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Devnet resources assignment

How many labs are linked on this page?

A. 3 labs
What is the total length of the labs?
A. 2 hours
How many modules are available as video-based?
A. 6 modules
How many videos are available in the Network Device APIs module?
A. 5 videos
Which type of Sandbox provides private access to packaged labs?
A. Reservation Sandox
Where can you go for help if you have difficulty or wish to ask a question about
the Sandboxes?
A. Devnet sandox community forum
What is the url to connect to the ACI server to start the lab?
Why is it important not to upload very large resources to the lab?
A. You may drain capacity from other users sharing the lab.
What is the name of the project?
A. webex-js-sdk
What category(-ies) does the project fall under?
A. Collaboration
What support options does this project provide?
A. It provides issues option for support.url-
What is the partner solution?
A. cisco gold
What are two ways to get more information about the solution?
A. use-case driven,addressing Customer specific needs.
Which category did you choose?
A. cloud
What platform did you explore?
A. cloud Dev Center

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