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Practice 10

Team 1

Team members:
Iván Avalos Zamora 189413
Alan Ariel Huerta Chávez 176594
Arlette Alejandra Olan Cázares 211645
Ivon Adame Hernández 185324
Javier Alejandro Cárdenas Rodríguez 159833
Luis Enrique Ríos Reyes 157646
Melisa Estefanía Prado Carrillo 157494

Teacher: Dra. Alma Guadalupe Rodríguez Ramírez

Material: N/A


In this practice we would automatize a cutting process, this process imply to cut samples of
Styrofoam by the half, this system will use cylinders that change the state of their valves by
solenoids, the cylinder will be in char of place the sample in the cutting position, hold the
sample to keep it fixed, to cut the samples, and to deposit both cut pieces in a box, we will
explain the process in the description section.
Automatizing this process will help us to reduce the risk for the employ, avoiding cutting
accidents, and making it a faster process, means that would raise productivity.


(V+R-) [A+B+C+(B-C-) (E+D+) (E-D-) A-] (R+V-)

Phase-Space diagram


• Bi (start button)
• Bp (stop button)
• CC (Cycle Counter)
• V (represents a green light, indicates a safe handling of cutter)
• R (red light, means warning, test in progress)
• A (doble acting cylinder, place the sample in his position)
• B (single acting cylinder, holds the sample to keep it fixed)
• C (cutter, cut the sample by the half)
• D (doble acting cylinder, ejects the cut sample#1)
• E (doble acting cylinder, ejects the cut sample#2)
• P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, Paux, auto (Relays, controls continuity in the circuit)
• Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10 (Solenoid, activates the cylinder valves)
• Sensors (represented as SX0 when in retracted and SX1 when is extended)


Start process.
The circuit begins with Bi, the one has a series connection with BP and CC to activate Auto, this
helps to automatize the circuit.

Step 1
Auto and SA0 Opens switch P1, this let it stay activated by itself, the switch on in combination with
the switch off from P7 activates Y1, this makes the cylinder ¨A¨ extend by activating SA1.

Step 2
As we have SA1 and P1 activated, this allows energy to all the way until P2 activates, P2 works as
P1, it´ll stay activated by his own. P2 in combination with switch off from P4 makes Y3 activate the
next move, ¨B¨ extends turning on SB1.

Counter connection

Step 3
SB1 with P2 turned on energized P3 the one that it´ll stay on for his own, P3 on with P4 off,
energize Y5, the one that makes ¨C¨ to extend, activating SC1.

SC1 and P3 turned on P4, p4 keeps on by his own, as P4 is on, it means that the switch is on so the
step 2 and the step 3 were we used to use P4 off this will cut the continuity in Y3 and Y5. P4 also
activates Y4 and Y6, making ¨B¨ and ¨C¨ to return to his initial position, activating the sensors SB0
and SC0.

Step 5
The sensors SB0 and SC0 activated, with P4 on, switched on P5, the one that´s self-sustained, P5
and P6 are connected in parallel with Y7 and Y9, these solenoids work simultaneously, Y7 makes
¨D¨ Extend, and Y9 extends ¨E¨. this movements activates their own sensors SD1 and SE1.

Step 6
Having SD1, SE1 and P5, they activates P6, the one that keeps activated, this has a connection in
parallel with Y8 and Y10, this two are the ones that make their own cylinder retract, and as we
turned on their own switches, we stop energize Y7 and Y9, means that those solenoids are
deactivated, this permits the cylinder extend. Finishing this process, we´ll have SD0 and SE0

Step 7
P6 together with SD0 and SE0, permits the energy flow through P7, turning his switch on and
cutting the energy through Y1. This to activates Y2 making the cylinder ¨A¨ go back to his initial
position activating the SA0 sensor.

Auxiliar step
In this step we use as reference the Paux, which is activated by P7 and SA0. The function of this
relay is to de energize P1, that causes a chain action deactivating all the relays that we kept
activated. All this to start the cycle again.

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