MOM Previous Year Questions

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MOM Previous Year Questions

(Unit wise, and also Topic Wise)

Simple Stresses and Strains
1. Find the minimum diameter of a steel wire, which is used to raise a load of 5000 N if the stress in the rod is
not to exceed 100MN/m2. (2022/Suppl)
2. Define the following terms a) young’s Modulus b) modulus of rigidity (2022/Suppl, 2022/CBCS/Suppl,
2018/ Suppl)
3. Sketch stress-strain diagram for ductile material stating salient points (2021/Suppl)
4. State Hooke’s law (2021)
5. Define strain. What are the various types of strains? (2020/Suppl)
6. Write the difference between elasticity and plasticity (2020/Suppl, 2019/Suppl, 2017/Suppl)
7. Define ductility and malleability. (2019/Suppl)
8. A rod of 200cm long and of diameter 3cm is subjected to an axial pull of 30KN. If the young’s modulus of the
material of the rod is 2x105 N/mm2, calculate elongation of the rod. (2019/CBCS/Suppl)
9. State and explain Hooke’s law (2019/Old/Suppl)
10. What is ductility of a material? (2018)
3 2
11. The safe stress for a hollow steel column which carries and axial load of 2.1 X 10 KN is 125MN/m . If the
external diameter of the column is 30cm, determine the internal diameter. (2018/Suppl)
12. Define stress and what are the various types of stresses explain clearly with neat sketch. (2017/CBCS)
13. Find the minimum diameter of a steel wire, which is used to raise a load of 4KN if the stress in the rod is not
to exceed 95MN/mm2. (2017/CBCS)
14. Sketch the stress and strain curve for Brittle material. Explain all the salient points on it. (2017)
15. Define Hardness and Stiffness (2017)
16. Draw stress strain curve for Mild steel specimen indicating its salient features (2013, 2012, 2011)
17. Differentiate between strength and stiffness (2011)

Relation between elastic constants

1. What is the relationship between three elastic constants (E, G & K)? (2021/Suppl, 2019/Suppl,
2018, 2018/Suppl, 2017/Suppl)
2. Explain Bulk Modulus (2020 /Suppl, 2018/Suppl)
3. Define the following terms a) Bulk Modulus b) Factor of Safety (2019/Suppl)
4. Give relationship between Bulk Modulus and Modulus of Elasticity in terms of Poisson's ratio. (2012)

1. Derive the relation between three elastic constants “K”,"1/m" and “E” (2022/Suppl, 2019/Suppl,
2. A bar of cross section 8mm x 8mm is subjected to an axial pull of 7000N. The lateral dimensions of the bar is
found to be changed to 7.99mm x 7.99mm. If the modulus of rigidity of the material is 0.8x105, Determine the
poisons ration and modulus of rigidity? (2021)
3. A bar of 30 mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 60 KN. The measured extension on a gauge length of 200
mm is 0.09 mm and the change in diameter is 0.0039 mm. Calculate a) Poisson’s ratio b) Modulus of
Elasticity c) Modulus of Rigidity d) Bulk Modulus. (2019/Suppl)
4. In a tension best on a circular rod 60 mm diameter and 200 mm gauge Length. The elongation recorded was
0.6mm. The decrease in diameter was found to be 0.22mm. Calculate the three elastic Constants. (2017, 2013)
5. Derive E = 9 KG /(3 K + G) from the fundamentals. where ‘K’ is Bulk modulus, ‘G’ shear modulus, ‘E’
Young’s modulus. (2017/Suppl)
6. Derive the relation between the elastic constants K, C, and E from the fundamentals. (2015/New,
2015/ Suppl, 2014)
7. Derive the relationship between modulus of elasticity. (E) and bulk modulus (K). (2011)

Volumetric strain
1. Write an expression of volumetric strain for a rectangular bar subjected to an axial load P.(2022/CBCS/Suppl)
2. Define Poisson’s Ratio and Modular Ratio. (2022/Suppl, 2021/Suppl, 2014)
3. Distinguish between longitudinal and lateral Stains (2020)
4. Explain Poisson’s ratio. (2019/CBCS/Suppl)

1. A bar of steel is 60mm x 60mm in section and 180 mm long, it is subjected to a tensile load of 300kN along
the longitudinal axis and tensile loads of 750kN and 600kN on the lateral faces. Find the changes in
dimensions of the bar and change in the volume. Take E = 200 GN/mm2 and 1/m = 0.3. (2022/Suppl)
2. A steel plate, 6m long, 150mm x 20mm cross section carries an axial tensile load of 30kN along its length
through the centroid of its cross section. Calculate the change in length, width and thickness of the plate. Also
find the increase in volume of the plate. Take E = 200 kN/mm2 and 1/m = 0.3. (2012)

Composite bars
1. Define modular ratio and hoop stress (2015/Suppl)

1. A reinforced concrete column 500 mm x 500 mm in section is reinforced with 4 steel bars of 25 mm dia, one
in each corner. The column is carrying a load of 200 kN. Find the stresses in the concrete and steel bar. Take
Es=200 GPa, Ec=140 GPa (2022/CBCS/Suppl, 2015/New)
2. A member ABCD is subjected to point loads P1, P2, P3 and P4 as shown in below figure Calculate the force
P2 necessary for equilibrium, if P1 = 45KN, P3 = 450KN and P4 = 130KN. Determine the total elongation of
the member, Take E= 2.1 X 105 N/mm2. (2021, 2018/Suppl)

3. If the gap between C and the rigid wall at D is initially 0.15 mm, determine the support reactions at A and D
when the force P = 200 kN is applied. The assembly is made of steel whose young’s modulus is 200GPa
4. A bar having cross sectional area of 1000mm2 is subjected to an axial forces as shown in the fig. find the total
elongation of the bar. Take E= 100GN/m2 (2021/Suppl)

5. A member ABCD is subjected to point P1, P2, P3 and P4, as shown in below fig. Calculate the force P3
necessary for equilibrium if P1=120KN, P2=220 and P4=160KN. Determine also the net change in the length
of the member. Take E=200000MN/m2. (2019/Suppl, 2018/CBCS/Suppl)

