying different methods and
and nature appreciation. Neil Madison used bushmeat recording outcomes) can optimize the age and condition
campaigns to stress that our messages are often biased of released animals [11]. Other reintroduction tools
from our outside views and experience, and may fail including ‘head-starting’ released individuals with sup-
to engage or may result in confusion. He suggested plemental food; use of large, enclosed natural areas for
moving from arguments based on moral obligation, acclimation and radio tracking were also discussed.
common among conservation advocates, to scientific Bálint Halpern showed the use of ‘conservation
Biol. Lett. (2012)
Meeting report. Interdisciplinary conservation efforts S. Hoban and C. Vernesi 899

heroes’ and media coverage (the President of Hungary is as difficult as ever, the Conservation Forum showed
personally releasing two meadow vipers), while Anna that zoos and university researchers can partner with
Nekaris showed the power of social media and YouTube others to identify and establish PAs, provide education
to combat illegal animal trade. Ben Delbaere gave this and training, and support law enforcement and policy
section broader context with a presentation of European evolution, addressing root causes including livelihoods,
policy directions such as integrating ecosystems into our knowledge, community capacity and behaviour. To
cities; striving to define vague terms such as ‘sustainable’, move forward, we as biologists should focus our language
‘degraded’ and ‘restored’; and the planned Intergovern- of public discourse and make strong connections among
mental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and disciplines to apply our results.
Ecosystem Services (http://www.ipbes.net/).

6. TOOLS AND APPROACHES 1 Rudd, M. A. et al. 2011 Generation of priority research

In addition to the general approaches of systems think- questions to inform conservation policy and management
ing, stakeholder engagement and communication, at a national level. Conserv. Biol. 25, 1 –9. (doi:10.1111/j.
several specific tools were presented. Carly Waterman 1523-1739.2010.01625.x)
explained evolutionary distinct and globally endangered, 2 Evans, D. M. et al. 2012 Funding nature conservation:
a method of species prioritization that combines IUCN who pays? Anim. Conserv. 15, 215 –216. (doi:10.1111/j.
Downloaded from https://royalsocietypublishing.org/ on 29 June 2022

Red List categories with phylogenetic distinctiveness 1469-1795.2012.00550.x)

to ensure that unique genetic lineages are not over- 3 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005 Ecosystems
and human well-being: synthesis. Washington, DC: Island
looked [12]. Another workshop presented a simple,
user-friendly way to measure the impact of conservation 4 Gusset, M. & Dick, G. 2011 The global reach of zoos and
actions [13]. While such methods are critiqued for value aquariums in visitor numbers and conservation expendi-
judgements and quantifying the qualitative, the earnest tures. Zoo Biol. 30, 566 –569. (doi:10.1002/zoo.20369)
discussion showed the necessity for evaluating and rank- 5 Howe, C. & Milner-Gulland, E. J. 2012 Evaluating indi-
ing effectiveness, in order to identify factors underlying ces of conservation success: a comparative analysis of
success and failure [5]. outcome- and output-based indices. Anim. Conserv. 15,
A consistent question was: how to fund long-term 217 –226. (doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2011.00516.x)
projects [2]? Kathrin Hebel discussed the potential 6 Lenzen, M., Moran, D., Kanemoto, K., Foran, B.,
but uncertain future of REDDþ to create funds Lobefaro, L. & Geschke, A. 2012 International trade
drives biodiversity threats in developing nations. Nature
for protecting areas from deforestation and degra-
486, 109 –112. (doi:10.1038/nature11145)
dation, as well as active reforesting and sustainably
7 Kareiva, P., Lalasz, R. & Marvier, M. 2011 Conservation
managing forests as carbon sinks. In spite of criti- in the Anthropocene. Breakthrough J. 1. See: http://break
cism (carbon accounting, determining unexpected throughjournal.org/content/issues/issue_2/.
environmental impacts, ensuring that funds reach 8 Edwards, D. P., Fisher, B. & Wilcove, D. S. 2012 High
the projects), there was agreement that new solutions conservation value or high confusion value? Sustainable
are needed, because the standard development agriculture and biodiversity conservation in the tropics.
approach (short-term infusions of knowledge and Conserv. Lett. 5, 20–27. (doi:10.1111/j.1755-263X.
funds to implement solutions drawn up by outsiders) 2011.00209.x)
is not working. 9 Goh-Jeevan, J. & Loh, B. 2011 A new shift in CSR palm
Genetics was briefly mentioned in several talks, oil industry’s role in biodiversity protection, conservation
and natural resource management: philanthrophy,
particularly regarding inbreeding, connectivity and
internal partnership, & capacity building. J. Oil Palm
captive populations. However, despite the well-known Environ. 2, 63–71. (doi:10.5366/jope.2011.07)
importance of genetics concerns and the increasing 10 Miller, J. R., Morton, L. W., Engle, D. M., Debinski,
availability, utility and power of genetics tools to D. M. & Harr, R. N. 2012 Nature reserves as catalysts
inform conservation projects and measure outcomes for landscape change. Front. Ecol. Environ. 10,
[14], genetics remains at the periphery. Sean Hoban 144 –152. (doi:10.1890/100227)
and Cristiano Vernesi presented a collection of online 11 Schaub, M., Zink, R., Beissmann, H., Sarrazin, F. &
tools to better disseminate knowledge about Arlettaz, R. 2009 When to end releases in reintroduction
conservation genetic techniques and topics (www.con programmes: demographic rates and population viability
gressgenetics.eu/), and discussed applications of analysis of bearded vultures in the Alps. J. Appl. Ecol. 46,
genetics to policy and management. 92– 100. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01585.x)
12 Isaac, N. J. B., Turvey, S. T., Collen, B., Waterman, C. &
Baillie, J. E. M. 2007 Mammals on the EDGE: conserva-
7. OUTSTANDING ISSUES AND MOVING tion priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PLoS ONE
FORWARD 2, e296. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000296)
13 Gusset, M. & Dick, G. 2010 ‘Building a future for wild-
The forum left open many questions. How to begin (and
life’? Evaluating the contribution of the world zoo and
sustain) change in long-term, international, socioeco- aquarium community to in situ conservation. Int. Zoo
nomic threats [6], when it is clear that this change will Yearbook 44, 183 –191. (doi:10.1111/j.1748-1090.2009.
take place on a generational scale? What are the best 00101.x)
measures of conservation success (ecosystem services/ 14 Allendorf, F. W., Hohenlohe, P. A. & Luikart, G. 2010
productivity, number of species, size of protected ecosys- Genomics and the future of conservation genetics. Nat.
tems)? Still, although the path to conservation solutions Rev. Genet. 11, 697 –709. (doi:10.1038/nrg2844)

Biol. Lett. (2012)

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