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Assessment and Feedback: Student Template

Student ID Number(s): 2533216

Programme: MSc International Business
Module: International Brand Management
Name of Tutor: Katharina Stolley, Dr Mike Molesworth
Assignment Title: Individual
Date and Time of Submission: 23/03/2023 and 10:30 am
Actual Word Count: 2010
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Choose a brand that takes a responsible approach and write a critical essay to analyse its branding strategy.
In doing so, apply models of strategic brand management (i.e., brand identity, portfolio, management, brand equity,
etc.) and evaluate how these models help you to explain their strategic approach. Are these models helpful to identify
the responsibility of the brand.


A well-known ice cream company, Ben & Jerry's is known for its inventive and distinctive flavours as well as its
dedication to social and environmental advocacy. Even though it is a Unilever subsidiary, the business is still
committed to its initial goal of producing delectable ice cream in an ethical and sustainable manner. “ B&J's is a
"double bottom line" business that aims to add value through its activities on both a social and a commercial level. ” (
Antony Page & Robert A. Katz, Freezing out Ben & Jerry, 2010 ). Customers who value openness and responsibility
have reacted favourably to the brand's advocacy on social and political issues. How the company has built a powerful
reflection element is addressed in the context below.

Brand Identity:

Fig4.1 Brand Identity Prism

Ben and Jerry's can ensure that all facets of its marketing and business processes are in line with its brand values and
demeanor and appeal to its target audience by implementing the brand prism model (Fig4.1) to its brand strategy. It
has developed a distinctive and identifiable brand identity that is mirrored in its packaging, which has bright and
wacky designs that perfectly depict the brand's irreverent and fun-loving nature. The company's logo, a famous
depiction of the brand's beliefs and demeanor, is also widely displayed on the packaging (Fig5.1). The company can
be distinguished from rivals. B&J's is frequently related to luxury, delight, and happiness because of the feelings they
evoke. Customers have grown to recognize and associate B&J's distinctive product titles and packaging, such as
"Americone Dream" and "Chunky Monkey," immediately. Given that packaging and product design can significantly
influence consumers' purchase choices, the physique aspect can be especially crucial for companies in the food and
beverage sector. The brand identification of Ben & Jerry's is in line with its beliefs and societal purpose, which
include addressing climate change and animal care, through its cartoonish product packaging and product design.
They can differentiate themselves as a morally conscious company and forge a stronger emotional bond with
customers thanks to this.

Image Source : Google

Fig5.1 B&J’s Ice Cream Flavour Pints

“ The Personality facet represents the way a brand would speak if it were to be a human being. Accordingly, human
characteristics are being chosen for defining this facet. The personality is the most relevant source of the style and
tone of an advertisement.” (Kapferer, 2012).

“ Consumer–brand relationship theories often build on the assumption that consumers ascribe human attributes to
brands (Rauschnabel & Ahuvia, 2014).” ( Rauschnabel, Philipp A et al, 2016 ). Since the company's principles and
communication style are essential elements of its corporate identification. Ben and Jerry's is renowned for its
dedication to social equity, environmental viability, and neighborhood involvement. The company's communication
strategies, such as its use of social media (Fig6.1) to interact with customers and support its social and environmental
efforts, are consistent with these principles. The company's use of humor and lighthearted wording in its
communication strategies can aid in developing a more approachable and familiar brand identity. Additionally, this
upholds their principles and distinguishes them from rivals, resulting in a more devoted customer base.

Image Source : Twitter

Fig6.1 Social Media Presence

“ Culture reflects what a brand stands for its causes, ideas, ideals and values. This facet is the most important facet of
the Brand Prism as it glues everything together long term but also helps customers connect to the brand.” (Kapferer,
2012). Its product selections and marketing initiatives represent its brand principles. “ Ben & Jerry's has built its
company around a concept it terms linked Prosperity.” ( How we do business, 2023 ). “ In support of humanitarian
issues like climate justice, refugee rights, and LGBTQ+ rights, the business has introduced a number of flavours.” (
Issues we care about, 2023 ). “ Ben & Jerry’s temporarily stopped serving patrons two scoops of the same flavour in
Australia. By restricting ice cream lovers` right to enjoy the flavours they desire, the brand shed light on larger culture
conversations about gay rights. Ice cream itself isn't explicitly linked to social or environmental causes, but through a
deep commitment to making an impact, coupled with innovative creative, it intertwines purpose into its brand identity.
B&J’s donated a percentage of proceeds from their special edition flavour (Fig7.1), Empower mint, to the NAACP,
who work to increase voter registration, especially in underrepresented communities. Demonstrating that special
edition products or services that support a social cause are excellent ways to inspire contributory consumption and
associate your brand with larger cultural movements.” ( Mainwaring. S, 2017).