6. Three bars made of copper, zinc and aluminum are equal of length and have cross-section 500,750 and 1000
mm2 respectively. They are rigidly connected at their ends. If this compound member is subjected to a
longitudinal pull of 250KN, estimate the proportion of the load carried on each rod and the induced stresses.
Take the value of E for copper =1.3 X 105 N/mm2, for zinc =1.0 X 105 N/mm2 and for aluminum =0.8 X 105
N/mm2 (2018)
7. A load of 300KN is applied on a short column 250mm x 250mm.The column is reinforced with steel bars of
total area 5600mm2 if the Es= 15 Ec. Find the stress in the concrete and steel. If the stress in the concrete
should not exceed 4Mpa. Find the area of steel required so that column may support a load of 600KN. (2016)
8. A steel bar is 900 MM long, its two ends are 40 MM and 30 MM in dia and length of each rod is 200 MM.
The middle portion of the bar is 15 MM in dia and 500 MM long. If the bar is subjected to an axial tensile
load of 15 kN. Find total extension. Take E = 200 GPa (2015/ Suppl)
9. A copper rod 25 mm in diameter is encased in steel tube 30 mm internal diameter and 35 mm external
diameter. The ends are rigidly attached. The composite bar is 500 mm long and is subjected to an axial pull of
60 kN. Find the stress induced in the rod and the tube. Take Es=2x105N/mm2, Ec=1x105N/mm2 (2012)

Temperature stresses
1. Explain hoop stress due to temperature (2022/Suppl)

1. A gun metal rod screwed at the ends passes through a steel tube. The tube has 25mm external diameter and
20mm internal diameter. The diameter of the rod is 16mm. the assembly is initially at 400 K and the nuts on
the rod are tightened on the ends of the tube. Find the intensity of stress in the rod and in the tube when the
common temperature falls to 300 K. (2022/CBCS/Suppl)
2. A steel tube of 30mm external diameter and 20mm internal diameter encloses a copper rod of 15mm diameter
to which it is rigidly join at each end. If at a temperature of 100C there is no longitudinal stress, calculate the
stresses in the rod and tube when the temperature is raised to 2000C take E for steel and copper as 2.1x105
N/mm2 and 1x105N/mm2 respectively. The value of co-efficient of linear expansion for steel and copper is
given as 11x10-6 per oC and 18x10-6per oC respectively. (2022/Suppl, 2019/Suppl, 2018/Suppl)
3. A gun metal rod 22 mm diameter screwed at the ends passes through a steel tube 25mm internal diameter and
30mm external diameter. The temperature of the whole assembly is raised to 1260C and the nuts on the rod are
then screwed lightly home on the ends of the tube. Find the intensity of stress in the rod and the tube when the
common temperature has fallen to 160C. Coefficient of linear expansion for steel = 12 X 10-6 per 0C
Coefficient of linear expansion for gun metal =20 X 10-6 per 0C Modulus of elasticity for steel = 2.1 X 105
N/mm2 Modulus of elasticity for gun metal = 0.94 X 105 N/mm2. (2021/Suppl, 2020/Suppl, 2019/Suppl)
4. A steel tube of 30mm external diameter and 25mm internal diameter encloses a gun metal rod of 20mm
diameter to which it is rigidly joined at each end. The temperature of the whole assembly is raised to 140 0C
and the nuts on the rod are then screwed lightly home on the ends of the tube. Find the intensity of stress in
the rod when the common temperature has fallen to 300C. The value of E for steel and gun metal is 2.1 X
105N/mm2 and 1 X 105N/mm2 respectively. The co-efficient of linear expansion for steel and gun metal is 12
X 10-6 per 0C and 20 X 10-6 per 0C. (2021/CBCS/Suppl, 2019/Suppl, 2017/CBCS)
5. A composite bar made up of aluminum and steel, is held between two supports as shown in below figure. The
bars are stress-free at a temperature of 38°C, solve for the stresses in the two bars, When the temperature is
21°C, if (a) the supports are unyielding, b) the supports come nearer to each other by 0.1mm? it can be
assumed that the change of temperature is uniform all along the length of the bar. Take E for steel as 200GPa;
E for aluminum as 75 GPa and coefficient of expansion for steel as 11.7 X 10-6 per °C and Coefficient of
thermal expansion for aluminum as 23.4 X 10-6per °C. (2020)

Strain energy
1. Write the expression for strain energy stored in a body due to Torsion. (2022/Suppl)
2. Define Resilience, Proof Resilience and Modulus of Resilience (2022/CBCS/Suppl, 2020,
3. Define Toughness and Hardness. (2021/Suppl, 2020/Suppl)
4. Show the basic difference between gradually applied load and impact load (2020 /Suppl)
5. What is the use of strain energy? (2019/Suppl)
6. Define resilience and proof resilience (2018/Suppl)
7. A tensile load of 60KN is gradually applied to a circular bar of 4 cm diameter and 5cm long. If young’s
modulus is 2x105 N/mm2. Calculate strain energy absorbed by the rod. (2018/Main, 2018/Suppl)
8. A steel rod is 2m long and 50mm in diameter. An axial pull of 100KN is suddenly applied to the rod.
Calculate the stress induced in the material and also calculate elongation produced in the rod. Take
E=200GN/m2. (2017/CBCS)

1. A weight of 10kN falls by 30mm on a collar rigidly attached to a vertical bar 4m long and 1000mm2 in
section. Find the instantaneous expansion of a bar. Take E = 210GPa. (2022/Suppl)
2. A load of 100N falls to a height of 2cm collar rigidly attached to the lower end of the vertical rod 1.5m long
and of 1.5 cm2 cross-sectional area. The upper end of the vertical bar is fixed. Determine a) stress b)
Elongation c) strain energy stored in the vertical rod. Take E = 2 X 105 N/mm2. (2018)

