Fire Watch

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d Page No. of21 = KUWAIT NATIONAL PETROLEUM CO. REFERENCE : SHE-SFMAA-05-1119 DOCUMENT TITLE: PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH IN KNPC FACILITIES. AUTHOR : REVIBWER : APPROVER : é CUSTODIAN : SUPDT. SAFETY & FIRE MAA 1_| 30-07-05 For implementation, | 25-05-05 For review & comments. Rev. [| _ Date Description Reference No SHE-FSHMALDS- Rov: PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH _CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 Scope References Requirements for application of Fire Watch Procedure for training Fire Watch Role & Responsibility of Fire Watch Audit Performance Standard RACI Chart 9.0 APPENDICES I u Course contents for Classroom Training. Audit Checklist Reference No SHE-FSHMAMS: Rev PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH => | Welding & gas cutting work in the Refinery facilities is an essential activity required for maintenance of equipment. However these activity poses a serious fire & explosion hazards and hence needs to be carried out in the safest possible manner taking aif precautions to prevent & mitigate fire hazards. __1.0 SCOPE For welding & cutting work in a process unit, piping, piers or tank farm a person shalt be assigned as a ‘Fire Watch’ who is familiar with the use of first aid fire fighting equipment , provided and have the knowledge of anticipated fire hazards. This document provides a uniform procedure to be fotiowed for application of Fire Watch during welding & gas cutting works in the KNPC facilities and the various activities such as selection, training & certification of Fire watch. This document also includes the role & responsibilities of key personnel involved in the activities and procedure & checklist for audit of the Fire Watch application. 2.0 REFERENCES | ‘| 2.1 KNPC Safety Regulations, 2.2 MIPP (Major Incident Plan & Procedure) 2.3 MAA & MAB Fire Training Course Contents 2.4 Performance Standard on Fire Watch REQUIREMENT FOR APPLICATION OF FIREWATCH | Fire Watch shall be available at site for the following acti units, pipelines, oil piers & tank farms : es carried out in process 1. Welding 2. Gas Cutting Reference NoSHE-FSMA-OS: Rest PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH = [ Procedure for application of a Fire Watch shall include the following important steps : 4.0 PROCEDURE FOR FIRE WATCH 4.1 Nomination of persor Engineering & Maintenance and Project departments shall nominate suitable persons from their departments (KNPC or Contractors) for training on Fire Watch conducted by Safety & Fire Divisions. SH&E department shall periodically conduct these courses & notify them in their training schedules. The person nominated for this training shall : a. Has basic safety knowledge. b. Have minimum knowledge of hazards involved in during the activities ( welding , cutting etc.) c. Is physically fit to handle first aid fire equipment including pressurized hose ete. d. Is able to read and write. 4.2 Training ‘The respective KNPC Safety & Fire Divisi persons as Fire Watch . The training sha in shall train , test & certify the nominated ude the following : a, Classroom Training The classroom training shall include the following minimum topics: > Chemistry of Fire, > Types of Fire > Fire Fighting Agents { Water DCP , Foam , Halon, etc.) ‘Types of Fire Extinguishers & their operation, First Aid Fire Fighting equipment available in plants & their operation. Hazards of welding , gas cutting etc. Brief Safety Requirements during welding, gas cutting works. Emergency Communication ( Alarm , Siren etc). Role & responsibilities (as per MIPP). y vey (Course contents are attached in Appendix-1) Reference NoSHE-FSHMA.OS: Row“ PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH d tae Na of b. Field ( Practical) Trai The practical training shall include the following minimum : > Use of Fire Extinguishers » Usa of Fire hoses & couplings > Use of Foam making equipment > Use of other First Aid Fire Fighting equipment available in plants > Operation of Plant Paging & Fire alarm call points. 4.3 Certification ‘On successful completion of the training the respective Safety & Fire Division shall certify the person as Fire Watch for a period of maximum 2 years validity or the end of the contract in case of contract personnel whichever is less. The certification issued at any location shall be valid at all KNPC facilities. The sample certification shall be as follows: eterence NoSHE FSHMAS. Rey PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH = |___5.0 ROLE & RSPONSIBILITY OF FIREWATCH | The Fire Watch assigned for an activity shall understand & carry out his duties which include but not limited to the following = 1. Identifies himself by wearing a Red Color jacket. 2. Understand the potential hazards at the site. 3. Checks for open drains, sewers etc. 4. Ensuires that all combustible materials are removed from the area. 5. Knows the First Aid Fire Fighting facilities available at site. 6. Communicates effectively with the personnel in the area. 7. Continuously monitors and watches for fires in the exposed area. 8. Remains within 8 meters radius of work area during the job. 9. Does not leave the site unless relieved by another Fire Walch. 