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1/23/23, 7:04 PM Course Registration

  Indian Institute of Technology Indore

  Course Registration Form

Year(Semester):   2023 (Spring)

Roll No.:    220003025 Name:    DHIRAWANI DHRUV DIPESH

Department/Center/School:    Mechanical Engineering Program:    B.Tech.

Specialization:    Mechanical Engineering  

Semester No.:    2
Academic Standing:   _

List of Courses:
CourseCode Course Name Credit
CH 103 Chemistry 3-1-0 4.0
CH 153 Chemistry Lab 0-0-3 1.5
CS 103 Computer Programming 2-0-0 2.0
HS 159 English Language and Communication 0-3-0 3.0
IC 151 Computer Programming Lab 0-0-3 1.5
IC 153 Engineering Graphics 1-0-3 2.5
MA 106(B) Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equation-I 3-1-0 4.0
NO 101 National Sports Organization (NSO) 0-0-0 0.0
NO 102 National Sports Organization (NSO) 0-0-0 0.0
PH 105 Physics-I 2-1-0 3.0
  Total 11-6-9 21.5

Signature of Student
(with date)

Signature of AO/DR (Academics)

(with date) 2/2

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