Compound Stresses
1. Write short note on Mohr’s circle of stresses. (2022/Suppl)
2. Draw the Mohr's circle for the state of pure shear in strained body and mark all salient points in it.
3. Write expression for major and minor principle stresses when member is subjected to direct stress in two
mutually perpendicular directions (2021)
4. Write the equations for normal stress and shear stress acting on an oblique plane subjected to σ x , σy and τxy
5. Define Principal planes and Principal Stresses. Sketches (2021/Suppl, 2020/Suppl, 2019/Suppl)
6. Mention any three uses of Mohr’s circle. (2020/Suppl)
7. Clearly explain principal plane and principal stress. (2019/Suppl)
8. Write a short note on Mohr’s circle. With a help of a diagram. (2018/Suppl)
9. Write demerits of Mohr’s circle of stresses (2017/Suppl, 2017)
10. Write a short note on state of simple shear (2016)
11. Write down the limitations of Mohr’s circle (2016)
12. Mention the advantages of Mohr’s circle of stresses (2015/Suppl)
13. Explain principle stress and strains (2015/New)
14. Write importance of mohr’s circle of stresses (2014)
15. Define principal strains (2013)
16. State Mohr's theorems –Iand II (2013)
17. Draw Mohr's circle of stress for an element subjected to pure shear (2013)
18. When will the Mohr circle be a point? State the condition of stress (2012)
19. At a certain point in an elastic material, normal stress of 128 MN/m 2 (tension) and 100 MN/m2 (Compression)
are acting on planes at right angles to each other. What is the maximum shear stress in the material if it is
subjected to major principal stress of 160 MN/m2 ? (2011)
20. For what angle θ, will the normal stress be maximum (2011)

1. A point in a strained material is subjected to direct stress of 1000N/mm2 (Tensile) and 300N/mm2
(Compressive) in two mutually perpendicular directions. Find the normal, tangential and resultant stress on a
plane making 300 with the access of second stress. (2021/Suppl)
2. A point in a strained is subjected to stresses as shown in below figure. Using Mohr’s circle method, determine
the normal, tangential and resultant stress across the oblique plane. (2020, 2018, 2018/Suppl)

3. A point is subjected to a tensile stress 80 MPa and a compressive stress of 40 MPa acting on two mutually
perpendicular planes and shear stress of 20 MPa on these planes. Determine major and minor principal stress
as well as man shear stress. Also find the angle made by principal planes with normal cross-section by using
Mohr’s circle. (2020/Suppl)
4. A point in a strained material is subjected to stresses as shown in figure below. Using Mohr’s circle method,
determine the normal, tangential and resultant stresses across the oblique plane. (2020/Suppl)

5. A point is subjected to tensile stresses of 70 MPa and compressive stress of 50 MPa acting on two mutually
perpendicular planes and shear stress of 10 MPa on these planes. By using Mohr’s circle, determine normal
stress shear stress and resultant stress on a plane at 60 to the am’s of major stress. (2019/Suppl)
6. Two planes AB and BC which are right angles to each other carry shear stress of 170Mpa. While these planes
carry a tensile stress of 70Mpa and compressive stress of 35Mpa respectively. Determine principal plane and
principal stress. Also determine main shear stress and planes on which it acts, by using Mohr’s circle. (2016)
7. At a point in a strained material the major and minor stress are 100 MPa tensile and 60 MPa compressive and
shear stress of 50 MPa, if the two major and minor stresses are perpendicular to each other. Determine the
principal stresses as well as maximum shear stress. Also find out the positions with respect to normal cross-
section. (2015/Suppl)
8. For an element shown in figure 4, determine the location of principal planes, calculate principal stresses and
maximum shear stress and locate the plane of maximum shear stress. (2013)

Shear Force and Bending Moment
1. What are the various types beams with neat sketch. (2021, 2018/Suppl)
2. Write down the definition of shear force and bending moment (2021/Suppl, 2020/Suppl, 2019/Suppl)
3. Write the relation between shear force, bending moment and rate of loading (2021/Suppl,
2020/Suppl, 2017, 2011)
4. Differentiate between a cantilever and a simply supported beam with neat diagram (2020)
5. What are the various loads acting on a beam? (2019/Suppl)
6. What is the difference between overhanging beam and continuous beam. (2018)
7. What is flitched beam? (2018, 2013)
8. What are the various types of possible loads acting on a beam explain clearly with neat sketch. (2017)
9. What is the relation between shear force, bending moment slope and deflection? (2014)

Cantilever beams
1. Draw the S.F and B.M diagram for cantilever of length L carrying UDL of w per meter over its entire length.
2. Draw Shear force and bending moment for a cantilever beam carrying UVL throughout the span with zero
intensity at free end and w kN at fixed end. (2022/CBCS/Suppl)
3. Define point of Contraflexure (POC)? How many POC are there for a cantilever beam subjected to UDL.
4. A cantilever beam carrying a uniformly distributed load over the entire span, the maximum bending moment
is? (2021/Suppl)
5. Draw the Shear force and bending moment for cantilever of length ’L’ carrying a point load ‘W’ at the free
end. (2020/Suppl, 2019/suppl)
6. A cantilever beam of length 2m carries a point load of 1KN at its free end, and another load of 2KN at a
distance of 1m from the free end. Draw SFD and BMD for the cantilever. (2019/CBCS/Suppl)
7. A cantilever beam of length 2m carries a point load of 2KN at its free end and another load of 3KN at distance
of 1.5m from the fixed end. Draw the Shear force and Bending moment diagram. (2019/Suppl)
1. A Cantilever beam of length 2m carries the point loads 300N, 500N and 800N acts from the fixed point at
0.5m, 1.2m and 2m respectively. Draw SF and BM diagram for Cantilever beam. (2022/Suppl)
2. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for a beam as shown in figure. (2022/CBCS/Suppl)

3. Draw the sheer force and bending moment diagrams for the loaded cantilever beam as shown in fig.

4. Draw SFD and BMD of a cantilever beam of span 10 Meters subjected to an UDL of 20 KN/m upto 2 M from
the free end and a point load of 30 KN is acting at midpoint of a cantilever beam. (2017/Suppl)

simply supported beams

1. Find the max BM of a simply supported beam subjected to UDL 20 KN/m throughout the span of 20 M
(2022/Suppl, 2021/Suppl, 2017/Suppl)
2. Find the maximum bending moment of a simply supported beam of span 5m subjected to uniformly
distributed load of 20KN/m through the span (2018/Suppl)
3. Find max BM of a simply supported beam subjected UDL of 20 kN/M through the span Ɩ= 5M (2015/Suppl)
4. What is the maximum bending moment of a simply supported beam of span 4m subjected to UDL of intensity
20 KN/m throughout the span (2015/New)

