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1922.] S. KEMP : Notes on Crustacea Decapoda.

II 7

As in the two preceding species the mandibular palp is com-

posed of t w o segments, b u t it differs in t h a t the distal segment
is very much shorter than the proximal, This is perhaps merely
an abnormality and only one mandible was examined.
T h e single specimen is about 15 mm. in length. I n life it
was perfectly transparent except for a few small red chromato-
phores on the carpus and chela of the second legs.
P . lata is readily distinguished from related species b y the
broad apex and short terminal spine of the antennal scale and b y
the absence of the spine at the distal end of the merus of the
second peraeopods.
C 401/1. Port Blair, Andamans. S. Kemp, Feb., 1921. One, TYPE.

The specimen was found in a rock-pool at Aberdeen at low


Palaemonella tenuipes Dana.

1852. Palaemonella tenuipes, D a n a , U. S. Explor. Exped., Crust. I, p.
582, pi. xxxviii, figs. 3a-d.
1898. Palaemonella tridentata, Borradaile, Proc. Zool. Soc. London,
p. 1007, pi. lxiv, figs. 8a-c.
1899. Palaemonella tridentata, Nobili, Ann. Mus. civ. Genova (2)
X X , p. 235.
1906. Palaemonella tenuipes var. (ann. sp. ?_), Nobili, Ann. Set. nat.,
Zool. (9) I V , p. 70.
1917. Palaemonella tenuipes and tridentata, Borradaile, Trans. Linn.
Soc. (2) Zool. X V I I , pp. 323, 358.
1921. Palaemonella tenuipes, Tattersall, Journ. Linn. -Soc., Zool.
X X X I V , p. 383.
? 1921. Palaemonella tenuipes, Balss, K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl.
I , X I , no. 10, p. 14.
I h a v e examined a single example of this species obtained a t
Peros Banhos in the Chagos Archipelago. I t differs conspicuously
form all other species of the genus t h a t I have seen in the posses-
sion of a large subterminal spine on the upper and inner aspect
of the carpus of the second peraeopod in addition to one or
two small angular projections on the actual distal margin of the
segment. The subterminal spine is clearly shown in D a n a ' s
In determining the specimen in the collection I h a v e derived
much assistance from the notes which Tattersall has recently pub-
lished. I h a v e no doubt t h a t m y specimen is specifically iden-
tical with those that he examined and I accept his view t h a t t h e y
should be referred to D a n a ' s P . tenuipes. T h e identification pre-
supposes a considerable amount of error in D a n a ' s figures, b u t we
have ample evidence t h a t these are not to be trusted in the finer
detail now necessary for systematic work on the Macrura.
Tattersall remarks t h a t Borradaile's P. tridentata is closely
allied to P . tenuipes and is doubtfully distinct. I go further and
regard the former as a s y n o n y m of the latter.
The specimen examined was obtained b y Prof. Stanley
Gardiner's expedition and was determined b y Borradaile as P .

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