10. Performs no other responsibilities that might interfere with his primary duty of Fire Watch. 11. Checks & maintains assigned fire suppression equipment in the area. 12. Knows the location & activation of the nearest fire alarm. 13. Maintains the fire watch until the area is inspected & found OK by the asset custodian. 14. Activates the fire alarm in case of any fire. 15, Initiates fire suppression immediately with the available resources. 16. Hand over the fire fighting activities to Fire Crew on their arrival. 17. Be aware about procedures to be followed in case of emergencies. 18. Get Familiar with the hydrocarbon detectors if available in the vicinity & action to be taken by personnel. Reference No SHE-FSHIMAAIS: Res 1 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH = 6.0 AUDIT It is essential to audit a system to confirm that the relevant procedure & conditions are complied with in line with the procedure. The application of Fire Watch shall be audited regularly to ensure compliance of the system and to identify the gaps if any for further rectification & improvement. 1. Scope Ouring the audit the hot work involving application of Fire Watch ( welding, gas cutting , grinding) will be audited for effective compliance of the system. 2, Methodology In line with KNPC Safety Regulations all critical works inside Refineries are informed to ECC by the Issuing Authority on issuing the work permit. The ECCC Operator logs the critical activities in the logbook. The auditor from the log book mentioned above selects the job requiring application of Fire Watch and carry out the audit at work site using the checklist as per attachment (Appendix-II). The filled in checklist is then issued to all concerned as mentioned in the checklist ( Supdt. Of Issuing / Executing authorities & SS&F ). 3. Auditors Duty Fire Officer will carry out the audit. 4. Frequency Each Duty Fire Officer will carry out a audit once in the month. Each Safety & Fire Division shall prepare a schedule for their respective divisions. 5. Analysis of Audits Analysis of the audit checklists shall be carried out along with the other work permit & compliance audits & shall be included in the monthly Work Permit & Compliance Audit report issued by the respective Safety & Fire Division, Referenot No SHE-FSHIMAS- Rey PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH => TITLE 7.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARD FOR FIRE WATCH a APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH DURING WELDING , GAS | CUTTING , GRINDING ACTIVITIES. WHAT To prevent fire & explosion during critical hot works and suppress fire in initial stages in line with Safee Work Practices & requirement. WHO Fire Watch assigned by Engineering & Maintenance and Project Departments, WHEN HOw DELIVERABLES During all welding , gas cutting , grinding activities in the process Units, piping, oil piers or Tankfarm in the KNPC Facilities. «Engineering & maintenance and Projects Department to select suitable personnel & nominate them for training. + SHE Department to train them with both dassroom & field traioning as per the unified course contents developed. + SHE Department to test & certify them on successful ‘completion of the training. + issuing Authority to tick the requirement of Fire Watch in the work permit issued. + Job Engineer to provide Fire Watch at the work site as per the procedure. + Assigned Fire watch to carry out his responsibilities as per the procedure. + On completion of the job , Issuing Authority to check the site & release the Fire Watch from the site. Safe execution of the job. MEASURES, AUDIT Evaluation of the job & the Fire Watch. Duty Fire Officer, Reference NoSHE-PSHMALS- Rev PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH —=— 8.0 RACI CHART Sh # ACTIVITY Operations Dept. E&M / Projects Dept. Safety & Fire Division Duty Fire Officer Selection & Nomination of Fire | 1 | Watch. | aR - c - Training & Certification of Fire 2. | Watch. c - | AR) Cc 3. | Application of fire Watch. AR | AR | OT I 4 | Audit of Fire Watch. I I A R 5 | Evaluation of the System. Ir 1 AR! Cc L Responsible C = Consulted Accountable T= Informed Reference NoSHF-FSHMA.DS: Rew 4 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH L ______9. APPENICES 1. Course contents for Classroom Training For Fire Watch > Hazards of welding , gas cutting , grinding etc. > Chemistry of Fire, > Types of Fire > Fire Fighting Agents ( Water DCP , Foam , Halon, ete.) > Types of Fire Extinguishers & their operation. » First Aid Fire Fighting equipment available in plants & their operation. > Brief Safety Requirements during welding, gas cutting, grinding works. > Emergency Communication ( Alarm , Siren etc). > Role & responsibilities (as per MIP). IT. Audit Checklist Reference NoSHE-FSHMIA.S- Rey PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH LCHEMISTRY OF FIRE FIRE TRIANGLE: Without these basic elements, Fire cannot be created: a) Fuel b) Heat or Ignitions Source ©) Air or Oxygen ‘The chemical reaction between these three elements cause the fire. If you remove any one of the above three, the fire will be extinguished -That