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Strength (STR): represents a Speed (SPD): the distance a character

Character Creation character’s physical power and fitness. can move within one Combat Round. All
Uses: Stabilize (Strength + Vitality) characters have a default Speed of 30ft.
1. Character Concept: Create a
concept that encompasses what you Vitality (VIT): a character’s ability to
envision your character to be. overcome physical influences. Uses: Skills
2. Background: Apply a background Constitution (Vitality + Strength),
as dictated by the setting, Fortitude (Vitality x2) Basic Skills: common Skills available to
adventure, or campaign. everyone and generally apply across all
3. Abilities: Assign die types to each
Attributes types of genres, settings, and campaigns.
Basic Skills do not require focused
4. Attributes: Calculate or assign training and can be used untrained.
Combat Actions (CA): how much a
character is capable of doing during a Specialty Skills: Basic Skills that
5. Skills: Purchase Skills up to the
single Combat Round. All characters require some type of focus. They are
desired die type.
have 3 Combat Actions. listed within the Basic Skills list,
6. Qualities: Choose Qualities.
denoted with an asterisk (*), and cannot
7. Equipment: Choose necessary Defense (DEF): a character’s natural
be taken as-is. Specialty Skills require
equipment. ability to avoid an attack. It serves as the
focused training and cannot be used
8. Talents: If creating a Weird target number of Unopposed Rolls
Character, choose Talents. during combat. Defense equals half the
9. Finishing Touches: Flesh out with character’s Dexterity die type, plus four. Skill Groups: Skills utilized for specific
additional characteristics such as [(Dexterity/2) + 4] reasons that pertain to a given setting,
age, name, homeland, height, and adventure, or campaign. There are three
Health (HLTH): a character’s mental
weight. Skill Groups: knowledge, lore, and
and physical wellbeing and how much
damage they can take during combat.
Abilities Health is equal to the character’s
Strength plus Vitality die types. Skill Rolls
Charisma (CHA): governs interaction [Strength + Vitality]
with other parties. Hero Points (HP): a type of currency Opposed Rolls: Skill Rolls actively
players can use to modify stories to opposed by another character. The
Dexterity (DEX): a measurement of
favor their characters, reroll character declaring the action is called
physical body movement, agility, and
unfavorable dice results, add a bonus to the Aggressor. The character opposing
a Skill Roll, move farther, or any number the action is called the Defender; the
Intelligence (INT): the ability to think, of possible bonuses. Each PC begins Defender must choose a Skill Roll that
remember, recall, and apply mental with 3 Hero Points that replenish at the can affect the Aggressor’s action. Each
knowledge. Uses: Common Knowledge beginning of each game session. character makes a Skill Roll. Whoever
(Intelligence x2) rolls the highest wins the Opposed Roll.
Initiative (INIT): how quickly a Ties go to the Aggressor as the Defender
Perception (PER): measures the use of character responds during combat, is establishing the Target Number to
the five senses along with being a establishing an order of turns during meet or exceed.
general understanding of the world each Combat Round. Initiative is equal
around the character. to the character’s Dexterity plus Unopposed Rolls: Skill Rolls not being
Perception plus Acrobatics die types. actively opposed by another character.
Psyche (PSY): reflects a character’s
[Dexterity + Perception + Acrobatics] They still carry some type of uncertainty
creativity, engineering, artistic forms of
or consequence for failure, but the
knowledge, morale, and strength of the Language (LANG): Each character is Target Number is based on a static
mind. Uses: Morale (Psyche + Spirit) fluent in their native language. number and difficulty.
Spirit (SPT): represents a character’s Characters do not need to roll to
interact with others who speak their Difficulty Modifiers: Modifiers added
subconscious, faith, and emotion. It’s
native language as they speak and after the Ability + Skill combination roll
used to gauge a person’s beliefs and the
understand each other. is made. The sum of those two dice
channeling of inner emotions.
modified with the difficulty level is the
final Skill Roll result.
Difficulty Modifier Auto Success die type for the chosen Ability + Skill Frighten (Spirit), Interrogate
Trivial +3 18 combination. (Charisma)
Routine +2 20 Investigation: searching through
Average 0 22 BASIC SKILLS physical objects, media, libraries, open
Challenging -2 24 Acrobatics: perform acrobatic spaces, or electronic interfaces to gather
Hard -4 26 maneuvers and make quick reactions information or clues and deciphering
Difficult -6 28 that require finesse and precision. Uses: the clues that have already been found.