1. Draw SFD and BMD for the beam as shown in below figure. Locate the point of contraflexure, if any

2. A horizontal beam AB of length 4m is hinged at A and supported on rollers at B. The beam carries inclined
loads of 100N, 200N and 300N inclined at 60º, 45º, 30º to the horizontal and which acts at 1m, 2m and 3m
from point A respectively. Draw SF, BM and Thrust diagram for the beam. (2021)
3. Draw shear force and bending moment diagram (2021/Suppl)

4. Sketch shear force and Bending Moment diagrams for the loaded beam as shown in below figure. And also
locate the point of contraflexure (2020)

5. Draw shear force and bending moment diagram (2020/CBCS/Suppl)

6. Draw the sheer force and bending moment diagrams for a beam as shown in below (2020/Suppl)

7. Draw shear force diagram and bending moment diagram of the given beam. (2019/CBCS/Suppl)

8. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams beam as shown in below figure. And also calculate
maximum bending moment. (2019/Suppl)

9. A simply supported beam of span 10 m carry as UDL of 10 KN/m over a length of 3 m from left support and
also from right support. Draw SF and BM diagram (2019/Old/Suppl)
10. Draw Shear force and Bending Moment diagrams of given Simply supported beam (2019/New/Suppl)

11. Draw Shear force and Bending Moment diagrams for the loaded beam as shown in below figure. (2018)

12. A beam is loaded as shown in below fig. Find the reactions at A and B, and also draw shear force and bending
moment diagrams. (2018/CBCS/Suppl)

13. A beam is loaded as shown in below fig. find the reactions at A and B, and also draw shear force and bending
moment diagrams. (2018/Suppl)

14. Draw SFD and BMD (2018/Old/Suppl)

15. Draw SFD and BMD (2017)

16. Draw shear force diagram and BMD of a simple supported beam of span L=10m subjected to a UDL of
5KN/m. up to the distance of 3m from left support, and a point load of 10KN is applied at mid span (2016)
17. Draw SFD and BMD (2015/New)
18. Draw SFD and BMD of the following beam (2014)

19. Sketch the SFD and BMD for the beam loaded as shown in figure (2012)

overhanging beams
1. Explain Point of contraflexure with a Sketches (2022/CBCS/Suppl, 2021/Suppl, 2019/CBCS/Suppl,
2019/Suppl, 2018, 2018/CBCS/Suppl, 2017/CBCS, 2012)
2. Define point of inflexion. (2018/Suppl)

1. An overhanging beam ABC of length 7 m is simply supported at A and B over a span of 5 m and the portion
BC overhangs by 2 m. Draw the shearing force and bending moment diagrams and determine the point of
contra-flexure if it is subjected to uniformly distributed loads of 3 kN/m over the portion AB and a
concentrated load of 8 kN at C. (2021/Suppl)
2. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the over-hanging beam carrying uniformly distributed
load of 2KN/m over the entire length as shown in below figure. And also locate the point of contra flexure.
(2019/Suppl, 2017/CBCS)

3. Draw SFD and BMD of the given beam (2015/Suppl)

4. Construct the shear force and bending moment diagram for the overhanging beam shown in figure. (2013)
5. Draw BMD and SFD for the following overhanging beam indicating values at salient points (2011)

Thin Cylinders & Spheres

1. Define Hoop stress and longitudinal stress in thin cylinder. (2022/Suppl)
2. A spherical vessel 1.5 m diameter is subjected to an internal pressure of 2 N/mm 2 find the thickness of the
plate if max stress 150N/mm2 and joint efficiency is 75%. (2021)
3. Explain circumferential stress and longitudinal stress. (2020)
4. A spherical gas vessel of 2m diameter is subjected to an internal pressure of 2MPa.Find the minimum
thickness of the plates required, if the maximum stress is not to exceed 100MPa.Take efficiency of the joint as
80% (2020/Suppl)
5. What do you mean by thin cylinder and what are the stresses developed due to internal fluid pressure
6. A thin cylindrical shell of 400mm diameter is to be designed for an internal pressure of 2.4MPa. Find the
suitable thickness of the shell, if the allowable circumferential stress is 50MPa. (2019/Suppl)
7. Write down this assumption made in the theory of thin cylinders. (2018/Suppl)
8. What is the difference between thin and thick cylinder. - sketch (2021/Suppl, 2018/Suppl, 2012)

1. A closed cylindrical Vessel 100cm long, 4mm thick and it has an internal diameter of 30cm. Determine the
longitudinal and hoop stresses induced, if it is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of 1.5N/mm 2. Also
calculate the increase in length, diameter and volume of the Vessel. Take E = 2 X 105 N/mm2 and µ=0.3
2. A cylinder of internal diameter 0.5m contains air at a pressure of 7N/mm2. if the maximum stress induced in
the material is 80N/mm2. Find the thickness of the cylinder. (2022/Suppl)
3. Calculate the change in diameter, change in area, and change in volume of a thin cylinder shell 100cm dia
1cm thick and 5m long when subjected to internal pressure 3N/mm2. Take E=2x105 N/mm2 and µ=0.3.
4. A closed cylindrical vessel made of steel plates 4mm thick with plane ends, carries fluid under a pressure of 3
N/mm2. The internal diameter of the cylinder is 25cm and length is 75cm, calculate the longitudinal and hoop
stresses in the cylinder in the cylinder wall and also calculate change in diameter, length and volume of the
cylinder. Take E= 2.1 X 105 N/mm2. And Poisson’s ratio is 0.286 (2019/CBCS/Suppl)
5. A closed cylindrical shell 3m long, 15mm thick and it has an internal diameter of 1m. Calculate the
circumferential and longitudinal stresses induced and also calculate changes in the dimensions of the shell, if
it is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of 1.5N/mm2. Take E = 2 X 105 N/mm2. And Poisson’s ratio as 0.3.
6. A cylindrical air receiver for a compressor is 2 M internal diameter and made of 12 mm thick, if the hoop
stress is not to exceed 95 MPa and axial stress is not to exceed 65 MPa find the maximum safe air pressure.
7. A cast iron pipe of 400mm internal diameter and 100 mm thickness carries water under a pressure of 8 MPa.
Determine the minimum and maximum intensities of Hoop stress across the section (2014)
8. Derive the formulae for stresses and strains in thin cylinder (2013)
Bending stresses in Beams
1. What are the assumptions made in simple theory of bending? (2022/Suppl, 2021/Suppl,
2019/Suppl, 2017/CBCS, 2017/Suppl, 2015/New, 2011)
2. Define “flexural rigidity” (2022/CBCS/Suppl, 2017)
3. Find sectional modulus of a circular section of dia 400 mm (2022/Suppl, 2017)
4. What do you understand by simple bending? (2021)
5. What is section modulus? Write the equation for circular section? (2021/Suppl, 2018)
6. Explain the parameters involved in bending equation. (2020)
7. Write the difference between Axial rigidity and flexural rigidity. (2020/CBCS/Suppl)
8. Find the sectional modulus of rectangular section. (2019/CBCS/Suppl)
9. What do you mean by “simple bending” or “pure bending”? (2018/CBCS/Suppl)
10. What do you mean by section modulus. (2018/CBCS/Suppl)
11. What do you mean by section modulus and write down the section modulus formula for hollow rectangular
section. (2018/Suppl)
12. A cantilever of length 2m fails a load of 2KN is applied at the free end. If the section of the beam is
40mmX60mm, find the stress at the failure. (2017/CBCS)
13. Find the sectional modulus of a square section whose side is 40mm (2016)
14. Find the sectional modulus of a solid circular bar of diameter 200 mm (2015/Suppl)
15. Difference between flexural rigidity and torsional rigidity (2015/New)
16. What is sectional modulus of a circular section of diameter 600 mm (2014)
17. In the case of T-section, the maximum bending stress will occur at
(a) Neutral axis (b) extreme fibre in the range (c) extreme fibre, in the web (d) junction of web and flange

