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Summative assessment for the unit «Recent advances in technology »


Task 1. Listen to the recording about uses of nanotechnology and complete the notes below. Write
ONE WORD O N L Y for each answer.
Follow the link to listen

Uses of Nanotechnology
Tr a n s p o r t
1. Nanotechnology could allow the development of stronger ____________ Planes
would be much lighter in weight.
2.___________ travel will be made available to the masses.

3. Computers will be even smaller, faster, and will have a greater ____________ 4.
______________ will become more affordable.

T h e En vi ro nment
Nano-robots could rebuild the ozone layer.
5. Pollutants such as ____________ could be removed from water more easily. 6. There
will be no ___________ from manufacturing.

Heal th and Medicine

New methods of food production could eradicate famine. 7. Analysis
of medical _____________ will be speeded up. Life expectancy
could be increased.


Task 2. Write an essay about the following topic:

In the past lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students. Nowadays new
technology is increasingly being used to teach students.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach?

You should:
- paraphrase the question;
- present the specific advantages/disadvantages that will be discussed in the main body
- introduce the main advantage, explain and support with examples;
- introduce the main disadvantage, explain and support with examples;
- give a summary of your main points and say what you think were most important pros and cons;
- link ideas logically and clearly, using basic conjunctions and linking words; - use
appropriate topical vocabulary.
Task D es c r i p t o r
Assessment criteria № A learner Mark

Identify detailed 1. writes ‘metal/metals’ 1

from recording 2. writes ‘space’ 1

3. writes ‘memory’ 1

4. writes ‘solar’ 1
5. writes ‘oil’ 1

6. writes ‘waste’ 1

7. writes ‘tests’ 1

Produce a text with uses appropriate structure that makes reader

appropriate understand a piece; 1
Write a coherent uses a range of appropriate vocabulary with correct
paragraph/short text 1
stating and explaining
an argument writes clear paragraphs with 3 or 4 basic connectors; 1
states and explains an argument; 1

conveys ideas clearly; 1

presents the specific advantages/disadvantages; 1

use appropriate topical vocabulary. 1

Total marks 14

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