Daunting -8 None Dodge (Dexterity), Jump (Dexterity) Uses: Crime Scene Investigation
Overwhelming -10 None (Perception), Forensics (Psyche),
Athletics: prowess in regards to
Success: A Skill Roll equal to or greater performing physical activities. Uses: Research (Intelligence)
than the Target Number. For Climb (Strength), Fight (Dexterity), Language*: knowledge of a language
Unopposed Rolls, the Target Number is Marathon (Vitality), Swim (Strength), other than a native one. Uses:
7; for Unopposed Combat Rolls, the Throw (Strength) Communicate (Intelligence), Translate
Target Number is equal to the target’s (Psyche)
Defense value; for Opposed Rolls, the Awareness: detect things, by using the
Target Number is equal to the five senses, or understand the world Mechanisms: bypass locks, traps, and
Defender’s Skill Roll. around them, by interpreting others’ security systems; fix common,
actions. Uses: Evade (Dexterity), Insight mechanical, or simple items. Uses:
Failure: A Skill Roll less than the Target (Psyche), Search (Perception) Bypass Security (Intelligence), Pick Lock
Number. (Intelligence), Repair-simple (Dexterity)
Crafting*: create common and
Skill Roll Modifiers: applied to the sum uncommon items associated with some Medicine: apply first aid and treat
of the Ability + Skill combination roll to type of art form or hand- damage and trauma. Uses: First Aid
determine if the Skill Roll result is equal crafting/forging. Uses: Appraise Armor (Intelligence), Surgery (Psyche)
to or greater than the Target Number. (Intelligence), Craft Sword (Psyche),
Demolition (Intelligence) Melee: use hand weapons for close
Critical Success: A Skill Roll equal to or combat. Uses: Melee Attack-large
greater than the Target Number where Deception: mislead others through (Strength), Melee Attack-small
both Ability + Skill combination dice roll lying, trickery, or illusions. Uses: Bluff (Dexterity), Parry-large (Strength),
the same number or the highest (Charisma), Disguise (Psyche), Taunt Parry-small (Dexterity)
possible number on both dice; gain a (Spirit)
single Hero Point to be spent Networking*: recall facts about or
immediately. Diplomacy: honest interaction between utilize persons within specific
parties. Uses: Command (Spirit), organizations or generalized groups.
Critical Failure: A Skill Roll less than Influence (Charisma), Negotiate Uses: Call in a Favor (Charisma),
the Target Number where both Ability + (Intelligence), Oratory (Psyche) Contact (Intelligence)
Skill combination dice roll the same
number; the GM gains a Hero Point to Firearms: use projectile weapons that Operating*: utilize different types of
use against that character or has have some type of bullet, superheated air, land, or sea vehicles. Uses: Astral
something detrimental happen. element, or explosive. Uses: Shoot-large Navigation (Intelligence), Fly
(Strength), Shoot-small (Dexterity), (Intelligence), Race (Intelligence),
Automatic Success: If the sum of the Suppressive Fire (Strength) Repair-vehicle (Dexterity), Seafaring
Ability + Skill combination die types is (Dexterity)
equal to or greater than this value, the Gaming: betting and organized game-
action is considered a Success without a play including cheating and detecting if Performing*: execute familiarity of the
Skill Roll being required. others are cheating. Uses: Compete performing arts. Uses: Ballet
(Vitality), Gamble (Psyche), Play (Dexterity), Concert (Psyche)
Untrained Skill Roll: A Skill Roll made (Intelligence)
with only the linked Ability and not the Ranged: use simple missile weapons
Skill. Husbandry: control and command such as bows, slingshots, and other non-
animals, perform general domestication, firearm weapons. Uses: Ranged Attack-
Cooperative Rolls: Choose an Ability + and ride mounted animals during tension (Strength), Ranged Attack-
Skill combination that relates to combat. Uses: Animal Handling trigger (Dexterity)
providing assistance and make a Skill (Intelligence), Domesticate (Psyche),
Roll with an Average difficulty. A Ride (Dexterity) Resist: persevere through external
Success provides a +2 bonus to the stimuli that cause fatigue or mental
other character’s subsequent Skill Roll. Intimidation: pressure others into stress. Uses: Persist (Vitality),
admitting something wrong, cracking Willpower (Psyche)
Group Rolls: Skill Rolls made for an under the pressure of the character,
entire group using the group’s average break someone’s will, etc. Uses:
Stealth: hide, move silently, and Politics: understand the various politics Electronics: the design and use of
perform acts without others noticing. involved in running the cities, what uncommon electronic devices. Uses:
Uses: Eavesdrop (Perception), Move people are in charge, what people are in Engineer (Psyche)
Silently (Dexterity), Sleight of Hand charge of, and how to manipulate the
Steampunk: the design and use of
(Dexterity) system to get what you want. Uses:
devices with steam serving as a power
Debate (Charisma)
Streetwise: speak with people for the source. Uses: Artifice (Psyche)
purpose of gathering information, Zoology: a branch of biology that deals
following leads, or locating an with indigenous animals, both living and
individual. Uses: Inquiry (Charisma), extinct. Uses: Taxonomy (Intelligence) Qualities
Locate (Intelligence)
Survival: stay alive by locating food, LORE SKILLS When applying a Quality, the following
Arcana: fundamental knowledge about rules are considered:
water, and shelter. Uses: Build Shelter
(Strength), Explore (Perception), Forage arcane energy and how it can be  Only one Quality can be used at a
(Intelligence), Hunt (Dexterity) weaved, pushed, or pulled to perform time.
extraordinary feats. Uses: Sorcery  During Combat, each Quality can
Tracking: follow anyone or anything (Intelligence) only be used once during a Combat
through any type of terrain or across
Demonology: the basic study of Round.
vast distances using visual or electronic
demons. Uses: Evoke (Psyche)  There is no limit to how many times
means. Uses: Chase (Vitality), Follow
a Quality can be used during the course
Footprints (Perception), Surveil Divination: the act of calling upon the of a gaming session.
