A Christmas Fashion Show

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Dear diary,

Today was just a simple day but have happened lots of interesting things...

I think I should start at our maths lesson, we started to panic: today has common quiz! As the
teacher gave us the quiz paper, there was thirty minutes for us. Time started! I quickly flipped
through the paper, and took a relief: it was quite easy! I'm definetly got a good mark. And then,
when I finished and was checking the answers, I heard a small whisper behind me. I knew it was
my classmate-Grace asking for answers, she said:' first page....number four....' I flick through the
pages, and gave a space for Grace to gave a look . Suddenly, our math teacher turn around and
looked at us! I pretended to check my papers, luckily, he didn't found out! whew!

In lunchtime, we watched a film--The Greatest Showman as miss Leung promise us to watch.

This film was fantastic as the musics in the film are the most favourite thing I like. It says about
a boy who was poor that he wanted to marry a girl who love him too from a wealthy home. Her
father won't promise and so the boy worked hard and become the head of a circus. But there are
many people said that the circus people are strange animals, they are facing a serious problem...

The most exciting part is todays Fashion Show! The theme is Disney characters in winter. There
are Elsa/Snow white/Woody and jessie/Tinkerbell/Beauty and the Beast/Ariel, my favourite
costume is Woody and Jessie because their outfit are so alike and cool. But the most most
exicting part is candies free give and christmas quiz. We all tried to catch the candies given from
the fashion team members. Well, its not easy, I just got two only! But never mind, there was still
a christmas quiz and the prizes are even yummy! And so, I raise my hand as fast I can do, Oh!
My friend got it, she got box of chocolate which the package is a small gold star.

Well, today was an interesting day!

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