Account For The Failure of The

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Account for the failure of the collective security between the two World Wars (1919-1939).

The Collective Failure included League of Nations, signing of International peace agreements as
well as disarmament conferences. However, they all fail and led to an outbreak of ww2. The
reasons are going to be explained thoroughly the following.

First, the League of Nations(LN). It was set up in 1920 as the first international peacekeeping
body in the 20th century. Although it aims to alleviate international tension due to mutual
distrust and suspicion from the secret alliance and solve international confrontations through co-
operation, it suffered several weaknesses to effectively maintaining peace.

To start with, LN has inadequate representatives. Since without the support of US, LN reduces
its reputation as well as the legal binding power of other countries to join permanently.
Therefore, a lot of members withdrew in the later stages. For instance, Italy withdrew in 1937
and Germany withdrew in 1933 after a short participation in 1928. It only remained prolong
members like France and Britain to maintain world peace. They shouldered great responsibility
and hindered the effect to maintain peace.

Also, LN has ineffective mechanism. The Council and Assembly required participating members
in a conference to solve world conflicts by a unanimous vote, meaning no objectives. Therefore,
it hindered the effectiveness to solve aggressive conflicts. For example, Japan invaded China's
northeast provinces and the LN has no solutions but condemn Japan as aggressors. Even LN has
conducted a solving conference, Japan as the member state would oppose any solutions to stop
him and the conference will fail to solve the invasion.

In addition, LN has weak military power. Since LN hasn't had it's own military force, it could
only rely heavily on France and Britain's military assistance. If both countries aren't willing to
provide any, all LN could do was threat aggressors impose economic sanctions or condemn them
as aggressors. For instance, the Abyssinian Crisis, LN has nothing to do but impose sanctions on
commodities. But it was ineffective and without public support from Britain and France, LN
retreated the sanction and Italy gained Abyssinia.

Finally, LN has divergent views of member states. Britain viewed the LN as an international
peacekeeping organisation without legal binding powers whereas France viewed it as a military
body to help resist Germany permanently. Therefore, the member states would function the LN
in different ways and may create conflicts easily. For instance, The Pact of Mutual Assistance is
designed in 1923 to advocate cutting down on armaments and military alliance of both B and F
against Germany, but Britain refused to sign. As a result, the chances that Britain and France and
allied to create a stronger military power to stop Germany was hindered.

Second, the collective security failed because the Great Depression. Since US entered into an
economic recession in 1929, the total world trade decreased more than 40 billion and the whole
world was affected from it. For instance, Britain and France originally accepted economic aid
from the huge investments of US between 1924-1929. It alleviates their crisis on disrupted
foreign trade and domestic production, as well as the destroyed infrastructures. However, when
the Great Depression occurred, the investments were hindered to implement on them. In
addition, their economy was further aggravated (e.g. B rose unemployment of 2.8 million while
F is over 1 million). US has also harshly

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