(Intelligence) gods and goddesses to grant the power  During Combat, multiple Qualities
needed to perform extraordinary deeds. can be used during a Combat Round, but
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS Uses: Thaumaturgy (Spirit) only one can be used at a time.
Archaeology: the study of mortal  The chosen Quality must be
Occult: a form of archaic knowledge
activity by recovering and analyzing applicable to the situation.
deeply rooted in everything that
material left behind by a given culture.  The player should describe how or
encompasses the evil desires of occult
Uses: Excavation (Psyche) why the Quality is applicable; the GM
elders and zealots. Uses: Ritual (Psyche)
Astronomy: the study of the stars, can help out if needed.
Psychokinesis: a psionic discipline  If the Quality does not apply, no
including the sun, in relation to basic
where the wielder has control of the Hero Point is gained.
observation and movement. Uses:
physical world around them. Uses:
Observation (Perception)
Psionics (Psyche) Positive Qualities: considered
Biology: the study of life and living beneficial to the character. They provide
Shamanism: a spiritual discipline 1 Hero Point to be used immediately.
organisms including physical structure,
involving a type of religion that places Hero Points gained this way cannot be
chemical processes, development, and
importance on a multitude of spirits in a saved and are lost if not used
evolution. Uses: Physiology
deific fashion. Uses: Invoke (Spirit) immediately.
Chemistry: the study of elements and SCIENCE SKILLS Negative Qualities: considered a
compounds in regards to composition, Clockwork: the design and use of hindrance to the character. They
structure, properties, behavior, and how devices that use of gears and winding provide 1 Hero Point that can be used
they react to other elements and mechanisms to function as a power later. Hero Points gained this way can
compounds. Uses: Compounding source. Uses: Gearsmithing (Psyche) be saved for later, but only up to a
(Intelligence) maximum of 3 at any one time.
Computers: the advanced use of
History: as an academic subject is the computers, computer-aided technology, Neutral Qualities: can be a hindrance
collection, organization, presentation, and devices with some type of or a benefit to the character depending
and interpretation of past events. Uses: computer-like control mechanism. on the situation they are applied to.
Chronicle (Intelligence) Uses: Hack (Intelligence)
Toxicology: a multi-discipline science Cybernetics: the knowledge of the Hero Points
useful for identifying poisons, knowing mechanical and electrical components
what cures are available, understanding installed onto or into the character and Each PC and major NPC gets 3 Hero
the potency of a poison, and being able the understanding of how to utilize Points each gaming session to provide
to identify how to extract the anti- them. Uses: Neurology (Intelligence) them with an edge in many situations.
venom or serum to treat the poison. These base 3 Hero Points replenish each
Uses: Create Poison (Psyche)
gaming session and cannot be carried  Add +d6 to a Skill Roll. from the weapon’s normal rate of fire
over from one session to another.  Increase Initiative by +d6 for one bonus.
Earning Hero Points: done through the Combat Round. Nonlethal (NL): can only inflict
use of Qualities or as a reward from the  Reduce the number of Combat nonlethal damage that cannot penetrate
GM. Actions required by 1 CA to perform a any armor.
non-attack or non-defensive action
Spending Hero Points: the following is (such as readying or reloading a Parry +/-X: provides a bonus, or
considered: weapon). penalty, to parry actions using Melee.
 Each benefit costs 1 Hero Point.  Ignore all Wound Penalties for one Properties: special properties or
Combat Action. requirements of the equipment.
 More than 1 Hero Point may be
spent at any given time.  Decrease Fatigue by one level.
 Change a small piece of the Range: Effective Range of the weapon. A
 Advantages cannot be stacked to weapon’s maximum range is twice the
increase a bonus. storyline to favor the character.
effective range.
 The character must have enough
Hero Points to spend them; Hero Points
cannot be borrowed.
Equipment Traits Rate of Fire (ROF): number of shots
fired from the weapon with a single,
 Starting, stockpiled, and awarded standard attack. Add +2 to the Attack
2 Hands (2H): requires two hands to be Roll for each ROF above 1.
Hero Points can be combined with Hero utilized.
Points gained from positive Qualities. Reach: can reach targets farther away
 Starting, stockpiled, and awarded Armor: used to create the Armor Track. than standard melee weapons. The
Hero Points do not require justification Armor Penetration (PEN): does rating of the Reach is equal to the
to spend; only Hero Points acquired by additional damage to the Armor Track number of feet it extends.
using positive Qualities require which doesn’t carry over to the Health
justification. Requirements (REQ): has a minimum
Track. Strength (STR) or Dexterity (DEX)
 Hero Points can be spent to aid
another character during Cooperative Blast: has an explosive area-effect. The requirement to be used properly. Any
Rolls. rating of the Blast is equal to its radius character not meeting this requirement
 Hero Points can be spent to gain in feet. suffers a -2 penalty to his Attack Roll.
