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1. Discuss the evolution of information technology from the ancient times up to the present.

The evolution of information technology (IT) can be traced back to ancient times when
people first began using simple tools to communicate and record information. Various
technologies and inventions have been developed over the centuries to improve communication
and information storage.
The Sumerians (4000 BCE) were known in ancient times because of their first writing
system called cuneiform. They also developed the first road since the main mode of
transportation in their time was through waterways. The Egyptians’ (3150 BC) contributions are
the water clock or clepsydra, papyrus or paper, ink and hieroglyphics, a system of writing. Then,
the Roman Empire (625 BC) invented the newspapers, bond books or codex. They built
churches, basilicas, aqueducts, coliseums, amphitheaters, and houses and have their Roman
numeral System.
In the Middle Ages, the Chinese developed wood lock printing to facilitate record
keeping, which Johann Gutenberg improved with a cast-type printing press. Then it evolved into
the mechanical printing press and was eventually used worldwide. The invention of the printing
press in the 15th century revolutionized the way information was disseminated, making it
possible to quickly and inexpensively produce large quantities of books and other printed
materials quickly and inexpensively.
The 19th century saw the invention of the telegraph and the telephone, which greatly
improved long-distance communication. In the 20th century, radio and television were
developed, allowing people to transmit information and entertainment to large audiences.
With the invention of the computer in the 20th century, IT rapidly evolved. Computers became
smaller and more powerful, and new technologies such as the internet and the World Wide Web
were developed. These new technologies made it possible to share and access information on a
global scale.
In recent years, the development of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, has
made it possible to access information and communicate virtually anywhere. The rise of cloud
computing and big data has also had a major impact on IT, making it possible to store and
analyze large amounts of data quickly and easily.Overall, the evolution of IT has greatly
improved the way we communicate, share and access information. It also greatly impacts how
we live and work, and it continues to evolve at a rapid pace.

2. Social media also poses certain risks especially in the dissemination of false information. As a
student, how will you use social media to ensure that you don not propagate inaccurate and
unreliable information?

As a student, using social media responsibly is essential to ensure that I do not propagate
inaccurate and unreliable information. There are ways to ensure that the information I share is
accurate and reliable.

I will use fact-checking websites to verify the accuracy and reliability of any information
I need clarification on. Information that seems too good to be true or that supports my personal
biases will not have my complete trust. I will take the time to read from various sources, do fact-
checking, and ensure the data is reliable and objective. I will use critical analysis to evaluate the
data I obtain on social media. I will consider the surrounding circumstances, make inquiries, and
try to comprehend the data from many angles. I will not post rumors or unsubstantiated material
on social media because doing so can propagate false information. Instead, I will focus on
disseminating accurate and trustworthy information.

I will be able to ensure that the information I provide on social media is accurate and
trustworthy if I adhere to these best practices.

3. Discuss the ethics, implications, and potential future impacts of genetically modified

Organisms that have undergone genetic engineering to change their genetic makeup are
referred to as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It has the potential to increase crop
yields, use fewer pesticides, and develop novel medicinal treatments, among other advantages.
However, it also raises moral questions and potential long-term effects that need to be

The possibility of unforeseen repercussions is one of the key ethical issues with
genetically modified organisms. GMO use has raised concerns that it could result in the
emergence of pests and weeds resistant to herbicides and insecticides, or "superweeds" and
"super pests." Another ethical concern is the possibility for businesses to exert excessive control
over the food supply through the introduction of GMOs. Some detractors contend that the
technology might result in the concentration of power in the hands of a small number of
powerful agribusinesses, which might harm small farmers and rural communities.

In terms of implications, GMOs can lead to an overreliance on chemical pesticides and

herbicides, which can negatively impact the environment and human health. Given that
genetically modified crops can diminish the variety of crop varieties, using GMOs may result in
biodiversity loss.

In terms of potential future effects, GMOs can reduce food insecurity in developing
nations by boosting agricultural yields and enhancing pest and disease resistance. GMOs may
cause a decline in conventional farming methods, which could have a severe effect on rural
communities' cultural heritage.
GMOs have the potential to have many advantages, but they also bring up moral
questions and potential long-term effects. It is crucial to give these matters significant thought
and to make sure that moral laws and oversight govern the use of GMOs. And oversight.

4. Show graphically the actual processes involved in GMOs.

DNA is inserted into an organism's genome as part of the GM technology. A plant will
serve as an example; New DNA is introduced into plant cells to create a GM plant. The cells are
typically cultured in tissue culture, after which they transform into plants. The modified DNA
will be passed along to the seeds these plants generate.

