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(Original Signature of Member)

H. RES. ll

Impeaching Merrick Brian Garland, Attorney General of the United States,

for facilitating the weaponization and politicization of the United States
justice system against the American people.


Mrs. GREENE of Georgia submitted the following resolution; which was

referred to the Committee on lllllllllllllll

Impeaching Merrick Brian Garland, Attorney General of the
United States, for facilitating the weaponization and
politicization of the United States justice system against
the American people.

1 Resolved, That Merrick Brian Garland, Attorney Gen-

2 eral of the United States, is impeached for facilitating the
3 weaponization and politicization of the United States jus-
4 tice system against the American people, and that the fol-
5 lowing articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United
6 States Senate:

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1 Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of
2 Representatives of the United States of America in the
3 name of itself and of the people of the United States of
4 America, against Merrick Brian Garland, Attorney Gen-
5 eral of the United States of America, in maintenance and
6 support of its impeachment against him for facilitating the
7 weaponization and politicization of the United States jus-
8 tice system against the American people.
9 The Constitution provides that the House of Rep-
10 resentatives ‘‘shall have the sole Power of Impeachment’’
11 and that the Attorney General, as a civil officer of the
12 United States, ‘‘shall be removed from Office on Impeach-
13 ment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other
14 high Crimes and Misdemeanors’’.
15 In his conduct as Attorney General of the United
16 States, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to
17 execute the office of the Attorney General of the United
18 States, and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect,
19 and defend, the Constitution of the United States, Merrick
20 Brian Garland continues to materially endanger the jus-
21 tice system of the United States and empower President
22 Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to persecute his political adversaries
23 at will.

25 Rather than adhering to an oath he took to defend

26 and secure our country and uphold the Constitution when
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1 he was sworn in as Attorney General on March 11, 2021,
2 Attorney General Garland has willingly refused to ensure
3 that the laws passed by Congress and signed by the Presi-
4 dent are faithfully executed.
5 Attorney General Garland has failed to uphold his
6 oath and has instead overseen a denigration of the prin-
7 ciples of our democratic republic by politicizing the De-
8 partment of Justice, and utilizing the Federal Bureau of
9 Investigation as a Federal police force to punish or intimi-
10 date anyone who questions or opposes the current regime.
11 Attorney General Garland issued an October 2021
12 memorandum directing the targeting of parents by the
13 Federal Bureau of Investigation. Garland’s memorandum
14 was prompted by a letter to President Joe Biden by the
15 National School Boards Association (NSBA). That letter
16 drew comparisons between parents protesting actions by
17 their local school boards to domestic terrorism. Attorney
18 General Garland has declared war on American parents
19 and the constitutional right of free speech.
20 Attorney General Garland has disgracefully per-
21 mitted the Department of Justice to target people of faith
22 and those seeking to protect the sanctity of life. Garland’s
23 Department of Justice refused to designate violent pro-
24 abortion groups such as Jane’s Revenge as domestic ter-
25 rorist organizations. As of early May, there have been at

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1 least 85 attacks on pregnancy resource centers and 152
2 attacks on Catholic churches since the May 2022 Dobbs
3 leak. Many of these buildings have been vandalized with
4 threats such as, ‘‘If abortions aren’t safe, neither are
5 you’’, making the attacks incidents of suspected pro-abor-
6 tion violence.
7 Attorney General Garland has refused to prosecute
8 leftist extremists that harassed and threatened Supreme
9 Court Justices at their homes in the wake of Dobbs deci-
10 sion.
11 Rather than focusing on prosecuting Antifa and
12 Black Lives Matters rioters that have desecrated Amer-
13 ican cities and caused billions of dollars worth of public
14 and private property damage, Attorney General Garland
15 has overseen the persecution of Americans for partici-
16 pating in political protest.
17 Attorney General Garland has taken measures to si-
18 lence the voices of millions of citizens of the United States
19 by persecuting the former duly elected and lawful Presi-
20 dent of the United States, and Presidential candidate,
21 Donald J. Trump.
22 Attorney General Garland has engaged in abuse of
23 power by becoming a tool of the Biden regime’s two-tiered
24 justice system.

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2 Attorney General Garland, in persecuting former

3 President Donald J. Trump over documents he legally de-
4 classified, has engaged in a pattern of conduct that is in-
5 compatible with his duties as a civil officer of the United
6 States.
7 Attorney General Garland has refused to prosecute
8 the Biden family and its associates for the crimes they
9 have committed at the expense of the American people.
10 Attorney General Garland, in his failure to uphold
11 the oath he took, has, by his actions, lost the trust of citi-
12 zens of the United States to faithfully execute the laws
13 of the United States without partisan bias.
14 Attorney General Garland’s actions run counter to
15 the steps that employees of the Executive branch must
16 take to avoid ‘‘an appearance of loss of impartiality’’.
17 Attorney General Garland’s failure to address the
18 conflict of interest arising from the persecution of his em-
19 ployer, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.’s, political adver-
20 sary, Donald J. Trump, demonstrates that he is unfit to
21 hold the office of Attorney General.
22 Attorney General Garland, by such conduct, has dem-
23 onstrated that he will remain a threat to the justice system
24 of the United States of America if allowed to remain in

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1 office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible
2 with democracy, self-governance, and the rule of law.
3 Wherefore, Merrick Brian Garland, thus warrants
4 impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disquali-
5 fication to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or
6 profit under the United States.

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