1. Derive the expression for Bending stress at a layer in a beam. (2022/Suppl)
2. A cast iron beam is of I-section with following dimensions top flange 80mm x 20mm, web 20mm x 200mm
and bottom flange 160mm x 20mm. it is simply supported on a span of 5 meters. If the tensile stress is not to
exceed 20N/mm2. Find the safe uniform load beam can carry. Find also maximum compressive stress.
3. The aluminum strut has a cross-sectional area in the form of a cross as shown in figure below. If it is subjected
to the moment M = 8kN-m. Determine the maximum bending stress in the beam. (2022/CBCS/Suppl)

4. A cast iron is of T section flange – 100mm x 200mm x 80mm. The beam is simply supported at a span of 8m.
The beam is of T section flange-100mm x 200mm web-20mmx80mm. The beam is simply supported at a span
of 8m. The beam carries UDL of 1.5KN/m. Determine the maximum tensile and maximum compressive
stresses? (2021)
𝑀 𝜎 𝐸
5. Derive pure flexural equation 𝐼 = 𝑌 = 𝑅 (2021/Suppl, 2019/Suppl, 2018/Suppl, 2016)
6. The simply supported beam in Fig. has a rectangular cross section 120 mm wide and 200 mm high. Compute
the maximum bending stress in the beam. (2021/Suppl)

7. A timber beam of rectangular section of length 8m is simply supported. The beam carries a U.D.L of 12KN/m
run over the entire length and a point load of 10 KN at 3m from left support. If the depth is two times the
width and the stress in the timber is not to exceed 8 N/mm 2, Solve for the suitable dimensions of the section.
8. A simply supported beam 2m long has a cross section 150 mm wide and 600 mm deep it carries on UDL of 90
kN/m over entire span. Calculate the man bending stress at the extreme fibre of the cross-section.
9. A cast iron beam is of I-section as shown in figure. The beam is simply supported on a span of 5 meters. If the
tensile stress is not to exceed 20 N/mm2, find the uniformly load which the beam can carry. Find also the
maximum compressive stress. (2018/CBCS/Suppl)

10. A timber beam of rectangular section is to support 20 kN UDL over a span of 3.6 m if the depth of the section
is twice the breadth and the stress in the timber is not to exceed 7 MPa. Find the dimensions of the cross
section. How do you modify the cross section of the beam if it had a concentrated load placed at the centre
with the same ratio of breadth to depth? (2015/New)
11. The cross section of a simply supported beam of span 6m and subjected to a well of 10 kN/m over its entire
span as shown in figure 5. Sketch the bending stress distribution across its mid span section (2013)

12. Derive the general equation of simple Bending (2012)

Distribution of shear stress

1. A Circular beam 100mm diameter is subjected to a shear force of 5KN. Calculate Average shear stress and
maximum shear stress. (2022/Suppl)
2. Draw the shear stress distribution diagram for I-Section. (2021/CBCS/Suppl)
3. Write the Shear stress Formulae for beams. (2021/Suppl)
4. Sketch the distribution of shear stress for Rectangular Section. (2020)
5. Draw the shear stress distribution diagram for T-Section (2020/Suppl, 2019/Suppl)
6. A rectangular beam 100mm wide and 150mm deep is subjected to a shear force of 30KN. Determine Average
shear stress and maximum shear stress. (2018/CBCS/Suppl)
7. What is the ratio of max shear stress to average shear stress in a solid circular section of diameter “d”?
8. What is the ratio of maximum shear to average shear of a rectangular section. (2017/Suppl)
9. Sketch the shear stress distribution in a T-Section, I-Section (2012)

1. Find the maximum stress in beam of given T section, subjected to a maximum shear force of 20 kN, draw
shear distribution across the cross-section. (2022/CBCS/Suppl)

2. The shear force acting on a section of a beam is 50KN. The section of the beam of T- shaped of dimensions
100mm X 100mm X 20mm as shown in fig. below. Calculate the shear stress at the neutral axis and at the
junction of the web and the flange. (2022/Suppl)

3. A wooden beam 100mm wide, 250mm deep and 3m long carrying uniformly distributed load of 40KN/m.
Determine the maximum shear stress and sketch the variation of shear stress along the depth of the beam.
4. Calculate the shear stress at the neutral axis and at the junction of the web and the flange for T- section as
shown below. Also draw the shear stress distribution diagram. (2021/CBCS/Suppl)
5. A beam of I-section with B = 165 mm, b= t = 7.5mm, D = 320 mm, and d = 290 mm, vertical shear force V =
45 kN determine Tmax, and draw shear stress distribution. (2021/Suppl)