DNA must be transferred into a plant cell as the initial step in creating a GM plant. The
necessary DNA segment is applied to the surface of tiny metal particles, which are then blasted
into the plant cells as one way to transfer DNA. The most popular bacteria for GM plants is
known as Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The desired gene is introduced into the bacterium, and the
bacterial cells then introduce the new DNA into the plant cells' genome. The successfully
incorporated plant cells are then cultivated to produce a new plant.
Rarely the transfer of DNA can take place without conscious human interaction. For
instance, the genome of the sweet potato contains DNA sequences that were imported from
Agrobacterium bacteria thousands of years ago.
Draw this graph

5. Cite major potential and realized impacts of nanotechnology on society.

Nanotechnology has the potential to impact society in several ways.

The Potential impacts of Nanotechnology are; Nanotechnology could revolutionize
medicine by allowing for the development of new drugs and therapies that target specific cells or
molecules, leading to more effective and less toxic treatments. It could create new, more robust,
lightweight, and long-lasting materials that could be applied to various applications, from
electronics to the building.

Moreover, Nanotechnology realized impacts on various medical devices, including

imaging and diagnostic equipment, which have been developed using this technology. New
paints and coatings that are more robust and resistant to wear and tear have been developed due
to nanotechnology. New textures, hues, and product stability are all made possible by
nanotechnology in the cosmetics industry.

It is essential to highlight that there are also concerns about the possible drawbacks of
nanotechnology, including the ethical and social ramifications of the technology, as well as the
potential health and environmental threats posed by nanoparticles.
6. How can nanotechnology address problems in the environment?

Numerous environmental issues, such as pollution and climate change, maybe solved
through nanotechnology. For instance, it can generate new, ecologically friendly materials and
products and more effective and efficient ways to clean up contaminated soils and rivers.
People can also utilize nanotechnology to develop new, more effective solar cells and
other renewable energy technologies and enhance energy generation and storage. Other potential
environmental uses for nanotechnology include the creation of more effective catalysts for
chemical reactions, new environmental sensors, and innovative techniques for lowering
greenhouse gas emissions.

7. Stem cell treatment has been a subject of debates since the early 21st century. What do you
think urgently needs to be treated by gene therapy? Justify your answer.

Gene therapy and stem cell treatment are two fields of study that have the potential to
transform medicine by offering fresh approaches to treating and curing a variety of illnesses. Due
to ethical and safety considerations, these technologies are also the focus of continuing

Genetic disorders, including cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and hemophilia, may be
cured with gene therapy. Mutations bring these disorders in particular genes, which can be
replaced or repaired via gene therapy to treat the ailment. As it can be used to implement new
genes that make immune system cells resistant to HIV infection, it can also be utilized to treat
HIV/AIDS. Moreover, it is tremendously relevant to our nation and us.

It is critical to remember that gene therapy is still a young science, and that additional study is
required to comprehend the safety and effectiveness of these treatments properly. The
technology's potential ethical and societal ramifications should also be considered, as with any
new technology.
8. How does climate change affect biodiversity?

Climate change can have a detrimental effect on biodiversity by affecting the habitats and
conditions that many species rely on for life, Changes in the distribution, abundance, and
interactions of species may result from this, upsetting ecosystems and decreasing biodiversity.
Additionally, additional stressors like altered land use, pollution, and overuse of resources can be
exacerbated by climate change, which can result in even more drastic losses in biodiversity.
Numerous species' habitats may be lost or deteriorated because of climate change's effects on
temperature, precipitation, and sea level. Due to these difficulties in surviving and procreating,
some species may experience population reductions or possibly go extinct.

9. If climate change denial persists, what could possibly happen to the earth and humanity after
20, 50, and 100 years of considering the current trend?

The effects of climate change will worsen over time if there is a continuation of denial of
its existence and existing trends in greenhouse gas production.

We can anticipate a rise in global temperatures and more frequent and severe heatwaves,
droughts, and storms in the next 20 years if the current pattern of greenhouse gas emissions
continues. Reduced crop yields, a shortage of fresh water, and an increase in wildfires could

We might anticipate more extensive and adverse effects on biodiversity in 50 years, such
as population decreases in numerous species and modifications to the distribution and
interactions of species. It can also lead to losing vital ecosystem services like pest control and
pollination, from this.

In 100 years, If greenhouse gas emissions keep increasing, we can anticipate even more
severe and pervasive environmental effects, such as rising sea levels that may cause coastal
communities to flood and evict millions of people. Additionally, there would be a rise in the
frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including heat waves, storms, and droughts,
as well as an increased danger of extinction for many species.

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