Automatic Success. Additionally, the character cannot
Bracing: cannot be fired properly benefit from any bonuses the weapon
 Hero Points can be spent to gain without some type of bracing.
Critical Success or avoid Critical Failure. provides.
 Hero Points can be spent to Combat Actions to Load (CAL): Semiautomatic (SA): can be used to
improve Group Rolls. requires two or more Combat Actions to rapidly fire up to two bullets, adding +2
 Positive Qualities with a leadership load the weapon. to the Attack Roll.
or teamwork component can be used to Cone: has an area-effect that can hit Shots: maximum number of shots a
give another character a Hero Point to multiple targets. The width at the far weapon is capable of holding.
be spent on that character’s next end is equal to half the length of the
Combat Action. cone and the point of origin is no more Single-Shot (SS): capable of firing one
 Hero Points affecting Skill Rolls can than 3ft wide. The rating of the Cone is or both barrels with a single shot. When
be spent before or after the dice are equal to its length in feet. selecting single-shot mode, the standard
rolled. two-barrel shot is reduced to a single-
 If a Hero Point is spent to affect a Cost: general value of a piece of barrel shot, losing the +2 to the attack
Skill Roll and the outcome is still equipment. roll.
unfavorable, one more Hero Point can Damage (DMG): the base amount of Spread: has a spreading shot like a cone
be spent to change the outcome. damage a weapon is capable of emitted from the barrel. Provides a +2
inflicting. to the Attack Roll and damage is
EXAMPLE BENEFITS Encumbrance (ENC): the effect of the dependent on the distance of the target:
 Add +2 to Damage. general weight and bulk of the +2 to damage at Close Range and -2 to
 Add +d4 to Damage. equipment. damage at Long Range.
 Roll Vitality and reduce damage
about to be taken by half the amount Fully Automatic (FA): can discharge Three-Round Burst (3RB): capable of
rolled. three times its rate of fire, expending three-round burst fire adding +4 to the
three times the normal rounds of attack roll.
 Add +1 to Defense for one Combat
Round. ammunition, resolved as three separate Type: type of weapon.
 Add +3 to a Skill Roll. Attack Rolls with each one benefiting
AREA EFFECT Armor Acquiring New Talents: acquire a new
The Aggressor defines where the Talent automatically when increasing
affected area of damage is and makes a the value of the Weird Skill.
Armor is used to create the Armor Track
single Attack Roll. If the Attack Roll is
less than a target’s Defense, the target is
with the following rules considered: USING TALENTS
unharmed by the attack. If the Attack  Each piece provides the listed A character may utilize one of his
Roll is greater than or equal to the Armor value to the location provided Talents as a standard action. Spend the
target’s Defense, the Defender is under Properties. applicable number of Weird Points to
allowed to spend a Combat Action to  Heavy armor imposes penalties to use it and making a standard Skill Roll
dodge the attack as an Opposed Roll. If Initiative and Speed. using the chosen Weird Ability + Weird
the target fails, he takes damage as  Each piece carries an Encumbrance Skill.
normal from the weapon. value that may have to be added per Success: the Talent goes off as normal
Explosive: weapons that explode on location. and the full Weird Points are expended.
impact or after a specific amount of time  Cost is provided as a cost for each
location covered by the armor. Critical Success: the Talent works as
can be caught or picked-up and thrown normal, but only one Weird Point is
away from the target. This requires a  Shields provide bonuses to Parry
and allow the character to parry ranged expended and gain a Hero Point.
Hard (-4) Dexterity + Athletics or
Acrobatics roll. Failure means the attacks. Failure: the Talent doesn’t work at all
explosion occurs in the person’s hand.  Some settings may allow for layered and one Weird Point is expended.
Success means he’s able to throw the armor with armor ratings that stack.
Although this is at the GM’s discretion, Critical Failure: the Talent doesn’t
explosive a number of feet equal to five work at all, the full Weird Points cost of
times his Dexterity die type in a chosen each layer must feasibly fit beneath or
atop the other layer adjacent to it. the Talent are expended, and the GM
direction. gains a Hero Point.
 Penalties for wearing multiple types
Fire: fire or weapons that emit fire have of armor only apply to the heaviest Maintaining Talents: expend one
a 50% chance of starting the target and armor worn. Weird Point at the beginning of the
its surrounding area on fire. If the target character’s first Initiative in each
is successfully hit with the Attack Roll,
there’s a 50% chance of starting on fire. Talents Combat Round to maintain the Talent.
If the target is missed with the Attack Manifestation: describes how a Talent
Roll, there’s a 50% chance that the area To create a Weird Character, choose the is created or utilized and what it looks
around it starts on fire. Weird Quality as one of your available like to those around the character.
Qualities. Players who are particularly good at
flavoring their Talents in unique ways
Encumbrance Weird Ability: Ability that governs the should be rewarded with a Hero Point
character’s Talent. to be spent immediately. This works the
Encumbrance is a generalization of how Weird Skill: Skill that governs the same as utilizing a positive Quality.
difficult equipment is to carry due to character’s Talent. It must be a Lore or Manipulation: make a Talent stronger
weight, size, or bulk. Science Skill cannot be used for non- or more effective by adjusting one or
 Encumbrance limit is 1.5x Strength. Talent actions, except for identifying a more of its traits and spending a
 ENC (-) is too small to measure Talent or tapping into esoteric cumulative number of Weird Points.
encumbrance. knowledge.
