Leadership Project Process Journal

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April 19th - 8:23pm

First I worked on the

programming. I chose to
work on this for a little bit
before I built the controller
to see if I could translate
what I wanted to do into
coding, and to see the
limitations of what I could
do. For instance, I figured
out how to change the
instrument with the push of
a button using if/then
statements, and how to
change the tempo.

For Next Time: Now that I

have a good framework for
the coding, next time I’ll
start on the actual
April 20th - 6:25pm
I made the slime buttons
for the controller and tested
them to see if they worked.
Surprisingly, they did. I
hooked it up to the
Makey-Makey and my
Scratch test project and it
worked better than I
thought it did.

When sketching out my

initial blueprints, I didn’t
think about a few things:
the amount of wires I had,
the fact that the
Makey-Makey had to be
connected to a computer,
and how short the wires
were. Initially, I wanted
eleven buttons, but I only
have seven wires. I need to
edit my plans a little to fit
the wiring.

For Next Time: Now that I

have the mechanisms
down, I need to start
building the structure
everything will go on.
April 22nd - 1:30pm
I’m getting the materials
together to build my
installment, but I have to
figure out how to work with
it so it looks at least
somewhat professional
instead of just cardboard
on a piano stand. This is
the skeleton of my project.

For Next Time: I am going

to start assembling
everything together and
start working out some of
this wiring.
May 3rd - 5:34pm
I finished the rest of the
programming for my
installation, opting for a D
Major Pentatonic scale
instead of an entire D
Major scale. The part that
took me the most amount
of work was the button that
changed the instrument,
which (at least, in my
limited knowledge of
programming) took way too
many if/then statements to

For Next Time: I’m ready

to start putting everything
together and should be
ready for Wednesday’s
May 6th - 4:55pm
It’s complete - the final
project. While it turned out
pretty well, I wish I could
have made it look a little
more visually appealing.
I’m excited to get feedback
on it tonight.

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