is why fire is expressed as a triangle having three sides as Fuel, Heat & Air . gy 9 S ° We can also express It as tetrahedron the 4” side as chemical reaction or chain reaction S CHAIN REACTION oo Be oO ‘FUEL So removal of any part of this Fire Tetrahedron will extinguish the Fire. In a refinery the combustible/fiammable liquids and gases like Crude Oi, Motor Gas il Turbine Kerosene, Propane, Butane etc, are processed, produced, handled, stored and exported. Air is always present to supply adequate oxygen for combustion and it is most difficult to control, So to prevent the fire hazard in a refinery, the only possible way is to remove the source of ignition i.e., to control the heat of process equipments and to avoid open flames as far as possible, erence No SHE: PSHIMAOS- Rev 1 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH 2. For easy understanding and to use the correct Fire Fighting Extinguishers, the fire is, Classified as Class A,B,C and D depending on the nature of material involved in fire. Class A Fire Carboneous materiais or ordinary combustible material like wood,paper,cloth and plastics. This fire can be quenched by water or solution of water of by the blanketing effect of multipurpose dry chemicals powder. Class B Fire Flammable liquid fires such as Gasoline, Oil Paints, Thinners and other solvents fires. This fire requires blanketing, smothering or chemical inhibition extinguishing agents. Class € Fire Electrical Fires this fire requires a non-conductive extinguishing agent with cooling smothering or chemical inhibition characteristics. Class D Fire Combustible metal fires like Sodium , Aluminum , Potassium , Lithium , Zirconium and Titanium, which require special dry powder extinguishers that blanket the fire, exclude oxygen and immune to the tremendous heat or thin metal fires. 3. Fire fighting Agents: Various types of fire fighting agents are used depending upon the type of materail involved in the fire and other considerations such as cost of the equipment etc, Following are the commonly used fire fighting agents : Water Dry Chemical Powder Foam Halon sand eangse ishers Tire can be extinguished by interrupting, removing any one if the four sides of Fire Tetrahedron . PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH & Pager ) The Most Cominon and abundant Fire extinguishing agent. Advantages: 1,1 It is inexpensive or less expensive readily available, easily transportable. It ‘can be easily handled, pumped through pipes or hoses. It can also be applied as spray, which has much heat absorbing capacity due to large surface area presented by the water droplets. 1.2. portable water extinguisher are very much useful for Class A fires( wood, paper, fabrics etc.) Disadvantage: It is not suitable for Electrical Fires and Oil Fires. It will damage the electrical equipment also. The application of water for oll fires is not advisable as the water will spread the fire since oil will float on the water and continue to burn. The color of the water extinguisher is RFD The Dry Cl inqui Reference No SHE FSHMA.OS: Rew PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH d Pigontseta —=_— This is effective, no-toxic and do not freeze and fas instantaneous extinguishing character .This being used for Class 8, C, and A fires. For metal fires ( Class-D) different dry powder agents are available like GI , Meltex , Nax and Lith-x powders. The color of D.C.P Extinguisher is BLUE. The most suitable extinguisher agent for flammable liquids and electrical installations, The extinguishing action of CO, is by coding and dilution of oxygen below the requirement for combustion. ‘THE ADVANTAGES ARE: ‘A) Non-conductive b) Not react with most of the substances ) Has it own pressure for discharge d) Spreading quickly THE DISADVANTAGES ARE: A) Not effective for ordinary matters b) Suffocating effects on personnel F EXTINGUISHE! JALON The halon are the most efficient and effective extinguishing agents presently available for the firemen. They are very quick in extinguishing flamming fires. they will nat damage delicate equipment .these halon systems are also excellent in explosion suppression system, we can use BCF(Bromo Chloro Fiowro Methanes) extinguishing agents for all class of fires. Reference No SHE-FSHNASS- Roy PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH = THE DISADVANTAGES ARE: A) Cost of the Halon is high. b) They provide toxic gases when heated up. ©) They are causing Ozone Layer depletion ~ an environmental concern. FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT SELECTION - ) FIRE RISKS oy | Halon/ { | Chemicat Gea | po Powder [Meo Peer Tent “Yes i | ‘e ff oo Fats, Paints, etc. | Yes I" Yes Yes { yt "| Gases | | Yes je te ee Electrical | Yes | Yes** | Yes | Following various types of fire fighting equipment is available in the plants which may be used for fice fighting untill the arrival of the fire crew. However the plant personnel shall be informed before opereating the equipment from the plant. FIGHTING EQUIPMI A) Fire Cabinet equipment : Each plant & offsite facilities are provided with fire cabinets which are normally in sealed condition . These cabinets are provided with various fire fighting equipment