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República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Ministerio del Poder Popular de Educación Superior.

Instituto Universitario de Tecnología y Administración Industrial.
Cátedra. Inglés.


Dennismar Camacho C.I. 30.938.183

Krisbel Chele C.I. 31.004.000

May 2nd, 2023

PARTE I.- Cambie las siguientes oraciones a voces pasivas:

1) The nurse must give the pill to the patient in the clinic.
 The pill must be given to the patient in the clinic by the nurse

2) The boys drink the milk in their houses.

 The milk is drunk in their houses by the boys.

3) The doctor bought the stethoscope in the store.

 The stethoscope was bought in the store by the doctor

4) The surgeon will make a surgery in the emergency room.

 A surgery will be made in the emergency room by the surgeon.
 In the emergency room will be made a surgery by the surgeon.

5) The waiter opened the door in the restaurant.

 The door in the restaurant was opened by the waiter.
 In the restaurant was opened the door by the waiter.

PARTE II.- Identifique las oraciones en voces activas/o pasivas y sus respectivos tiempos:

1) The students wrote her lesson on the notebook.

Voz Activa
Tiempo: pasado simple

2) The bus was driven to the hospital by the man.

Voz Pasiva
Tiempo: pasado simple
3) The patient will drink his medicine, now
Voz Activa
Tiempo: futuro simple

4) The surgery is made to the patient by the surgeon.

Voz Pasiva
Tiempo: presente simple

5) A new group may be organized by the nurses, today.

Voz pasiva

Tiempo: presente simple. (Verbo modal)

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