Magnitude: a general description of
 Up to 2x limit imposes a -4 penalty Critical Failures: demonstrate the size or capacity for a particular Talent.
to all physical activity Skill Rolls and dangers of using extraordinary or
Speed is reduced by 10ft, to a minimum supernatural abilities. Range: a measurement of how far the
of 5ft. Talent reaches.
 Up to 3x the limit imposes a -6 Weird Points: equal to 3x times the die
type of the Weird Ability. When a Duration: the number of Combat
penalty to all physical activity Skill Rolls Rounds the Talent lasts.
and Speed is reduced by 20ft, to a character increases his Weird Ability, he
minimum of 5ft. also increases his Weird Points. Using a Targets: the number of targets affected
Talent depletes this amount by the Talent.
 Up to 4x the limit means the
temporarily. They recover at a rate of 3
character can no longer perform
per hour, 6 when resting.
physical activities.
 Penalties are cumulative with Starting Talents: equal to half the
wearing heavy armor. Weird Skill’s die type.
TALENT TRAITS Targets (Cone): effect is in the shape of an applicable Ability + Skill depending
Difficulty: incurs the listed penalty to a Cone. Manipulating Targets allows for on the type of attack:
the Weird Ability + Weird Skill a larger size to the Cone whereas
 Melee attacks can be opposed by
Unopposed Roll. Targets 1 uses Cone 15, Targets 2 uses
Parry or Dodge.
Cone 20, Targets 3 uses Cone 25, etc.
Difficulty (Stature): difficulty is tied to  Unarmed attacks can be opposed by
the importance of the targeted being Unlisted Components: follows the Parry, Dodge, or Fight.
within their native plane. Manipulation Table, starting with each  Parry requires the Defender to
component at its lowest value. wield a suitable weapon or shield.
Duration (Instant): takes effect  Ranged attacks can be opposed by
immediately and vanishes after it
resolves. Combat 
Dodge or Evade.
Ranged attacks can be opposed by
Duration (Time): measured using the Parry if the Defender is wielding a
Combat Rounds: Combat is broken large enough shield.
listed unit of time instead of Combat
down into rounds; for simplicity, each
Rounds. Effective Range: gain no bonuses nor
round is six seconds long.
Magnitude (Opposed): only used to suffer any penalties.
Initiative: the order in which
overcome an opposing Talent. Close Range: half the Effective Range;
participants are allowed to act during
Magnitude (Rank): limited by the combat, from the highest value to the gain a +2 bonus to the Attack Roll.
character’s Rank. Novice @ Magnitude lowest. Long Range: twice the Effective Range;
4; Seasoned @ Magnitude 6; Veteran @ incur a -4 penalty to the Attack Roll.
Movement: move up to the character’s
Magnitude 8; Master @ Magnitude 10;
full Speed during a single Combat Round Beyond Long Range: beyond Long
Hero characters can use the Talent
divided up as desired across all Combat Range; automatic failure.
beyond Magnitude 10.
Magnitude (Size): controlled by
Magnitude starting at Size -3 for
Difficult Terrain: move at half Speed. COMBAT ACTIONS
Magnitude 1 and going up to Size 10 for Change Stance: use half Speed to Spending: choose which action to
change stance from standing to kneeling perform by spending the required
Magnitude 13.
or prone and vice versa. number of Combat Actions. Once that
Magnitude (Toughness): creates an action is resolved, play moves to the
object with a Toughness Rating equal to Impeded Movement: while on hands next Initiative. If anyone still has any
Magnitude starting at Toughness 1 for and knees at half Speed; prone at Combat Actions remaining once every
Magnitude 1 and Toughness 10 for quarter Speed; climbing and swimming participant has had a chance to perform
Magnitude 10. in non-moving water at half Speed; an action, the cycle repeats until all
swimming against the flow of moving available Combat Actions for all
Magnitude (Size & Toughness):
water at quarter Speed; moving with the available participants have been spent.
creates an object with a variable Size
flow of moving water at full Speed.
and Toughness Rating tied directly to Dual Weapons: wield two one-handed
Magnitude, starting at Size -3 and Attacking: make an Attack Roll, as the weapons and receive a bonus standard
Toughness 1 for Magnitude 1 and going Aggressor, using the applicable Ability + attack or parry Combat Action each
up to Size 10 and Toughness 10 for Skill for the weapon being used: Combat Round. Due to offhand use, this
Magnitude 22. bonus Combat Action suffers a -4
 Two-handed weapons use Strength
Maintained: can be Maintained.  One-handed weapons use Dexterity
Reactive: can be used to actively  Melee weapons use Melee Shields: wield a shield and receive a
 Guns and the like use Firearms bonus shield bash Combat Maneuver or
 Bows, crossbows, and slingshots parry Combat Action each Combat
Resistance: the Defender can make a use Ranged Round. Due to offhand use, this bonus
free Opposed Roll using the Ability +  Thrown weapons use Athletics Combat Action suffers a -4 penalty.