suac as fire hose (21/2" & 11/2" dia.) , hose couplings , jet nozzles , foam making equipment etc, B) Fire Hydrants A network of Fire Hydrants is provided all over the Refinery. In case of requirement these hydmts can be utilysed for firefighting by connecting the hoses & couplings provided in the Fire Cabinet. Refitence No SHE-FSEMALIS: os PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH => C) Fire Monitors Fire monitors are provided in the process units & offsite facilities. These can be used for cooling the tall structures & other equipments in event of fire. D) First Aid Hose Reels : Some of the plants are provided with Fire Hose Reels. These can be used to fight minor fires in the units with the help of nozzle. £) Steam Lancers ‘Steam lancers are available in all the process units and other facilities. These ‘can be used for fire fighting effectively. However the proper personal protective equipment such as gloves etc. shall be used to avoid injuries due to steam. 6. HAZARDS OF WELDING , GAS CUTTING ACTIVITIES Following are some of the general hazards during welding & cutting activities: a. Fire hazard: open flame, electric arc, molten metal, sparks or hot surfaces igniting flammable or combustible material. b. Burn injuries caused by hot surfaces, sparks, slag or flame. . Health hazards: eye or skin exposure to ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation; inhalation of dust, toxic fumes such as oxides of Nitrogen (NOX), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone, etc. and Oxygen deficiency. d. Exposure to ultraviolet rays causes a painful and disabling but temporary form of conjunctivitis commonly known as "Arc eye.” Looking directly into powerful arc without eye protection can cause permanent eye damage. Ultraviolet affects the skin like severe sunburn, €. Infrared radiation has the effect of heating the body tissues on contact. If the intensity of heat due to infrared Is not enough to cause a thermal bum, there is no further hazard, f. Hazards induced from preservative coatings on metal surface. The toxic hazard will depend on the, type of electrode used, the base metal being welded or cut, and whether the base metal is coated with flammable or toxic material (zinc, lead, paint, etc). Before No SHE-FSBEA.OS. Rey 1 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH d Page No.17 of 21 —_— g. Ultraviolet rays can decompose some chiorinated hydrocarbon degreasing agents like Trichloroethylene, even at a considerable distance from the arc, to form highly toxic substances such as phosgene. h, In confined spaces, welding and cutting jobs may lead to oxygen deficient environment by consuming oxygen or displacing oxygen by inert gas. i, Mechanical hazards: unguarded rotating parts, flying particles, high pressure water in hydrojet cutting, noise. j. Compressed gas hazards. k. Electric shock. 6. GENERAL GUIDELINES Following general guidelines shall be followed with regard to the fire fighting facilities: a. The fire fighting equipment shall not be used for any other purpose, except for fire fighting, b. No one should tamper with the seals, labels, operating instructions etc,, wherever provided on the equipment by the Fire Section, ¢. The boxes containing fire-fighting equipment shalt not be used for storing any other material. d. Access to the fire fighting equipment shall never be blocked by parking Vehicles, storing materials etc. e. Asset custodian shall arrange to check the fire equipment in the respective area periodically and log the condition (see Chapter-2 for details). f. Any abnormality in fire extinguishers (such as missing, empty, damaged etc.) shall be reported to the fire section immediately for rectification. In additions , following general safety guidelines shall be followed during welding , gas cutting activities: a. If the object cannot be moved and ali the fire hazards cannot be removed, Positive means shall be taken to confine the heat, spark, and slag to protect the unmovable fire hazard, from these. b. Two fire extinguishers shall be provided with each welding machine, one to be kept at the work and the other at the machine, Plant extinguishers shall not be used for this purpose, Reference No SHE: ESHIMA-OS- Rew PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH = . Degreasing operation and other works using chlorinated solvents shall be located away from welding work area. Protective coating other than weldable primers on metal shall be removed before start of welding or heating. d. Steps shall be taken to contain and/or quench the sparks. Welded components retain heat for a period of time after the job is completed. Such components shall be marked hot and kept cordoned off until sufficiently cooled to avoid burn injury or fire. e. Good housekeeping shall be maintained at work site. Used welding rods, etc shall be collected and not thrown around. Locating of machine and laying of cables should not obstruct regular activities. f. All cylinders shall be kept vertical and secured either in a cylinder trolley or floor support or lashed to a fixed support. Cylinders shall not be located in any enclosed space where welding or cutting job is taking place. Oxygen and acetylene