Loa W Ch-1 Written Work

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The Life of the Arabs in Pre-Islamic Times

Answer the following questions
1. What is a tribe?
Ans: A tribe is a group of people related to one another by blood and common interests. 2.
2. Where did tribes use to live in the Arabian Peninsula?
Ans: The tribes used to live in the Desert as well as in towns that were situated on the trade routes.
3. Where does all the tribes used to meet to exchange goods in pre-Islamic period?
Ans: All the tribes used to meet to exchange goods at Okaz Maeen
4. Who is leader of the tribe Quraish?
Ans: Hashim bin Abd Manaf is leader of the tribe Quraish.

Fill in the blanks

1.The Najd plateau, is a high area extending from the Hijaz Mountains to Bahrain in the east.
2. Yemen and southern Oman are located in an area with a sub-tropical climate
3. Caravan is a group of people and camels laden with goods meant for trade, travelling in a line across the
4. The location of the Arab Peninsula led to the development of trade routes between the east (India and
China) and the west (the Levant and Egypt.)
5. The Arabs of pre-Islamic period were famous for commerce and trade
6. Okaz valley between Mecca and Al-Taef.
7. The best poems were taken and hung on the walls of the Ka'aba in Mecca.
8. Okaz Maeen is one of the famous Arab markets in pre-islamic times.
9. Okaz Maeen was the famous meeting place for the famous Arab poets.
10. The important goods that The Arabs acquired by trade in pre-Islamic times are Jewellery from Bahrain,
Silk from China, Spices from India, Perfumes from Yemen, Al-Sham and Egypt.
Agriculture, Political, Social and Religious Conditions
Answer the following questions.
1.Where was the most famous dam built in Yemen?
Ans: The most famous dam was built at Ma'arib in Yemen.
2. Why Arabs settle down Al-Tae'f and Yathrib?
Ans: The land was more fertile, and water was plentiful because of springs and oases. Therefore, Arabs to
settle down and cultivate the land.
3. Name the three classes of Arab society before the birth of Islam?
Ans: Free people, Loyalists and Slaves the three classes of Arab society before the birth of Islam
4. What type of landform covers the main part of the Arabian Peninsula
Ans: The Desert covers the main part of the Arabian Peninsula
5. Name three types of social classes before the birth of Islam in Arabian Peninsula.
Ans: The three types of social classes before the birth of Islam in Arabian Peninsula
Free people
6. Where did many people settled in by giving up nomadic life?
Ans: The people settled in cities like Mecca, Yathrib and Al-Taif by giving their up nomadic life.

Write definitions for the following.

1. Nomadic – The people who traveling from one place to another instead of settling in one place.
2. Monarchical - A form of government that has a single person known as a monarch at its head. Monarchs
use such titles as king, queen, emperor, or empress
3. Idolatry – worshipping of idols
4. Animism - the belief that spirits lived in things such as stones and trees.
5. Zoroastrianism - worshipping fire
6. kinship – the relationship in a family, especially blood relatives.

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