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Yanett Favela

Manta rays

Dr.Robert rubin

December 8 ,2022

Manta Rays are the most recent of the cartilaginous fish and fairly recently

evolutionarily.Manta Rays have been in the earth less than millions of years They are

also very closely related to sharks but the only difference is the tail.Manta rays can be

pretty fast for a short time and move several kilometers.They have two scoops in front

of their face and that how they used to feeding.Manta rays rolled up from time to

time.On their belly they have white spots that are fingerprints,also its a belly pattern.

They also swim in the open ocean to get some air.They are put in the endangered

species list because they kill for the gills to make powder for kidney to cure it but it

doesn't work its just like made up but people have being working on it to stop people for

killing them just for that or anything really .Their brian is 5x bigger than any other


Something Interesting about manta rays is that they are endangered species because

they are killed for their gills.People have actually worked on stopping the people doing

it. Each year 5,000 manta rays get killed a year.Something cool is that their brains are

5x bigger and they grow to over 22 feet.They are very big sea animals. They are also

fast ,they move several kilometers.The white spots they have at their belly are their

The article

Gray Robbins

May 16,2023

Scientists discover world's first know manta ray nursery

4 pages

The University of California San Diego discovered the first known nursery for manta

rays.This discovery was made by an exploration team led by Josh Stewart.Finding adult

rays is easier but finding juvenile rays is hard they have seen them rarely in the

past.Juvenile rays are found in the deeper slope into deeper water.The adults rays are

very gigantic and very friendly.Mantas are curious about small things they are very

different then from others.

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