6. A beam of rectangular cross section 200 mm x 300 mm is subjected to shear force of 20 kN. Determine the
average shear stress and man shear stress. Also draw the shear stress distribution diagram.
7. An I- Section consist of the following sections: Upper flange = 130mm X 50mm, Lower flange = 200mm X
50mm and Web = 200mm X 50mm, If the beam is subjected to a shearing force of 50KN, find the maximum
shear stress across the section. Also draw the shear stress distribution diagram. Take Ix = 284.9 X 106 mm4.
8. A rectangular beam 100mm wide and 250mm deep is subjected to a maximum shear force of 50KN.
Determine a) Average shear stress b) maximum shear stress c) shear stress at a distance of 25mm above the
neutral axis. And also draw shear stress distribution diagram. (2019/CBCS/suppl)
9. The shear force acting on a T- section of a beam is 50KN. It has the following dimensions, flange = 100mm X
20mm and Web = 80mm X 20mm. The moment of inertia about the horizontal neutral axis is 314.221 X
104mm4. Calculate the shear stress at the neutral axis and at the junction of the web and the flange. Also draw
the shear stress distribution diagram. (2019/suppl)
10. A beam of I - section 500 mm deep and 190mm wide has flanges 25mm thick and web 15mm thick. It carries
a shearing force of 400KN at a section assuming the moment of inertia to be 6.45 X 108 mm4. Sketch the shear
stress distribution across the section. (2018)
11. The shear force acting on a beam at an I-section with unequal flanges is 50KN. The section is shown in below
figure. The moment of inertia of the section about N.A is 2.849 X 108 mm4. Calculate the shear stress at the
N.A and also draw the shear stress distribution over the depth of the section. (2018/Suppl)

12. A T shaped cross section of a beam shown in fig is subjected to a vertical shear force of 100 kN. Calculate the
shear stress at the neutral axis and at the function of the web and the flange. INA = 11340x104 mm4
(2015/ New)
13. Draw shear stress distribution cross the circular section and its variation along the depth. (2018/Suppl)
14. An I-section beam, has 200 mm wide flanges and an overall depth of 500 mm. Each flange is 25 mm, thick,
while the web is 20 mm thick. At a certain section the shear force is 50 KN. Draw shear stress distribution
diagram. (2017/suppl)
15. A rectangular beam 100mm wide and 250mm deep is subjected to a maximum shear force of 50KN.
Determine a) Average shear stress b) maximum shear stress c) shear stress at a distance of 25mm above the
neutral axis. And also draw shear stress distribution diagram. (2017/CBCS)
16. A T-section beam with 100 mm x 10 mm flange and 150mm x 15 mm web is simply supported and subjected
to a UDL of 10 kN/M over its entire span 8M. Draw the variation of shear stress across the depth of the beam
at the supports and obtained man shear stress at the section. (2017)
17. An I-section beam 350mm x 200mm has a web thickness 12.5mm and a flange thickness of 25 mm. It carries
a shearing force of 200 kN at a section. Sketch the shear stress distribution across the section (2014)
18. A Beam of T section shown in figure 2 is subjected to a shear force of 30 kN. Find the maximum shear stress
and draw the shear stress distribution diagram (2012)

19. The cross-section of Joist is a T-section 80 mm x 130 mm x 10 mm with the 80 mm side horizontal. Find the
maximum intensity of shear stress and sketch the distribution of stress across the section if it has to resist a
shear force of 6 tonnes. (2011)

