GI210048-Sitang-BSBCMM401 - Assessment Task 1

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Assessment Cover Sheet
Student Name Sitang Pakornrassamee
(Please write in block letters)
Student ID GI210048
Unit Code / Unit Name BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation
Assessment No. 1
Date of Submission 22/08/21

Student Declaration:
I certify that:
 I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarized from any person or source.
 I have read the Assessment and Student Handbook and I understand all the rules and guidelines for undertaking
 I give permission for my assessment material to be used for continuous improvement purposes.

Student Signature: สิตางค์ ปกรณ์รัศมี Date: 22/08/21

Result: □ Satisfactory | □ Not Satisfactory

Trainer/Assessor Feedback

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in Trainer/Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with
aware of my appeal rights. this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
Name: Sitang Pakornrassamee Name: ____________________________
Signature: สิตางค์ ปกรณ์รัศมี Signature: __________________________
Date: 22/08/21 Date: ____/_____/_____

Tear off fro

Assessment Acknowledgement Receipt
Student Name: Sitang Pakornrassamee Student ID: GI210048
Unit Code /Name: BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation Assessment No:1
Trainer/Assessor Signature: Date:

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Assessment task 1 – Presentation and Written Report
Performance objective
You are required to plan, deliver and evaluate a presentation that informs and engages your target audience. You
must implement techniques to review the effectiveness of your presentation and identify possibilities for

You will need to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of effective communication.

Assessment description
This Assessment Task requires you to develop a plan for a 10-minute presentation on a topic of your choice and
deliver it to your colleagues/classmates. This presentation may be relevant to your occupation or personal interests.

You will need to deliver the presentation using methods that match the characteristics of the target audience,
location, and resources required. You should incorporate audio/visual content to communicate key concepts within
the presentation.

You are required to collect feedback on your presentation and evaluate it using an appropriate evaluation method.
Finally, you will need to write a short report summarising the feedback achieved.

1. Select a topic relevant to your occupation or personal interests. choose a topic you know really well and that
you find easy to talk about so that you can focus on the method and manner of presenting, rather than the
content. Consider the characteristics of the target audience, location resources and personal needs.
Presentation Topics: Guide on Manual Handling Risk Assessment in the Hospitality Sector.
Audiences: All the Futura Hotel staff members.
Location: The Grand Ball Room (Level 2).
Personal Needs: Data projector, handouts, whiteboard, and the wheelchairs access.

2. Negotiate a date and time for your presentation with your assessor and develop a short check sheet to ensure
others that are involved with your presentation such as a co-presenter or IT assistance person. You should also
develop a few notes on instructions for the audience relating to the feedback sheets or activities they may be
required to do during your presentation.
Date: 22/08/21
Time: 1 – 3 pm.

3. Using the document marked Appendix 1: Presentation Planning Template you are required to outline your
presentation. Please ensure you provide a clear guide regarding your approach and intended outcomes to the
presentation. – Please see the Appendix 1 below.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

4. To enhance your presentation, collect and / or create any presentation aids, materials and techniques you will
need as part of the presentation. These should enhance your audiences understanding of the key concepts and
central ideas of your topic. When you have selected your specific presentation aid or format you will need to
identify why you have chosen this method. You are required to use a combination of aids from this list:
a. diagrams, charts and posters
b. data projector
c. paper-based materials (handouts)
d. video and audio recordings
e. whiteboard or flip charts

5. Identify any regulatory and organisational obligations and requirements relevant to presentations such as WHS
requirements, Correct use of language, non-discrimination, and EEO practices.
- Explain to the audience about Emergency Evacuation before starting the presentation.

