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Title: exploratorium virtual field trip


Soap Film itself is transparent. And white light reflects off the front and back. inter

eres and ceruts the swirling color. .doctors had removed cells from a person. And when

the person died her cells still lived. The cells helped cure diseases. Also the cells are

still alive till this day.

There is bacteriosis late in a river but it got a token and put it in a museum. It smells like

rotten eggs. It is very thin glass and in between is bacteria.And there is not much space

but the bacteria likes it. When you block light reflection it will create a new color like

when you block a light two other colors can combine. So you can use a cap to see

when the next ellipsis will come. You use two balls, a phone and a pair of severs and

two plastic cups. You can use those items to find out when the next ellipse is going to

happen. You can see how certain animals sound with devices. And see how they sound

when they sleep.

I think the second vid was my favorite because it was interesting how cells can

still live when a human dies. But the rest of the videos were not interesting to me as

much as the second video. The reason why I did ot like all the other videos was that it

was not as intresting. To me. The video where they were talking about how u can tell

when the next eclipse would come to that video was boring. And the last video where
they talk about how u can hear how certain animals sound with devices was a fun video

also. As a result of the first video it is boring but it was Delightful because the way sap

can be colored on a sheet of paper.

These jelly fish can produce their own light of their skin that can come in handy in

the dark. A Lot of bioluminescence can be found in the ocean also including

bioluminescent fish, bacteria and jellyfish. If you did not know other organisms like for

example fireflies and fungi are found in the land. The chemical reaction from

bioluminescence causes a chemical to create light. Bioluminescence is a fascinating

process that involves luciferin luciferase and photoprotein. Photoproteins mix with

luciferins oxygen and calcium to make light. Bioluminescent light varies based on where

the organism lives. Most marine bioluminescence is blue-green, which is easier to see in

the deep ocean. Most sea creatures cannot see yellow, red or violet colors.

Bioluminescence can be used to hurt prey, defend giant predators, find mates and more.

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