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Q3. Answer Briefly.

a. What do you understand by Rule of Law?
The rule of law means is that all laws apply equally to all citizens of the country, and no one
can be above the law.
Neither a government official nor a wealthy person nor even the President of the country is
above the law

b. Why is Rowlatt Act considered as an Act of arbitrariness?

The Rowlatt Act called a black act since it restricted the civil rights of the people of the
This act allowed the British Government to imprison people without trial.
c. What is the significance of Hindu Succession Amendment Act 2005?
According to this new law, sons, daughters and their mothers can get an equal share of
family property.
 Till recently, prior to the new law Hindu women did not get a share in the
family's agricultural land.
 After the death of the father his property was divided equally only among his sons.
But now the situation has changed.
 In the new law sons, daughters and their mothers can get an equal share in the land.
 The same law will apply to all states and union territories of the country.
 The new law will benefit many women. Now they can enjoy their independent status
with equal rights.
Q4. Answer in about 100 words.
a. List the various ways in which people can raise their voice against unpopular and
controversial laws.
 People might criticise the law,
 Hold public meetings,
 Write about it in newspapers,
 Report to TV news channels, etc.
b. On what basis historians have disputed the claim of British colonialist that they
introduced the rule of law?
It is often believed that it was the British colonialists who introduced the rule of law in
Historians have disputed this claim on several grounds, two of which include:-
 First that colonial law was arbitrary, and
 Second that the Indian nationalists played a prominent role in the development of
the legal sphere in British India. One example of the arbitrariness that continued to
exist as part of British law is the Sedition Act of 1870. The idea of sedition was very
broadly understood within this Act. Any person protesting or criticizing the British
government could be arrested without due trail.  
 The British were often not punished for the crimes committed against Indians.  
c. Write about the role played by Indians in the evolution of the rule of law during the
colonial period.
 By the end of the nineteenth century, the Indians started asserting themselves in the
colonial courts.
The Indian Legal profession began emerging as a force to reckon with and the Indians
demanded respect in the courts. Indians started using law to defend their legal rights.
 Indian judges began to play a greater role in making decisions.

Thus the Indians played a major role in the evolution of the rule of law during the colonial
 The Indian Nationalists advocated for greater equality for Indians before the law.
• They also advocated bringing changes in the law which were derogatory and which
were forced on Indians.
d. What is Domestic Violence? How did Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act
help women?
 Domestic violence refers to the injury or harm or threat of injury or harm caused by
an adult male, usually the husband, against his wife.
 The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act has helped them immensely,
as they can now get government protection.
 This civil law has helped them get monetary relief for medical treatments.

Q5. Abiding by the laws made for the citizens is important for the national building
process. Give your views with reasons.
 If a citizen by any overt or covert act shows disrespect to the constitution, the
National Anthem or the National Flag it would spell doom to all our rights and very
existence as citizens of a sovereign nation.
 The citizens of India must cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired the
national struggle for freedom. These ideals were those of building a just society and a
united nation with freedom, equality, non violence, brotherhood and world peace.
 Indian citizens uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India-- if
freedom and unity of the country are jeopardized then united nation is not possible.
 They must promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all
 Must safeguard public property and to abjure violence

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