cylinders shall be kept at least 15 ft. away from the blowtorch or any other source of ignition. g. Flash back arrestors and hose check valves shall be fitted to both oxygen and fue! gas regulators. fh. Spark lighters shall be used to light torches. Matches and smoldering rags shall not be used. i, The blowtorch when lighted shall not be placed on or near cylinders, regulators and hoses. Before changing the torch, shut-off the gas at the pressure reducing regulators (not by crimping the hose). j. When extinguishing the flame, shut-off the acetylene first by closing the torch contro! valve. Only exception to this Is when a backfire occurs in the mixing chamber where oxygen to be shut off first to stop burning internally. k, The blowtorch and hose, when not in use, shall not be left unattended in any confined space even for short period, €.9., lunch break. Torch shall be taken out or alternatively, oxygen and acetylene connections shall be disconnected from the cylinders located outside confined space. Closing of cylinder valves shall not be treated as disconnection. 1. Cylinder valve wrench should be left in place on the cylinder when in use. Hefoteace No SUE-SHMAOS: Rev ‘PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH Z. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION Any incident, e.g. injury, hazardous gas or liquid release, fire, explosion, oil pollution, etc., must be notified immediately to the ECCC by: Calling the ECCC Operator on Emergency Telephone no. 888. Or Actuating the Break Glass Fire Alarm, and subsequently calling on Emergency “Telephone no. 888, Or Using Radio (Emergency Channel), only in case when telephone is not readily available. The following information should be given when reporting an emergency incident: Location - be exact and precise as possible Nature - fire, gas release etc., as appropriate. Casualties (if any), - as far as can be readily determined Name of caller — employee no. job etc. Any other relevant, helpful, essential details, When reporting by radio begin the message with : “URGENT, URGENT, URGENT; this is an emergency message......” and then provide the information listed above. In addition, the following action should be taken by the observer(s): Alert the nearby personnel. If trained and confident, use the available first-aid fire fighting equipment, rescue or administer first aid as necessary without putting own life in danger; othenwise escape to a safe location. Brief the emergency response personnel about the incident on their arrival. Extend your help, if asked, otherwise leave the site. mas f Maw fp SHL Location Fire Reporting EcCC Reference NoSHE-FSHMALS. Roy PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH => 8. ROLE F FIRE WATCH ‘The Fire Watch assigned for an activity shall understand & carry out his duties which include but not limited to the following : 1. 2. 10. i. 12. 13. 14, 15. Understand the potential hazards at the site. Checks for open drains, sewers etc. Ensures that all combustible materials are removed from the area. Knows the First Aid Fire Fighting facilities available at site. ‘Communicates effectively with the personnel in the area. Continuously monitors and watches for fires in the exposed area. Remains within 8 meters radius of work area during the job. Does not leave the site unless relieved by another Fire Watch, Performs no other responsibilities that might interfere with his primary duty of Fire Watch. Checks & maintains assigned fire suppression equipment In the area. Knows the location & activation of the nearest fire alarm. Maintains the fire watch until the area is inspected & found OK by the asset custodian. Activates the fire alarm in case of any fire. Initiates fire suppression immediately with the available resources. Hand over the fire fighting activities to Fire Crew on their arrival, Refine No SHFESHIMAOS: Rev, 1 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH = 8. ROLE & FIRE WATCH The Fire Watch assigned for an activity shall understand & carry out his duties which include but not limited to the following 1. Understand the potential hazards at the site. 2. Checks for open drains, sewers etc. 3. Ensures that all combustible materials are removed from the area. 4. Knows the First Aid Fire Fighting facilities available at site. 5. Communicates effectively with the personnel in the area. 6, Continuously monitors and watches for fires in the exposed area. 7. Remains within 8 meters radius of work area during the job. 8. Does not leave the site unless relieved by another Fire Watch. 9. Performs no other responsibilities that might interfere with his primary duty of Fire Watch, 10. Checks & maintains assigned fire suppression equipment in the area. 11. Knows the location & activation of the nearest fire alarm. 12. Maintains the fire watch until the area is inspected & found OK by the asset custodian, 13. Activates the fire alarm in case of any fire. 14, Initiates fire suppression immediately with the avallable resources. 15. Hand over the fire fighting activities to Fire Crew on their arrival. Refstenge Ne SIFSHMALIS: Rest PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE WATCH

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