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Midterms Consequent – After

1. Antecedent Conscience
Week 1 – Social Norms, Norms of
Morality Conscience - judge and act before it is
Social Norms
2. Consequent Conscience
- the unwritten rules of
behavior that are practice in a - judge an act after it is
group or society. done. Reckless or padalos-dalos.

Norms of Morality Classified forms of Conscience

- are standards on which 1. Correct conscience

human acts are based to determine
- Judges a good act as
their goodness or badness.
indeed good and bad act as indeed
Proximate norm bad.

- applicable to the acts. 2. False Conscience

These arises from human nature.
- judges good act as bad
To find out if the action is good or
and bad act as good.
3. Scrupulous Conscience
- Conscience
- one is always afraid of
committing error. A person
- Comes from the latin becomes very legalistic (follow the
word Conscientia meaning “a joint law literally)
knowledge” or “Knowledge with”.
Example: Obligation ang
- practical judgement of pagpunta sa church, it is in the
reason to recognize the moral third commandment but it does not
quality of an act. bind sick people. So, ang student
na may sakit nan ga pero nagsimba
- considered as God’s parin kasi takot na mag commit ng
voice. sin.
2 moments of Conscience 4. Lax Conscience
Ante – Before - He/She keeps on
excusing himself/herself from
every mistake committed. AS if - One’s Christian faith
she/he doesn’t commit any illumines, clarifies and deepens
mistakes at all. what is perceive as truly worthy of
being a person. It places moral
Example: Tumawid ka sa
striving as a personal call to
kalsada kahit red light sa
wholeness and holiness.
kadahilanan na wala naming
5. Certain Conscience General Norm:
- firm judgement that one Always follow your conscience
is not in error. He/She always
makes it sure that He/She will not
commit any mistake. Challenges to the Formation of
6. Doubtful Conscience
Extreme Relativism
- judgement is always
suspended because of the - means everybody decides
uncertainty of the goodness and according to what he/she thinks to
badness of a human action. One is be the good one, without
not sure of what he/she is doing. consulting knowledgeable people
or other authorities.
Levels of Conscience
1. Instinctive Level
- everyone hears reaction,
- Dominated by fear of
comments and opinions from
punishment and desire for approval
people but it is not a guarantee that
or reward. Natural level, normal
it is the truth.
for children.
- It is a drive towards one’s
- operates not just on what
own satisfaction while disregarding
is commanded by authority but
other people. ‘My world and mine
from the judgement or awareness
alone and outside of me is not
of the inner goodness or badness of
an act.
Formation of Conscience
Christian Level
1. Through Prayer
- one needs to develop and
practice a good prayer life, in this
way one’s moral conscience is
2. Through listening to the
preaching of the Gospel
- in this way, persons may
see and realize their actions in
relation to what Jesus is telling
them in the Gospel.
3. Through the Role of the
Christian Community
- this can help in looking at
issues from different angles, not jut
from one point of view.
To sum up the 3 factors in
- the key obviously is
Christ and His Spirit, experienced
within Christ’s community the
4. Through Multi-disciplinary
- other fields of science
such as psychology, economics,
civil laws, natural sciences etc. Are
considered in forming one’s
Week 2 – Ultimate Norm c. Absolutely Universal –
applicable to all creatures
Ultimate norm
- it is objective, it comes in
the forms of laws, decree or Natural Law
ordinances which are derived or
- as the light of
formulated based on higher orders
understanding placed in us by God
that are found in nature and the
so we know what to do and what to
divine aspects of reality.
The Norms Which Govern the
- discovered and
understood by people with the aid
Law of reason.
- enacted as standards of - the pattern or order of all
life and to promote genuine human things which are discovered
development. For community through experience and reasoning
standards or guidelines to follow in or even common sense.
order to live a morally upright life.
- 4th to 10th commandments
For laws to achieve its noble are all natural laws
purpose, they must be based on
higher norms or orders: Eternal and
Natural The Four Characteristics of Natural
Eternal Law
a. Universal – applicable to all
- the divine reason and will
commanding that the natural order
of things be preserved and b. Recognizable – the person will
forbidding it to be disturbed. notice the existence of the Natural
- God’s divine plan for all
c. Obligatory – human should obey
Eternal Law Characteristics
it, not obeying will lead in
a. Eternal – no beginning and no sickness, calamities, and ultimate
end. death or total destruction.
b. Immutable – not subject to d. immutable – not subject to
change change
Positive Law
- positive means being
promulgated or published.
- specific laws derived
from natural law and the eternal
- A positive law which
does not respect the Natural law
contributes to the damage on the
development of the human person
and of the whole creation.
Positive Law is categorized into
1. Divine Positive law – God given
law which is promulgated for all
creatures or only for a specific
group of community. Ex. 10
2. Human Positive Law

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