Skill combination listed in the trait.  Unarmed attacks use Athletics
Static Values: cannot be Manipulated.  Riding a mount while attacking uses EXAMPLE COMBAT ACTIONS
Husbandry Aim: gain +2 to your next standard
Targets (Blast): effect is in the shape of attack.
a Blast. Manipulating Targets alters the Defending: Unopposed against Defense
size of the explosion whereas Targets 1 value or spend a Combat Action to Called Shot: target a specific location.
uses Blast 5, Targets 2 uses Blast 10, actively defend the attack, as the
Charge (2CA): move up to twice your
Targets 3 uses Blast 15, etc. Defender, and make a Defend Roll using
Speed and end it with a standard attack,
gaining a +2 bonus to your Attack Roll COMBAT SITUATIONS penalty to the Attack Roll. Weapons
and +2 to damage. Blind Fighting: cannot see the with an area-effect ignore penalties for
opponent; Attack and Defend Rolls incur prone characters.
Combat Maneuver: non-attack
maneuver as an Opposed Roll. a -8 penalty. If aware of target’s Surprise: target makes an Opposed Roll
position, make a Hard (-4) Perception + to detect the surprise attack. If the roll
Engage: move up to your Speed and Awareness roll to find the opponent and fails, the Aggressor gains 1 Combat
make a close combat attack against the reduce to a -4 penalty. Action to be used before the first
Called Shots: special Combat Maneuver Combat Round and the Defender cannot
Full Automatic (2CA): choose one to that produces a desired outcome and actively defend it. If the Awareness roll
three adjacent targets within 5ft of cannot be actively defended against. The succeeds, the Aggressor gains 1 Combat
another chosen target. Each attack roll standard attack is always made against Action to be used before the first
must be made separately, regardless if the target’s Defense value and no Combat Round, but the Defender can
it’s aimed at the same target or an Defend Roll is allowed, but incurs a attempt to dodge, parry, or evade one
adjacent one. penalty based on the size of the target. attack.
Standard Attack: attack using your Helpless: completely unable to defend; Unarmed: use Athletics; damage is
primary weapon. attack results in an automatic Critical considered nonlethal. Unarmed attacks
Success. have a Damage rating of 1. When an
Use a Talent: Prepare, utilize, or
Aggressor is armed and the Defender is
maintain a Talent. Improvised Weapons: have a damage unarmed, the Aggressor gains a +2
Dodge: avoid an incoming melee or rating equal to relative size and bonus to his Attack Roll and the
ranged attack. integrity (1 for something small like a Defender can only dodge. If the
glass, 4 for something large like a chair) Defender becomes trapped and can no
Evade: jump out of the way of an and the wielder incurs a -4 penalty to longer dodge, they are considered
incoming ranged attack. Attack Rolls and parry maneuvers. helpless and the Attack Roll
Parry: parry a melee attack using an Inanimate Objects: objects that serve automatically succeeds with a Critical
appropriate weapon or shield. Success.
as obstacles or cover. When attacking
Change Stance: spend a Combat Action through an object, use its Toughness
to change stance. Rating as Health to determine when the
object falls apart. If the Aggressor’s
Defensive Stance: gain +4 to Defense damage exceeds the object’s Toughness
until your next Combat Action. Damage is assessed according to the
Rating, the remaining damage hits the
Aggressor’s weapon as indicated by its
Disengage: disengage from melee target behind the object, creating a hole
Damage entry in the weapon tables,
combat and move freely without in the object or possibly it falls apart.
reducing Armor first and then Health.
incurring an opportunity attack. Innocent Bystanders: missing a target Armor is tracked by the Armor Track
Retreat: move up to your Speed away due to any number of special conditions, and Health is tracked by the Health
from a target you are engaged in combat such as firing into a crowd of people. Track.
with and perform some other type of Roll a d6 and on a 1 or 6, the attack hits
Armor Track: equal to the character’s
Combat Action that costs 1CA. This is someone other than the intended target.
torso armor rating.
not considered a disengage action and is Mounted Combat: Attack Roll is a
subject to opportunity attacks. Health Track: equal to the character’s
measurement handling the mount and
maximum Health value.
Run (2CA): move up to twice your attack at the same time, using Dexterity
Speed. All attacks targeting you suffer a + Husbandry for animals and Dexterity
-4 penalty, and you may only dodge the + Operating for vehicles. APPLYING DAMAGE
1. Damage is first removed from the
attack, for the rest of that Combat Outnumbered: each Aggressor gains a target’s Armor Track. Once the
Round. +2 bonus to his Attack Roll. Armor Track is depleted, damage is
Sprint (3CA): move up to four times Prone: a melee attack against a prone removed from the target’s Health
your Speed. All attacks targeting you Defender gains a +2 bonus to the Attack Track.
suffer a -8 penalty, and you may not Roll. Making a ranged attack against a 2. When a character’s Health drops to
perform any other actions, including prone Defender greater than 30ft away half his maximum value, he’s
Opposed Rolls, for the rest of that incurs a -4 penalty to the Attack Roll. A Wounded and incurs a -2 Wound
Combat Round. prone Defender behind light or medium Penalty to all actions until healing
cover increases cover rating to heavy past that Wounded mark.