6. Complete a materials checklist using the template provided (see Appendix 2). Prepare the venue and ensure it
meets workplace health and safety (WHS) requirements (for example, no power cables sticking out where
people may fall over).
7. Deliver your presentation to the target audience. (Please use the Appendix 1 .2) Document provided to ensure
you have covered the following areas in your presentation
a. Explain and discuss with your audience the desired outcomes of the presentation.
b. How will you monitor verbal and non-verbal communication of the participants to promote attainment
of the presentation outcomes?
c. How will you use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest?
d. Identify in your presentation when you will be providing opportunities for participants to clarify
understanding of your key points and ideas.
8. Collect feedback from audiences on effectiveness of your presentation using feedback questionnaire (see
appendix 3)
9. Write a short report summarising the feedback received from audience. Report should include:
1: Effective aspects of my presentation

2: Ineffective aspects of my presentation

3: Strategies for improving the effectiveness of future presentation

You must submit:

● a copy of your presentation plan including a materials checklist (Appendix 1 and 2)

● a printout of PowerPoint slides of your presentation

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

● delivery of your 10-minute presentation to audiences

● a copy of surveys or questionnaires used to collect feedback (appendix 3)

● A short report on the feedback collected after the presentation delivery.

Your assessor will be looking for:

● a presentation plan that shows structure, sequence and timing and identifies the intended outcomes

● choice of presentation strategies, format and delivery methods matching the characteristics of the target
audience, location, and resources required
● the choice and use of presentation aids, materials and techniques that suit the format and purpose of the
presentation and enhance audience understanding of key concepts
● clearly communicated roles and responsibilities; any guest speakers must have a clear idea of what you expect
of them
● delivery of the presentation that matches your plan

● communication of central ideas of a message in an informative and engaging manner

● explanation of desired presentation outcomes to target audience

● the use of both verbal and non-verbal techniques to sustain audience engagement (as well as communicating in
a culturally appropriate manner)
● the use of persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest including:

○ focusing on the audience’s needs

○ using powerfully persuasive language, narratives, analogies, or metaphors
○ monitoring audience’s non-verbal and verbal communication and eliminating barriers to effective
communication where necessary.
● opportunities for the audience to seek clarification on presentation content and adjustments of presentation
delivery to meet audience’s needs and wants
● summaries of key concepts to aid audience’s understanding

● selection and implementation of techniques to review the effectiveness of the presentation

● discussion of reactions to the presentation from participants or from guest speakers involved in the presentation

● a brief written reflection which concisely summarises the gathered feedback and identifies possibilities for
future improvement
● demonstration of effective presentation methods

● presentation abides by ethical and OHS legislation

● confident use of presentation aids where applicable

● demonstration of knowledge of the principles of effective communication

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

Appendix 1.1: Presentation planning template

Title of presentation:

Guide on Manual Handling Risk Assessment in the Hospitality Sector.

Audience profile:

All the Futura Hotel staff members.

Desired outcome and purpose of the presentation

This short, practical guide offers guidance on useful interventions that can be put in place to address the issue of
injury due to manual handling in the workplace. It aims to:

1. Outline the legislation underpinning the need to address manual handling activity in the workplace.

2. Outline the reasons why improvements should be made to avoid or reduce manual handling.

3. Explain in simple and practical terms the manual handling risk assessment process.

4. Illustrate through case studies how a manual handling risk assessment might be completed.

Presentation aids and materials to be used and why these were selected

 Slide Presentations.

 Handouts.

Time Content Resources

10.00 am Introduction Presentation script

5 minutes Body – point 1 Presentation

What is risk assessment? and How is a Manual Handling Risk

Assessment Carried Out?

5 minutes Body – point 2 Presentation


Step 1: Task description
Step 2: Collect technical information
Step 3: Identify the risk factors
Step 4: Identify the Improvements to be put in Place
Step 5: Review the effectiveness of the improvements

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

5 minutes Body – point 3 Presentation


ASSESSMENT? Keeping records of your assessment and any
control actions taken is very important. You may be required
to store assessments for a specific number of years. Check for
local requirements in your jurisdiction.

10.20 am Conclusion/ Summary/ Call to action Presentation

Benefits of doing risk assessments

 Recognise and control hazards in your workplace.
 Create awareness among your employees – and use it
as a training tool as well.
 Set risk management standards, based on acceptable
safe practices and legal requirements.
 Reduce incidents in the workplace.
Key (Use the following symbols as prompts for certain actions.)

! emphasise  link to  graphic #1  check time

 link back to  call for questions  ask for comments

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

Appendix 1.2: Presentation Content Check List

Title of presentation:

Guide on Manual Handling Risk Assessment in the Hospitality Sector.

Audience profile:

All the Futura Hotel staff members.

