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Conflict Resolution

The Organization

Directions: Devise a plan in resolving the following conflicts. You may use the steps
to manage a potential conflict found in your LCD slides and eLMS as your guide. You
will be graded using the rubric below.

1. Joseph has been employed at your company for a year and is pretty familiar
with the routine responsibility of his job. Lately, however, he has been
struggling to accomplish basic tasks and seems like he is disinclined to
participate in an upcoming team project with Kate, his co-worker. As their
supervisor, how will you address this situation?
 For me as their supervisor I would start by diagnosing the situation, I will
determine the conflict’s content and history and evaluate personalities
and positions. By this I will know what the reason was why my employee
is acting strange. I will ask why he is acting like that and try to calm his
head to say to me the real reason why he declined to participate in an
upcoming team project with his co-worker. And as their supervisor I
think that I must conclude something that might be the possible reason
because he is acting unusual.
2. You are a manager at a supermarket. Your full-time employee, Mia, who is
always on time for her shifts, requests to leave for an hour during the middle of
your shift for an appointment. You look at the schedule and determine there is
enough coverage for her to leave and grant her request. A part-time,
undependable, hourly employee, Gio, hears about this and is upset that Mia is
getting special privileges. Gio is now in your office saying that it is unfair. He
previous asked off for a half-day to sleep in after attending a late-night
concert, and you declined his request. He is now asking for an early out as
well. How will you handle this request?
 In this situation I will become a skillful questioner by asking open- ended
questions. Use processes and solicit discussion, opinions, information,
priorities and more from all people. In here I will clarify to him all of the
things that he needs for him to shut his mouth and stop complaining to
me about those privileges that he may acquire, and I will start by making
him realize that he is just a part-time, undependable and hourly
employee so we need him to be with us fulfilling his schedule because
we are paying him right, though we/ I know that everyone has the rights
to ask for a leave or day-off because we always prioritize our health but
when the reason is unacceptable we are not in to it because we are not
tolerating those kind of attitude in our company, and knowing Mia as our
full-time employee she can have her privilege and Gio will take over
Mia’s job for a short time.
3. You are part of a team that is preparing a presentation for a major conference.
The final meeting on the presentation is this morning at 9 a.m. There are four
participants: Brielle, Nate, Chris and yourself. You arrive in the meeting room
at 8:55 and Nate is Chris arrives at 9:02. You continue to wait for Brielle to
arrive so you can begin. No one has heard from her. You are getting irritated
and feeling anxious. At 9:10 you can feel your muscles tightening and breathing
increasing. Nate and Chris are visibly angry and talking about how stressed they
are. You NEED to get this done today. At 9:20, all of you are fidgeting and
decide to begin. At 9:23, Brielle arrives with no apology or explanation. How
will you handle this situation?
 In this situation the best thing to do is to talk to Brielle and discuss to
her about what we wanted to say and discuss to her how important this
presentation for us and for fairness we will also let her speak and ask for
our forgiveness, and after that we will made her realize that what she
did is not right for our group because it will affect our performance and
will affect the result of our presentation.
4. Kathy was a member of a selection panel for an editorial position. Jean was
one of the unsuccessful applicants. Her application was considered to be pretty
strong, but the role was offered to another. Shortly after, you, who chaired the
selection panel, discovered that Kathy is living with Jean’s ex-husband, Miguel,
and things are decidedly cool between Kathy and Jean. How will you handle
this situation?
 The only thing that I can do in this situation is to research for more facts
information and keep it in private because once I voiced it out publicly
the person who are involved will get embarrassed. So, I need to have
proof so that I can prove myself to them when I tell the truth. Also, I
must diagnose the situation, I should think first of what could happen if
this was publicly announced. Because in every decision we always need
to think what could happen if we made this kind of action will it go
better or will it go much worst than we expected.

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