(75%); the Aggressor instead incurs a -6
3. When a character’s Health drops to Health number, magical healing always
25% of his maximum value, he’s starts at 0 before replenishing Health. Distress
Injured, incurs a -4 Wound Penalty
Medical Healing: comes from first aid Distress is a collection of penalty points
to all actions until healing past that
or surgery and uses the Medicine skill. It to be used against PCs only. Once the
Injured mark, and his Speed is
requires one Combat Action to perform PCs have been placed into a terrifying
and may be done once by each healer situation, the GM can access that pool
4. When a character’s Health drops to
within the first hour. and spend a point of Distress. Each
0, he’s Dying, can no longer perform
any actions until healing to at least Natural Healing: heal over time, unless point of Distress imposes a -1 penalty
1 Health, and may have to roll on Dying. This doesn’t require any Skill that can be spent on almost anything.
the injury table. Rolls although it does require the When a terrifying situation occurs, the
5. When a target’s Health drops to a character to sleep or avoid physical pool of Distress points becomes
negative number equal to half his activities. available as follows:
maximum value, he’s considered
Mechanical Repair: repair a 1. Distress points become available to
Dead and is removed from play or
mechanical device, solid object, or spend at the beginning of the next
must be immediately resuscitated
armored vehicle with some type of Combat Round.
and stabilized.
rating using Mechanisms, Operating 2. At the beginning of the first Combat
6. Nonlethal damage that brings the
with an appropriate specialty, or a Round, there are a number of
target’s Health to the Injured mark
Science Skill. Each successful roll Distress points equal to the number
is still considered Wounded and the
repairs the item by a number of points of players + the Fear Rating of the
target doesn’t suffer any additional
equal to half the chosen Skill’s die type. situation.
affects other than those from being
Wounded. Additionally, his Health 3. Adversaries with the Fear trait have
can never drop below 0 from
nonlethal damage and no rolls on
Edge a Fear Rating equal to the number
that comes after the word “Fear”,
the Injury Table are required. such as Fear 5.
Edge is a collection of bonus points for
7. The Armor Track is brought back to 4. Horrifying situations should be
PC-use only. Once the heroes have
its maximum value at the end of given a Fear Rating based on how
Gained the Advantage, they can access
each encounter. The Health Track they should affect the PCs.
that pool and spend a point of Edge.
must replenish through healing. 5. At the beginning of each
Each point of Edge is worth +1 and this
8. The end of an encounter is defined Subsequent Combat Round,
bonus can be spent on almost anything.
as the end of the very last Combat permanently remove 1 Distress
Round. When the PCs Gain the Advantage, the point from the available pool and
pool of Edge points becomes available refresh all remaining points from
Dying: incapacitated and can no longer as follows: the previous Combat Round.
participate in combat; make a Strength 6. Upon reaching 0 Distress points, the
+ Vitality roll each Combat Round. 1. Edge points become available to
PCs have overcome the terrifying
Success means the character is spend at the beginning of the next
situation and are no longer affected
stabilizing and doesn’t lose any further Combat Round.
by it.
Health that Combat Round. Failure 2. At the beginning of the first Combat
7. Distress points may be spent at any
means the character continues to bleed Round, there is 1 Edge point
time and are available to use
out, loses one Health, and must roll on available to spend.
against all player characters
the Injury Table. Critical Success means 3. At the beginning of each subsequent
participating in the encounter.
the character stabilizes and gains 1 Combat Round, permanently add an
8. When facing two or more sources of
Health. Critical Failure means the additional 1 Edge point to the
a Fear Rating, use the source with
character continues to bleed out, loses 2 available pool and refresh all points
the largest Fear Rating and add one
Health, and must roll on the Injury from the previous Combat Round.
additional Distress point per
Table. 4. Upon reaching a number of Edge
additional source when creating the
points equal to 3 + the number of
initial Distress point pool.
player characters, no more Edge
Healing points are added, but all Edge
continue to refresh. Fatigue
Magical Healing: works as is stated in 5. Edge points may be spent at any
the Talent’s entry, can be performed at time and are available to all player Fatigue comes from physical or mental
any time, and replenishes the characters participating in the stimuli that causes stress or drains the
character’s Health. If the character is encounter. body of the energy it needs to function.
Dying or has dropped to a negative Each time a character gains a level of
Fatigue, he moves along these levels, occurs, the character must make an spread unless the character takes
suffering penalties for it as follows: immediate Strength + Athletics roll to precautions to avoid the fire spreading.
avoid drowning with a difficulty based
1. Tired: All Skill Rolls suffer a -2 For every 5 minutes a character inhales
on the movement of the water and if
penalty. smoke, he must make a Vitality +
they have anything to aid them in
2. Drained: All Skill Rolls suffer a -4 Strength or Resist roll. Each failure
swimming. If this roll is failed, the
penalty. causes the character to gain one level of
character begins drowning and gains
3. Exhausted: All Skill Rolls suffer a -6 Fatigue. Upon becoming Unconscious,
two levels of Fatigue. If this roll
penalty. Additionally, speed is the character is considered to be Dying
succeeds, the character moves on and
halved. with his Health dropping to 0; he loses 1
gains one level of Fatigue.
