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Short answer questions

1. What is a computer Network ?Give an Example?

2. What are the applications of computer network?
3. Define Framing with a Neat Diagram?
4. Discuss Hamming distance with an example?
5. Define computer networks networks and list out the applications
6. Define Protocol
7. What is Multiplexing ?List out types of multiplexing?
8. What are the different types of error detection methods?

Long answer questions

1. Explain in detail about ISO-OSI reference model?

2. What are the functions of Network Layer .List out the design issues in it?
3. Explain in brief about the design issues in data link layer?
4. Explain in detail about CRC method with diagrams?
5. Explain TCP/IP model in detail?
6. Describe guided transmission media?
7. Explain in brief about the design issues in the data link Layer?
8. Explain the CRC error detection technique using generator Polynomial x4+x3+1 and
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