Desired outcome and purpose of the presentation

This short, practical guide offers guidance on useful interventions that can be put in place to address the issue of
injury due to manual handling in the workplace. It aims to:

1. Outline the legislation underpinning the need to address manual handling activity in the workplace.

2. Outline the reasons why improvements should be made to avoid or reduce manual handling.

3. Explain in simple and practical terms the manual handling risk assessment process.

4. Illustrate through case studies how a manual handling risk assessment might be completed.

During the presentation how will you address the following points: Please identify where in your presentation
these are implemented.

Item Action / Content Action Summary – a short description on how this is done
in your presentation or per preparation of your

1 Desired outcome of presentation The audience will recognize basic risk assessment and how
to handle risk assessment in the hospitality sector.

2 How to monitor Verbal and Non- Observe the audience how they react before and after the
Verbal communication of presentation. Asking some questions to make sure they are
participants during the following the content of the presentation.

3 How to use persuasive Focusing on the other person's needs when speaking or
communication techniques to writing.
secure audience interest. Please Build your communication around the other person's
needs, rather than those of the organisation.
give examples

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

4 Identify when you will provide At the end of the presentation, allow the audience to ask
opportunities for participants to questions about the topic. This Q&A will clarify any
seek clarification on central ideas questions to the audience.
and concepts.

5 Where in your presentation will The conclusion is a summary key concept and persuade the
you summarised key concepts and audience to accept the information in this presentation.
ideas at strategic points. Identify
the part of the presentation
where tis occurs

6 Ensure you use a variety of PowerPoint allows you to catch your audience's attention
presentation aids, and materials using visual effects. PowerPoint is also highly
to support your key concepts and recommended for speakers that may find presentations
stressful. One other way that PowerPoint can be beneficial
central ideas and why you have
to the presenters is by using the slides as keynotes and
chosen this specific presentation control the flow of the presentation.

7 I have practiced the presentation Please confirm and sign off.

and made any adjustments prior
to presenting to the audience.

Appendix 2: Materials checklist

Name: Sitang Pakornrassamee Date of presentation: 22/08/21

Checked Working order Not Applicable

 Seating arrangement and room layout
 Placement of light switches
 Internet connections
 Location of power points
 Tables for equipment

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

Checked Working order Not Applicable

 Laptop

 Power cords/cables

 Data projector

 Speaker


 Reference material
 Audience materials/handouts
 Master hard copy of all materials
 Evaluation forms
 Presentation file saved to laptop
 Pens, markers, whiteboard markers
 Presentation software on laptop
 Attendee list
Special requirements – disabled toilets, lift, diet

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

Appendix 3: Sample feedback questionnaire

Your Name (optional) Rushendar

Presentation Title Guide on Manual Handling Risk Assessment in the Hospitality Sector

Candidate’s Name Sitang Pakornrassamee

Date: 22/08/21
Presentation Date /Time
Time: 1 – 3 pm.

1 = strongly disagree 2= disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree SCALE

Presentation 1 2 3 4 5
An overview was given  
The content was organised logically  
The main points were backed up with evidence  
The presenter understood the content  
I was able to follow all the points made  
The presenter:
 
● was well-groomed
 
● spoke clearly
 
● stood and moved with purpose
 
● engaged the audience through eye contact
 
● developed rapport with the audience
The layout of the room assisted delivery 
Presentation aids supported the content 
The delivery method held my attention 
Visual material was well constructed and added to the presentation 
The presenter handled Q&A session effectively 
The presenter finished on time 

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

Aspects of the presentation that were effective included:

The context was easy to understand, and the heading was following and relating to the topic. The presentation provide
knowledge to the audience and direct the way how to implement risk assessment in the workplace which is very useful to
the audience.

Aspects that were not effective included:

The speaker could be more confident to make a presentation. Speaking with confident can increase effectiveness of the

To improve the effectiveness of future presentations the presenter could:

 Frame your speech as a story

A good public speaker takes their audience on a journey and captures the hearts and minds of their audience.3
Vinay encourages students and accounting and finance professionals to approach their speeches and presentations like telling
a story to capture their audience's attention.

 Practise your body language

When you want to deliver a presentation with confidence, it's important to remember practice makes perfect.

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