4. Unconscious: The character drops additional Health for each six seconds
to the ground and falls into a deep The character may continue making he remains engulfed in smoke.
sleep for a number of hours equal to Strength + Athletics rolls to recover
24 minus their Vitality die type. from drowning, with each failure LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL
resulting in an additional level of The average human can walk at a
Fatigue. Upon becoming Unconscious,
Gameplay Situations the character is considered to be Dying
comfortable pace of 3 miles per hour.
Traveling at this rate prevents Fatigue
with his Health dropping to 0; he loses 1 and doesn’t require any rolls. Traveling
CHASE additional Health for each six seconds at a rate higher than this requires a
Each participant in the chase needs to he remains in the water. If he is saved or Vitality x2 roll once every hour to avoid
declare his method of movement. By recovers with a Successful roll, the gaining a level of Fatigue. Traveling at a
doing this, the Ability + Skill Fatigue remains and recovers as rate double this requires that same roll,
combination is defined that will be used normal. but with a -4 penalty for pushing the
during each Combat Round. Standard body so much.
Initiative rules apply and on each EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS
character’s Initiative, he either performs For every 15 minutes spent in an MORALE
a movement action or chooses some extreme environment, make a Vitality + Morale only applies to Minions with a
type of chase maneuver. Strength or Resist roll. Each failure leader or Allies partnered with a
causes the character to gain a level of particular PC. When that leader or PC
 On a Success, the character moves Fatigue. If the character is properly
at twice his Speed. falls in combat, by dropping to 0 Health,
prepared for the environment, no roll is all of his subordinates must make a
 On a Critical Success, he moves at necessary. If he is only partially
three times his Speed. Psyche + Spirit roll. Every subordinate
prepared, the roll must be made every that fails immediately flees combat by
 On a Failure, he moves an amount 60 minutes instead of every 15.
equal to his Speed. using a Combat Action to disengage, if
Characters can only recover Fatigue necessary, and then using all movement
 On a Critical Failure, something from environmental hazards once to get away from combat. This roll only
terrible happens, such as falling on the they’ve removed themselves from that needs to be made once when the leader
ground. environment. falls as those that succeed have enough
If a character decides to make a willpower to fight on.
maneuver of some type, the standard FALLING
Combat Maneuver mechanics apply and If a character falls onto a hard, flat PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION
the character rolls whatever Ability and surface, they take 2 damage for every A character should be capable of
Skill are applicable to the maneuver. 10ft they fall, ignoring armor. If the walking for a number of hours equal to
surface is soft, the damage is halved. If their Vitality die type without needing
DISEASE the surface is jagged, the damage is to rest. They could then be capable of
Diseases cause Fatigue according to doubled. If the character falls onto jogging for a number of hours equal to
how debilitating they are and can only snow, the damage is reduced by 1 for half their Vitality die type, and run for a
be cured through proper medicinal every foot of snow. number of hours equal to one-tenth
treatment or magical healing. Resisting their Vitality die type. (These are just
the contraction of a disease requires a FIRE examples.) When a character has
Vitality + Strength or Resist roll with a Characters incur 2 damage for coming reached their maximum physical
Target Number based on the disease. into contact with fire, ignoring armor. exertion point, she gains a level of
More intense fires increase this damage Fatigue. Continuing that act requires a
DROWNING based on their source. Additionally, Vitality x2 roll every 30 minutes to
Characters that fail a roll for swimming there is a 50% chance the fire will avoid gaining additional levels of
risk drowning. Once a Critical Failure Fatigue.
When coming into contact with a After being awake for 18 hours, the If a character goes more than 72 hours
poison, the character must make a character must make a Vitality x2 roll without food and water, he must make a
Vitality + Strength or Resist roll with a every six hours to continue functioning. Challenging (-2) Vitality x2 roll each day
Target Number based on the poison. Success results in the character gaining to fight off hunger and his body’s need
Curing a poison requires medical or one level of Fatigue. Failure results in for sustenance. This roll becomes
magical treatment and each poison the character gaining two levels of increasingly difficult each day, following
should be assessed separately and Fatigue. This Fatigue can only be the Difficulty Modifier chart from
appropriately. removed with restful sleep at a rate of Challenging to Overwhelming, with a
one level of Fatigue for each four hours single increase each day. Each failure
of sleep. Upon becoming Unconscious, causes the character to gain a level of
the character falls asleep for 2d4+4 Fatigue. Upon becoming Unconscious,
hours. the character is considered to be Dying
with his Health dropping to 0; he loses 1
additional Health for each eight hours
he’s deprived of the much-needed
sustenance. Each level of Fatigue
recovers at a rate of one level per 24
hours after receiving an appropriate
amount of food and water.

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