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Narrative Report

Zyrylle Kate B. Ibuña

Seminars are events that bring together individuals with similar interests and goals to learn,
exchange ideas, and network. These events are designed to provide participants with new
knowledge and skills that they can apply to their personal or professional lives.

Philippine National Drug Unit 2 conducted

a seminar about Drug Awareness on
February 21,2023. They were discussing
why people tend to use drugs and why it is
bad for our us. There were plenty of
explanations on how it will affect our lives,
especially our dreams.

I’ve learned that drugs can somehow be

useful in terms of medical use but it is also
harmful in the hands of unknowledgeable
people who just want to use it to satisfy and
bring them to their desired ecstasy. Drugs
can be used moderately as long as there is a
Doctor’s prescription, young people like us
should know that there are many things to
try rather than trying drugs. Spend more
time and money on something that will
benefit you rather than something that will
destroy you.

Gardening is the art and practice of cultivating plants and landscapes. It has been an
important part of human civilization for thousands of years, providing food, medicine, and
Narrative Report
Zyrylle Kate B. Ibuña
aesthetic beauty to communities around the world. Gardening can be done on a small or large
scale, in urban or rural areas, and can involve a variety of techniques and styles.

On February 17, 2023, we worked together to make garden plot in our own respective areas.
We’ve cleaned the area by removing the grass that became hindrance in preparing the soil for

For the next meeting we were tasked to bring a vegetable seedling, we planted it depending
on the type of plant we brought and on which part of the area will it be designated.

I brought an eggplant and planted it on the clean part of the soil together with the other
seedlings. I learned that gardening is a wonderful hobby that offers many benefits to
individuals and communities. Whether cultivating a small container garden or a large outdoor
landscape, gardening can provide a sense of connection to nature, improved physical and
mental health, and a source of beauty and nourishment for years to come.

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