Circuit Malfunctions

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Circuit Malfunctions

Automotive electrical circuits are created and

redesigned every day. They may be of simple circuitry or
complex circuitry, these electrons path may seem simple switch
and easy to repair but at times is time consuming due to
the complexity and areas on which they are placed on fuse
the vehicle. Circuit conductors carry some form of
marking or colour coding so as to be identify easily by
the repair personnel.
Circuits do fail; it is the responsibility of the repair load load
personnel to identify the problem and quickly repair the
damaged circuit, with understanding the different types
of circuit and their specific characteristics, repairing the
circuit becomes easy.
+ -
Open circuit
An open circuit is a physical break anywhere in a circuit,
it can occur in wiring, at connections or even within a Short Circuit diagram
component. When an open circuit occurs there is no
longer any current flow either because it is unable to A short to ground
reach the load at all or cannot return through the This is a condition in which an unwanted path is created
ground path of the source. between the positive side of a circuit and the ground
e.g. blown fuse, broken wire, burnt out load. side, when this happen current flow around the
intended load. It is important to know that an electrical
current always flow through the path offering the least
in resistance. The resistance produces by a load limits
the amount of current flowing in a circuit. A short may
switch allow a very large current flow which will normally
open/ blow a fuse.
Open path

load load
fuse Unwanted

+ -
load load

Open circuit diagram

Short Circuit + -
A short occurs when damaged to wiring or a component
causes a circuit to find a new path back to the source. In
Automobiles shorts normally occur between the two Short to ground diagram
wires or between a wire or component and ground. A
short circuit causes power to find a new path back to
Excessive Resistance we have a voltage drop. There is a tiny voltage drop in
When there is excessive resistance in a wire or loads, the the switches and feed wire in the circuit so the load
loads try to draw the same current which in turn causes receives a fraction less than the full source voltage.
a higher than normal voltage drop. If resistance There is also a small voltage drop in the ground return
increases enough, the effect can be the same as an open circuit that also affects the actual voltage drop across
circuit, no current at all gets through the load. Normally, the load.
excessive resistance causes components in the circuit to
operate at reduced efficiency, i.e. lights are dim, electric
fan runs slower than normal speed. Single Wire circuits
The cause of this type of symptom is usually dirty or Automobile use single wire or earth return circuits. They
corroded contacts or terminals. Dirt or corrosion acts have a feed wire to each load but do away with the
like insulation between two parts or a circuit, another return wire back to the source. Instead, components are
common cause is a chaff or partly broken wire which connected individually or in groups to the chassis which
reduces the available cross sectional area through which acts as a big earth return conductor back to the battery.
current can flow. This chassis return part is known as your ground or
earth; it is connected by cables from the negative
terminal to the chassis on most vehicles.

switch connector From the previous handout we discussed atomic theory

and electrical current flow. However we need to add a
fuse few more important facts about electricity.
Electricity carries some characteristics, they are;
1. It has positive and negative charges.
Load working at
2. It’s invisible.
reduce efficiency 3. It can be control. (switches)
load load
due to corroded 4. It flows in a complete circuit.
connection 5. It can be stored.

+ -
As we have learned, electrons flow can be created by
many different energy forms, what we need to
understand also, electron flow can create these energies
The three major effects of electron/ current flow are:
Some common auto terminology 1. Heat.
2. Chemical.
Potential difference 3. Magnetism.
This is denoted by V, this is the voltage measured across
a conductor when current is flowing through it. Due to The heating effect is the basis of electrical components
the loss of pressure caused by resistance between the such as lights and heater plugs. The magnetic effect is
ends of the conductor, it is possible to measure this the basis of relays and motors and generators. The
difference of potential with a volt meter. chemical effect is the basis for electroplating and
battery charging.
Voltage Drop
When current passes through a load, a voltage is
applied to the positive side of the load/ component, but
it has to overcome a resistance to generate the required
current flow, because of the resistance of the
component it is design to provide just the number of
amps needed by the component. The voltage is being
used up as it pushes current across a resistance, hence
Factors affecting the resistance of
a conductor
In an insulator, a large voltage applied will produce a
very small electron movement. In a conductor, a small
voltage applied will produce a large electron flow or
current. The amount of resistance offered by the
conductor is determined by a number of factors.
 Length – the greater the length of a conductor
the greater is the resistance.
 Cross-sectional area (CSA) – the larger the
cross-sectional area the smaller the resistance.
 The material from which the conductor is made
– the resistance offered by a conductor will
vary according to the material from which it is
made. This is known as the resistivity or
specific resistance of the material.
 Temperature – most metals increase in
resistance as temperature increases.

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