Torsion of Circular Shafts
1. State the assumptions made in derivation of torsion equation (2022/CBCS/Suppl, 2013)
2. A solid shaft of 150mm diameter is used to transmit torque. Find the maximum torque transmitted by the shaft
if the maximum shear stress induced in the shaft is 45 N/mm2 (2022/Suppl, 2020, 2018/Main, 2018/Suppl)
3. Explain the terms for a circular shaft subjected to torsion. (2021)
4. When a circular shaft is subjected to a torsion show that the shear stress varies linearly from the axis to the
surface. (2021)
5. Define torsional rigidity? (2021/Suppl)
6. Write Torsion formula (2021/Suppl)
7. Draw the torsional stress distribution diagram across circular section of a shaft. (2020/ CBCS/Suppl)
8. The shearing stress of a solid shaft is not to exceed 50 N/mm2. When the torque transmitted is 40KN-m.
Determine the minimum diameter of the shaft. (2020/Suppl, 2019/Suppl)
9. Explain Torsion and Bending moment. (2019/CBCS/Suppl)
10. Find the torque transmitted by a shaft of 100 mm diameter and 2m length, if the maximum angle of twist is
not to exceed 1.50. Take Modulus of Rigidity as 70 GPa. (2019/Suppl)
11. Define torsion and polar moment of inertia with Sketches (2019/Suppl, 2018/CBCS/Suppl)
12. A solid shaft of 20cm diameter is used to transmit torque. Find the maximum torque transmitted by the shaft if
the maximum shear stress induced in the shaft is 50N/mm2. (2017/CBCS)
13. What is the torsional sectional modulus of a circular section of diameter 800 mm (2015/New)
14. Calculate Torsional rigidity of a circular shaft of 120mm diameter, Take G= 8x104N / mm2 (2012)
1. Find the maximum shear stress induced in solid circular shaft of diameter 15cm when the shaft transmits
150kW power at 180 r.p.m. (2022/Suppl)
2. Hollow circular shaft of 25mm thickness transmits 298kW at 300r.p.m. Determine the diameter of the shaft if
shear strain due to torsion is not to exceed 8.6 x 10-4. Take C= 80GN/m2. (2022/Suppl)
3. Derive pure torsion equation for circular shaft (2022/CBCS/Suppl, 2014)
4. A hollow shaft of external diameter 120mm transmits 300 kW power at 200 r.p.m. Determine the maximum
internal diameter if the maximum stress in the shaft is not to exceed 60N/mm2. (2021)
5. A hollow shaft, having internal diameter 50% of its external diameter transmits 600KW at 150 rpm.
Determine the external and internal diameter of the shaft if the shear stress is not to exceed 65 N/mm2 and the
twist in a length of 3m should not exceed 1.4 degrees. Assume maximum torque is 1.2 times of the mean
torque and modulus of rigidity = 1x 105 N/mm2. (2021/CBCS/Suppl, 2018)
6. A solid aluminum shaft 1m long and 50mm diameter is to be replaced by a hollow shaft of the same length
and the same outside diameter, so that the hollow shaft could carry the same torque and have the same angle
of twist. What must be the inner diameter of the hollow shaft? Take modulus of rigidity for the aluminum as
28GPa and that for steel as 85GPa. (2021/Suppl, 2019/Suppl)
7. A tubular shaft being designed for use on a construction site must transmit 120 kW at 1.75 Hz. The inside
diameter of the shaft is to be-half of the outside diameter. If the allowable shear stress in the shaft is 45 MPa,
what is the minimum required outside diameter? (2021/Suppl)
8. A steel shaft transmits 105kW at 160 rpm. The shaft is 100mm in diameter. Find the maximum shear stress
induced and also find twist of the shaft in a length of 6m. Take C= 8x104N/mm2. (2021/Suppl)
9. A solid cylindrical shaft is to transmit 300KW power at 100r.p.m if the shear stress is not to exceed 80
N/mm2, find its diameter. Solve for percent saving in weight would be obtained if this shaft is replaced by a
hollow one whose internal diameter equals to 0.6 of the external diameter, the length, the material and
maximum shear stress being the same? (2020)
10. A solid shaft of 120mm diameter is required to transmit 200KW such that the shaft rotates 50 revolutions in
30 second. If the angle of twist is not to exceed 20, find the length of the shaft. Take Modulus of Rigidity for
the shaft material as 90000Mpa. (2020/Suppl)
11. A solid shaft is subjected to a torque of 15 kN-m. Find the necessary diameter of the shaft if the allowable
shear stress is 60 MPa, and allowable twist is 10 degrees in a length of 20 diameter of the shaft. Take C =
0.84 x 105 MPa (2019/CBCS/Suppl)
12. Find the diameter of the shaft required to transmit 60KW at 150 r.p.m. if the maximum torque is likely to
exceed the mean torque by 25% for a maximum permissible shear stress of 60 N/mm 2. Find also the angle of
twist in degrees for a length of 2.5 meters. Take modulus of Rigidity = 8 X 104 MN/ m2. (2019/Suppl)
13. A hollow shaft is to transmit 300KW power at 80r.p.m if the shear is not a exceed 60M/mm 2 and the internal
diameter is 0.6 of the external diameter, find the external and internal diameters assuming that the maximum
torque is 1.4 times of the mean torque. (2018/CBCS/Suppl)
14. A solid circular shaft is used to transmit a power 500 H.p at 300 rpm. The max shear stress should not exceed
80 MPa and angle of twist is 2M length of the shaft should not exceed 4o. Take C = 0.85 x 105 MPa.
Determine its diameter. (2018/Suppl)
15. Determine the diameter of a solid steel shaft which will transmit 90KW at 160r.p.m Also determine the length
of the shaft if the twist must not exceed 10 over the entire length. The maximum shear stress is limited to 60
N/mm2. Take the value of modulus of rigidity is 8 X 104 N/mm2. (2017/CBCS)
16. Derive pure torsion equation (2017)
𝑇 𝑓 𝐶𝑞
= =
𝐽 𝑟 𝑙
17. A solid shaft is to transmit 100 KW at 120 rpm. If the shear stress of the material must not exceed 80 MPa and
the maximum torque is likely to exceed the mean by 25%, find the diameter required. What percentage saving
in weight would be obtained if the shaft were replaced by a hollow one whose internal diameter equals 0.6
times external diameter, the length, material and maximum shear stress being same. (2013)
18. A Hallow circular shaft of 6m length with inner and outer diameter as 75 mm and 100 mm respectively is
subjected to a Torque of 10kN-M. If G = 80GPa. Determine the maximum shear stress produced and the total
angle of twist. (2012)
Combined bending and torsion
1. Explain equivalent bending moment and equivalent torque (2022/Suppl, 2016, 2014)
2. What is meant by equivalent torque? (2018/Suppl)
3. When a shaft of diameter d is subjected to bending moment M and a torque T, the equivalent torque is given
by - (2011)

1. At a certain section of a shaft of 100 mm in dia there is twisting moment of 50 KNm and BM of 75 KNm.
Determine the principal stresses in the shaft at the section and specify the position of the plane on which they
act. (2017/Suppl)
2. At a certain cross section of a shaft 100 mm in diameter there is a bending moment of 5000 kN-mm and
twisting moment of 7500 kN-mm. Calculate the maximum direct stress induced in the section and specify the
position of plane on which it acts. (2011)

Columns and Struts

1. What are limitations of Euler’s column theory (2022/Suppl, 2014)
2. Define the terms: column and strut and Crippling load. (2021/Suppl)
3. What is the difference between strut and column? with a sketchs (2020/Suppl 2019/Suppl)
4. Define Slenderness Ratio. (2019/Suppl)
5. What is the meaning of Equivalent length of column? Write the importance (2018/Suppl)
6. Write down the importance of Rankin’s constant and reduction factor of a column. (2017/Suppl)
7. Mention the reasons why Euler’s theory and Rankin’s theory does not give reliable solution. (2015/Suppl)
8. Write secant and perry formulae for eccentrically loaded column (2013)
9. Using Euler’s formula write the critical load values for the column having the following end conditions. (i)
both ends hinged (ii) both ends fixed (iii) one end fixed, other end free (2012)
10. What do you mean by terms column and strut? Distinguish clearly between long column and short column.
11. Write secant formula for eccentrically loaded column (2011)

1. A hollow cylindrical cast iron column is 4m long with both ends fixed. Determine the minimum diameter of
the column if it has to carry a safe load of 250kN with a factor of safety as 5. Take the internal diameter as 0.8
times the external diameter. Take σ = 550N/mm2. And α =1/1600 in Rankine’s formula. (2021/Suppl,
2. A hollow alloy tube 5M long with external and internal diameter 30 mm and 25 mm was found to extend by
4.3 mm, under a tensile load of 40 kN. Find the critical load for the tube when used as a column with one end
fixed and other end free. Also find the safe load for the tube with a factor of safety of 4. (2019/Suppl,
3. Derive the Secant and Perry formulae for eccentric loaded column (2015/Suppl)
4. A cast iron Hollow column 80 mm external diameter and 60 mm internal diameter is used as a column of 2 m
long in Rankin’s formula. Determine the crippling load when both the ends are fixed. Take f c=600 MPa.