“ Research by Mudambi (2002) showed that branding may not be important for all industrial purchases, but it can be
more than traditionally credited for.” ( Kumar, V., Christodoulopoulou and Angeliki, 2014 )

Consumers are more likely to have a favourable attitude toward and choose a brand over rivals when they associate it
with positive societal associations. The brand has cultivated societal associations with the ideals of authenticity and
community as a result of its past as a small, self-governance, and socially conscious business.

Image Source : Google

Fig7.1 Inclusion of social and political messages

in their ice cream flavors

“ The Relationship facet includes how the brand acts and relates to its customers and delivers services, based on its
culture. This facet within the identity is of utmost importance as a brand is built through and around strong
relationships.” (Kapferer, 2012). The brand’s fraternal aspect was able to forge an emotional bond with its customers
and cultivate a feeling of devotion and community by highlighting its societal values and dedication to bringing
pleasure. The company`s ‘‘Free Cone Day‘‘ event is a prime example of how it engages with its customers and builds
community around its brand. Free Cone Day (Fig9.1) is an annual event held by Ben & Jerry's to connect with
customers, give back to the community, and raise awareness for social and environmental causes.” ( Our seasonal
flavours from around the world, 2023 ). Ben and Jerry’s has partnered with various non profit organisation and use
their product offering to raise funds and awareness for important causes for instance “they teamed up with The
Advancement Project National Office, a multiracial civil rights group that collaborates with neighbourhood activists
on social justice problems. They thought that justice should apply to everyone, not just to rich and privileged white
people. "Justice ReMix'd," a novel flavour that promotes criminal justice reform, has been introduced.” ( Introducing
new justice remix'd limited batch!, 2020). Frequently, Ben & Jerry's releases limited-edition varieties that are only
offered for a brief time. These tastes are frequently associated with a particular occasion or holiday, such as
Nutcracker Sweet at Christmas or Sweddy Balls, which were influenced by the popular US program Saturday Night
Live. It frequently takes part in neighbourhood gatherings to promote its name and goods, such as culinary fairs and
farmers' markets. By emphasizing these relationships, Ben and Jerry's has been able to establish a strong and enduring
brand image that resonates with its target audience.

Image Source : Google

Fig8.1 Fair Trade Certified and Non GMO Ingredients

Image Source : Ben and Jerry’s website

Fig9.1 Free Cone Day Event

Because the company's principles and societal purpose resonate so powerfully with its consumers, B&J's has a strong
reflection aspect in its brand identification prism. Customers of B&J are socially aware, independent, and enthusiastic
about making a positive difference, and the company's dedication to using fair trade certified (Fig8.1), non-GMO (Fig
8.1), and locally obtained ingredients, as well as its support of social justice causes, aligns with their beliefs.
Customers can express themselves as socially and environmentally aware people by purchasing and consuming Ben &
Jerry's ice cream. As a result, the reflection aspect reinforces the brand's character and improves the brand's
relationship with its consumers.

Through its product packaging, through its packaging and marketing efforts, Ben & Jerry's has developed a distinct
self-image. Humorous marketing efforts, such as "If it's melted, it's ruined," (Fig 9.1) help to support the brand's image
as flippant and playful. Its socially responsible branding increases sincerity and trustworthiness among activists. This
has aided Ben and Jerry's in establishing a distinct brand personality and maintaining its industry supremacy.

Image Source : Google

Fig9.1 Marketing Campaign

Verbal and Visual identity:

What is required for a harmonious and consistent brand behaviour in terms of verbal and visual identity.

What would Ben and Jerry's sound like if they were a person?

Customers connect with Ben & Jerry's verbal identity because it is genuine, playful, and socially aware. They employ
advertising that highlights their dedication to social and environmental advocacy, as well as their use of premium
goods that uphold social responsibility. B&J's has profited from choosing the appropriate tone as a result, their
customers connect to the company favourably. The company develops a strong connection with its target market and
improves brand recognition. Ben & Jerry's doesn't back down from controversial topics and encourages others to do
the same. "If it's not fun, why do it?" is just a one of the straplines and "Peace, Love & Ice Cream" slogan that
highlight the brand's commitment to social activism, originality, and responsibility.

Image Source : Twitter

Fig10.1 Advocating for Justice and Strapline

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“ Bold hues, humorous drawings, and a distinctive logo with a cow and the business name in a distinctive font all
define Ben and Jerry's visual identity. Ben & Jerry's communication style is powerful and accessible with a feeling of
heritage and rebellion by fusing funky and structured font. Although their delivery is unusual and approachable, their
message is straightforward and professional. The company's dedication to these principles is reinforced by the
packaging, which frequently features statements about social justice and environmental sustainability. The brand has
two colour schemes: a cheerful and upbeat one that matches their company and a more sombre and thoughtful one that
adds nuance to the brand personality and promotes inquiry.” ( Anika Repole Wilson, 2023 ). The distinctive design
elements used by the brand creates a visual language help it stand out in the marketplace and reinforce its position as a
socially responsible and innovative brand.

