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women are biologically sensitive to high pitched noises so that they can hear

their offspring even when they are asleep.

according to the survey, men can listen to their male friends for ages, but they
can only listen to their girlfriend or wife for six minutes.
Women are sexually aroused by men who give them the feeling of being free and wild.
shrill voice

Women spend over 4 years (in total) of their lives menstruating.

75% of women ask questions they already know the answer to.

Women who masturbate regularly are more likely to experience orgasm during
Men feel emotionally close when they play or talk side-by-side.
A girl cannot keep a secret for more than 47 hours.
A women's sex drive is much more easily upset tha a guy's.
when a man first approaches a woman, she will base 7% of her initial imprwession on
what he says, 38% on his style of speaking and 55% on his appearance and body

Women who snore during pregnancy tend to have smaller babies.

A woman is more likely to be impressed and attracted to someone when she gets

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