eccentric axial loads

1. A rectangular column is 150mm wide and 120mm thick it carries a load of 180 kN at an eccentricity 15mm in
a plane bisecting the thickness. Find maximum and minimum intensities of stress in the section. (2014)
2. A rectangular column is subjected to a compressive load of 550 kN as shown in figure. Find the stress
intensities at four corners of the column. P is the point of application of load and e = 250 mm, e = 250 mm

Deflection of Beams
1. List the methods used for determining slope and deflection at a section in loaded beam. (2022/CBCS/Suppl,
2. Write the limitations of double integration method used for finding out slope and deflection. (2022/Suppl,
2017/Suppl, 2015/Suppl)
3. What do you mean by slope and deflection? Indicate by Sketch (2021/CBCS/Suppl, 2020,
2020/Suppl, 2019/Suppl, 2017/CBCS, 2017, 2018, 2014)
4. What are the advantages of Macaulay’s method over other methods for the calculation of slope and
deflection? (2021/Suppl)
5. Write down the limitations of Macaulay's method (2019/CBCS/Suppl, 2018/Suppl, 2012)

cantilever beams
1. A Cantilever beam of 3m span is subjected to UDL of 10kN/m throughout the span, find the maximum slope
and deflection. (2021/Suppl)
2. What is the slope and deflection at the free end of a cantilever beam subjected to point load at the free end?
3. Find Max slope and max deflection of a cantilever beam subjected to point load at the free end. Take Ɩ=20 M,
W = 200 KN, EI = 200x104 KN m2 (2015/New)

1. A cantilever of length 2m carries a point load of 20kN at the free end and another load 20kN at its center. If
E=105N/mm2 and I=108mm4. Determine the slope and deflection at the free end. (2021)
2. A cantilever of length (l) carries a point load (W) at a distance ‘a’ from the fixed end find the slope and
deflection at the free end. (2021/Suppl, 2020/Suppl, 2019/Suppl)
3. Find the deflection at ‘B’ of the given beam in terms of EI (2020/CBCS/Suppl)
4. A cantilever projecting 2.5m from a wall is loaded with a UDL of 80KN. Determine the moment of inertia of
the beam section, if the deflection of beam at the free end be 8mm. Take E = 200Gpa. Also determine slope at
the free end. (2016)
5. Calculate the slope and max deflection for a cantilever beam of length 'l' subjected to point load 'w' at the free
end. Use double integration method. (2012)

simply supported beams

1. A beam 3m long simply supported at its ends, carries a point load W at the center. If the slope at the ends of
the beam is not to exceed 10. Find the deflection at the center of the beam. (2022/Suppl)
2. What is the max deflection, for a simply supported beam carrying point load ‘W’ at the center? (2021/Suppl)
3. A wooden beam of 4 m long, simply supported at its ends, is carrying a point load of 7.25 KN at its centre. If
E for the beam is 2 X 105 N/mm2 and I = 1 X 108 mm4 then find maximum slope and deflection. (2019/Suppl)
4. A beam 4m long, simply supported at its ends carries a point load W at its center if the slope at the ends of the
beam is not to exceed 10. Find the deflection at the center of the beam. (2018)

1. A beam of length 5m and of uniform rectangular section is supported at its ends and carries uniformly
distributed load over the entire length. Calculate the depth of the section if the maximum permissible bending
stress is 8N/mm2 and central deflection is not to exceed 10mm. (2022/Suppl)
2. For the simply supported beam shown in figure. Find (i) the slope at each end (ii) deflection at C and D (iii)
maximum deflection. Take E = 200kN/mm2 and I = 6.50 x 108mm4. (2022/CBCS/Suppl)

3. A simply supported beam AB of span 5 M is carrying a point load of 30 kN at a distance 3.75 M from left end
A. Calculate deflection under the load and max deflection. Take EI = 26 x 1012 N.MM2 (2022/Old/Suppl,
4. A simply supported beam of span 7m carries point loads as shown in figure, find the location and magnitude
of maximum deflection. Take E = 200GPa and I = 8000cm4. (2021/CBCS/Suppl)

5. A steel bar of uniform cross section, 14m long is simply supported at its ends. It carries concentrated load of
90KN and 60KN as shown in fig. calculate the deflection under this point loads. (2021/Suppl)

6. Derive the equation for slope and deflection of a simply supported beam carrying a point load at the centre of
the beam. With near sketchs (2020, 2019/Suppl)
7. Find the deflection YC and YD of the given beam. (2019/CBCS/Suppl)
8. Prove that the deflection at the centre of a simply supported beam, carrying a point load at the centre is given
by (2018/CBCS/Suppl)

9. A simply supported beam of span 16M carries two point loads of 20 kN and 30 kN at 2m and 4M form left
end respectively. Find max. deflection interms EI (2018/Suppl)
10. Find the max. deflection of a simply supported beam of span 12 m subjected to two point loads of 10 KN and
5 KN at a distance of 2 m and 6 m from left support. (2017/Suppl)
11. A beam 6m long, simply supported at its ends, is carrying a point load of 50KN at its centre. The moment of
inertia of the beam is 78 X 106 mm4. If young’s modulus is 2.1 X 105 N/mm2, calculate deflection at the centre
of the beam and slope at the supports. (2017/CBCS)
12. A beam 4m long, simply supported at its ends, carries a point load W at its centre. If the slope at the ends of
the beam is not to exceed 10, find the deflection at the centre of the beam. (2017/CBCS)
13. A simply supported beam of span 16M carries a point of 10kN at a distance of 4M form left support. Find
max deflection of the beam in terms of EI by using fundamentals of Macaulay’s method. (2017)
14. A beam AB 6 m is subjected to UDL of 10 kN/m. Determine the deflection of the beam at mid span in terms
of EI (2015/New)

15. Determine the maximum defection of the given beam (2014)

16. Determine slope and deflection, of the beam shown in figure 3, at A and C. (2013)

17. Find the position and amount of Maximum deflection, in the below shown beam. I = 7332 cm 4 E = 2 X
106kg/cm2 (2011)

overhanging beams
1. Determine slope and deflection at D and C for the overhanging beam shown below. (2011)

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