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156 Records of the Indian Museum. * [VOi<.

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C. Dactylus of last three legs simple or biunguicu-

late, 1 but without basal protuberance.
D. All three maxillipeds with exopods.
E. Inner lacinia of maxillula narrow ; free-liv-
ing or epizootic on coelenterates or echino-
F. Carpus of first leg not segmented.
G. Carapace not areolated ,• basal antennu-
lar segment normal in form ; abdominal
pleura usually rounded inferiorly. 2
H. Rostrum laterally compressed, with
conspicuous teeth.
J . Carapace not depressed [free-liv-
ing or associated with coelenterates
or echinoderms] Periclimenes, p.
J'. Carapace depressed, often very 134;
strongly [associated with corals] Harpilius, p. 226.
H'. Rostrum depressed and toothless
("associated with crinoids] ... Pontoniopsis, p.
G'. Carapace areolated ; basal antennular 239-
segment greatly attenuated anteriorly ;
third to fifth abdominal pleura sharply
pointed inferinrly [rostrum laterally com-
pressed, with dorsal teeth ; associated with
alcyonaria] Dasycaris, p. 240.
F. Carpus of first leg segmented [rostrum
laterally compressed, with teeth ; cara-
pace not areolated ; ? free-living] Thaumastocaris, p.
E'. Inner lacinia of maxillula very broad ; 244.
endozootic in lamellibranchs or ascidians.
F. Rostrum laterally compressed in distal
half, toothless or with small teeth at apex
only; dorsal spines of telson very small
[living in lamellibranchs] Anchistus, p. 247.
F'. Rostrum depressed, toothless; dorsal
spines of telson usually large [living in
lamellibranchs or ascidians] ... Pontonia, p. 259.
D'. Exopods absent from some or all maxillipeds.
E. Rostrum toothless ; carapace not sculptured,
without supra-orbital crest; no tooth on first
abdominal somite; free-living (?), or asro
ciated with gorgonians Pontonides, p. 266.
E'. Rostrum with teeth ; carapace deeply sculp-
tured, with supra-orbital crest on either
side armed with teeth ; a mid-dorsal tooth on
first abdominal somite; associated with red
coral ... Balssia, p. 267.
C'. Dactylus of last three legs simple or biunguicu-
late and with a large basal protuberance.
D. Rostrum very long ; carapace areolated, with
huge antennal and supraorbital spines and with
pterygostomian spine ; abdominal pleura sharp-
ly pointed inferiorly j~? free-living] Coutierea, p, 267.
D'. Rostrum little if at all longer than scale;
carapace not areolated, without supraorbital or
pterygostomian spines; antennal spine when
present short; abdominal pleura inferiorly

1 Biunguiculate in Peviclimenes s. str., in Thaumastocaris and in some spc-

cies of Anchistus and Pontonia.
2 The only exceptions are found in the genus Harpilius
3 Biunguiculate only in Conchodytes.

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