Image Source : Anika Repole Wilson Article

Fig11.1 Colour Palettes

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Portfolio Management :

Fig12.1 Ben and Jerry's products running along the top and the Flavours

for each product specified below.

Ben & Jerry's is able to adapt to shifting market circumstances and customer preferences due to its wide range of
products and brands. As an illustration, a non-dairy and light ice cream product was released in reaction to the rising
demand for plant-based goods, health-conscious customers, and lactose intolerant individuals. The company can reach
more customers and accommodate a wider spectrum of tastes through diversification. There are two basic branding
strategies: one involves ‘stretching’ the brand in some way, the other ‘retrenching’.

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Brand Extension:

“ Many researchers argue that consumers positively evaluate brand extensions when they perceive similarity between
the parent brand category and the extension category (Aaker and Keller 1990; Boush and Loken 1991; Dawar 1996;
Herr, Farquhar, and Fazio 1996).” ( SPIGGLE, SUSAN, NGUYEN, HANG T and CARAVELLA, 2012 ). B&J has
been successful in developing a solid and devoted customer base by upholding a uniform message and image across
all alliances and product categories.

Image Source : Ben and Jerry’s Website

Fig13.1 Category Extension

Fig13.2 Co-Branding

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Ben & Jerry's is creating both an eco-friendly line of ice cream products geared toward a more affluent market and a
luxury brand of ice cream products. Through its responsible branding initiatives, Ben & Jerry's has been effective in
developing a unique brand identity. The business has created a powerful mirror element in its brand identity prism by
matching with its customers' values, which strengthens the brand's personality and enhances its connection with
customers. “An unsuccessful extension into a different product category is much less likely to negatively affect the
parent.” (Roedder John et al., 1998). Regarding the company's product and brand collection, it makes business sense
for the brand. Additionally, the introduction of non-dairy, low-calorie ice cream helps the company leverage its
current brand equity. Although a range of vegan ice cream products is a good strategy match and aligns with the
company's brand values, it might not be financially successful in the long run if the market demand is low. It emphasis
on ecology and social duty, however, distinguishes the brand and raises its standing among its target audience.

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1. Rosenbaum-Elliott, Richard/Percy, Larry/Pervan, Professor Simon. STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT

4E P. Available at :

2. Kapferer, J. N. (2008). The new strategic brand management: Creating and sustaining brand equity long term.
Kogan Page Publishers. (no date) Lund University Publications. Available at :

3. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (no date) Available at:
(Accessed: March 20, 2023).

4. Kapferer, J.N. (2012). The New Strategic Brand Management. London: Kogan Page. Available at :

5. Mainwaring, S. (2017) How ben & jerry's uses ice cream to shape cultural conversations, Medium.
Medium. Available at:
shape-cultural-conversations-d6a948456d4f (Accessed: March 22, 2023).

6. Introducing new justice remix'd limited batch! (2020) Ben & Jerry's.
Available at: (Accessed:
March 22, 2023).

7. Issues we care about (no date) Available at: (Accessed: March 22, 2023).

- 15 -
8. How we do business (no date) Available at: (Accessed: March 22, 2023).

9. Free cone day: From humble beginnings to a global celebration (no date) Available at:
2020/free-cone-day-history (Accessed: March 22, 2023).

10. Our seasonal flavours from around the world (no date) Available at:
(Accessed: March 22, 2023).

11. Brand study: Ben & jerry's (no date) Anika Repole Wilson. Available at:
ative. (Accessed: March 22, 2023).

12. Kumar, V., Christodoulopoulou and Angeliki (2014) “Sustainability and branding: An integrated
perspective,” Industrial marketing management, Vol.43 (1), pp. 6–15. Available at:

13. Rauschnabel, Philipp A et al. (2016) “Brand management in higher education: The University Brand
Personality Scale,” Journal of business research, Vol.69 (8, pp. 3077–3086. Available at:

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14. SPIGGLE, SUSAN, NGUYEN, HANG T and CARAVELLA (2012) “More Than Fit: Brand
Extension Authenticity,” Journal of marketing research, Vol.49 (6), pp. 967–983. Available at:

15. Antony Page & Robert A. Katz, Freezing out Ben & Jerry: Corporate Law and the Sale of a
Social Enterprise Icon, 35 VT. L. REV. 211 (2010). Available at :

16. Klingebiel, R. and Rammer, C. (2013) “Resource allocation strategy for innovation portfolio
management,” Strategic Management Journal, 35(2), pp. 246–268. Available at: Available at : https://birmingham-

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17. Sichtmann, Christina and Diamantopoulos, Adamantios (2013) “The impact of perceived brand
globalness, brand origin image, and brand origin–extension fit on brand extension success,” Journal
of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol.41 (5), pp. 567–585. Available at:

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